calendar: septe To announce an event in our month] H Bndingt U V V mber, or write us at: POB 1122, Bur|ington>VT 05402 y calendar, e-mail it to ca|endar@mountainpride check out our web calendar at : dar_index.htm For more detailed, up-to-the-minute listings, www.mountainpridemedia.orgIca|en V Coon _ _ ac -.Mit§s..6n iR’£éf_"Eaét j are ihfvéavand regisfrafion “Qrg»or1_t;aH ACQRN at » sheets’ no .m.aitta 1: use weémer . _ mee£.nt¥ief“!esb%an;’gay,3hisexua{ V & i§9éstioni??§}Y0uth:39eS’22 andT'nnder!.'.Fof‘ ; _. 2:30PM;:At—-‘the $mnbwe,s£..MedicaIv, ‘mfg »inf+a_rma_zmn"csa1;:8oO;GLi3;c;HAT ci? 1 — , 1cbjeck~outi:ouf’§»Iebsité»,at: wwv¢.o§.1trightvLorg; BuRLINc;TbN.«——.~13,5 Pearl .-:_Womyn_’s , sdaya 1-.3-‘V6 \ L nno brfve suite-2. "F5 Vmorgi Benningkin.‘$p6nsotedby.1bé{Arne .. A, . Cancer’SQciety,.Cosrpa_tic,Tbiletry e. - Hospita,. réragrar-;c:As::vciat|9r:5;an<;.:\#.afi°”?“a.. t Penniataoz-748-9061; , “ G L, B_ _ T , A _V Ni ‘fl’:-cétchv-chicksvzwiuws itars at’135=Pear.| . °5m?° ‘°:§°.f.".A‘?‘?‘¥‘.’A“-2 . 93?9"°-9‘.$-9'-'“ V , - ‘ ~_»_, — “ ‘ » *' .‘8¥../e’Sb'arn;.= ,I.$e>s9ai«. I'an$9¢nd.ereMeetIn9~ ~ Ngghfi -135 p’;a,,.S, 8.30 pm . »_ advance-by.-can ~sp2;447..14o3_orao2_441— -‘ST; ~'9””53”R“ .V°'"“?°”‘» -‘°‘5E5~. A}: ‘‘?e ~iSee’:Monday;5th'for’ more infermation. - x _ .7 ', ~ - ,3587,_. M _, ‘ . Walk»InAno_nymous OArat.HiVTest_1ngvava}tab!e.. _ 1 V V c1135 .. . " ' ' “ ' every Wednesday 3~6prn1at-_\l_e1:mo,nt VS’; ' 1 ‘ S ‘ Other ‘Pear_|_.».=at-»-/‘ 9 7 , EB R. Utteg. ‘ " . BENNINGTGl4L—=A1doho{ics Anonymous V {:3 ea