as etic. Toiletry and Fragrance Association, BURLINGTON 9-4 Christ Church Presbyterian atioriai'.Cosmetoiogy Association.sThird --~ Sunday Service. See Sunday 4th forrnore’ .V _ _ _ _ V -‘ ~ V _ esday oreach‘ month. iPIeasVe register in ‘ information. . V‘ V ‘ T ‘ V... r_.5mrV pasf M300” ‘ 1 ‘ V f V a°!Ya“°° by °a"'“9V_(3°2)555“2°°°4 T aumnorou —The’ House of LeMay - f-Turn ieft.jonroQarfiéid 'Rd;iGo.‘1;'.8 - 316th for.VmgVVreVinformation_Vv-V . . _ i VMgNV;“V’EL'FRS»— V‘;rrr(1i0ntsV:l:5ay7|\;1|;erf1's Chorus arag Binfgf. '53 a'r11aftterCr)1oonBoiffune;sRt‘i: Chili. see silo 0n,r' MT :11 "ht..ont0 Fadané’ V ‘ ' . ‘. ‘ " . L’ . V 9 93733 3- 99 3 "9 3}’ . 0" V0079 W59 0 9 3V 05 5 '59 "90 3 - g " ‘Q «U H9 ' - g."_ ’ . RU.“-AND ‘ LGBTQ'O’9—§“'Z‘_"9 Meet"39' A « information. Square from 4-8pm to benefit next year's Pride Rd. Foliow to and. Wm see Appiefireek Farm. new support group is forming in the greater » - - sign. Park on cement to left otbrown barn’ V 2- - Rm,and‘A,,ea for the Lesbién Gay Bisem, sr JOHNSBURY — Vermont CARES — °°'°b'8?'°"- Game? _a'e 3 f°’ $1 °' ‘3V'°' $5- " W/9'99“ '°°f- » C : i" " I ' Transaénder and questioning; Comrrxunity Toe Need” Exchange‘ See Wednesday 7th for gash bartantj Kevin S Wicked Moumam Hot‘ ' V . » '7. -' I‘. ' .. . ;‘ 3 . . V‘ * - ' ' I ' fgrmafion‘: ogs avma e‘ _l V _ . _; V VV . . .VV.arm of the group rate nurture the LGBT more in _ _ V « . it . ' . ‘ V- . c 1 ’ th t R ti dA sr JOHNSBURY —— v tCARES .— o I “*‘"°VER« "“ —Ame"aS '-35‘ 3““daY , 1 6 ' _, - .» _ Om,m'u-my m ggrea er ‘U an we ~ ermon - fa Supper or Brunch. FMI: Barb at staylongtalk- ~ V BURLINGTON —-—’ Outright VT?-— Friday Night -. . ’ ' _ .. ~ ~, 802~296-5893 (home) or V Group. See Friday 2nd for more information.V ' 603-252»O596 (cell). BURLINGTON ——'R1U.1 .2? 4-.-‘Sappbic , . V T Cinema. 7:30 PM. ‘Free Movies and snacks -V V ~— - and discussions. Come and enjoy movies you - , r _ won’t find at the local cinema in a sociai ‘set'- ' ‘ ARUNGTON “" A'°°h°“°5 A"°"Vm°“S '“ ting. Free snacks and iively discussions follow. . . _ ‘ _ 3 . G-ay' Lesbiar“ Bi5°x”a" T’?”59e”‘!°' M°°fi"g' info call Peggy ‘3t‘86,0'j7812_. 34 Elmwood Ave. V V _ See Monday 5th for more Information. emaiI; » V MONTPELIER -— Survivors of incest GRAN-r-HAM_ NH ;_ Ameuals Boorgcruh '7;.3g , _ . Anonymous «~.Meeting. See Monday 5th for PM, Grantham. NH, Ameiia‘s"Book Club ’ r V "W9 '"‘°"“a_"°“- ‘ meets to discussVWi|d i-Feartby’Suzann'e Rodriguez. F-‘Ml or directions: bev@Vbarney.orgV . V ~ V 27 603-863-2810. . . L . . V _ V or ~ . V T - _v j ” , ’ BENNINGTON--—The Turning Point Club- MONTREAL -5 Shoebox Theatre ‘ H°dW'9‘ ‘ ‘ Overeaters Anonymous. See Tuesday 6th for and t|_1eVAVngryVincVit. We have _bee_n askedsto more mformafiom r “L pencorm at Hawest " The Mont“! GL8? BRATTLEBORO AIDS Project of Southern V int’|. Theatre Festivai. 'lVOPM;.Just for.LaVughs‘ ; _ "““ Museum¥Studio 21.09 Bi)/Vd.‘St-Laurent ’ ' . " V°"“°“t "' SV”"9e E"°ha”9‘5 Metro-St-Laurent. Tickets: b0X01'fi09@‘.' _ . ' .. V . See Tuesday 6th for more information. viilagescenecom (514)526-9842. ' . ' V V . V V _ . .V V A BURLINGTON - R.U.—1.2? —- Calendar “ WV“W‘V"'a9e5°°"°'°°m' ‘ ' A I V r ' -. ' Stuffing. Last Tuesday of every month at 2:00 V ’V V. ,V ‘ V_ ‘ ’* V _ ‘ . PM. Come help us stuff our monthly calendar! . V « A .3 _- . There's always free food and great company, - ’ . . A _' - V_. : V . -e _ ‘ 5- «- plus the satisfaction of knowing you're making BURLiNGTON.~'-.~ Outright Sjaturd — « . V V. ._ acontribution to‘your community, 34 Eimwood = ]_”_*9'7¥ 39?'a'S«39e$? “*3 3'd;°”“ V . Ave. Tel.860-7812 email: Vi '"-f°f.mat‘°'.". - .. .. . _ .. V . V V .V . V» . BURLINGTON-~R.U.1.2’?~—-Proud&Sober.V T . V T .. . A See Tuesday 6th for more information.