frazm A more information; »_ . Fndayi . r e V ‘.DORSET'-_Dorset’Theatre Festival -The Lion in " V Winter.'Mon_d_ay 1st for rn_ore.informatior_1. ’_ A _ j V ; ‘ sourrr Veuaumerow — Barony ow xzerrricsrrté ‘ _ AdommentoVlAugus’Btu12-14; H fd g.l_n’ 1068 "lo. uild gs _ - 3 NH.‘-1j2:00’pm_t_o.1‘O;O0 prn; Out _ V Partner'_ship's FreeVPerformanoes e_P . pm. City Halt Park, Barre The‘; ‘ .Stafiine Rhythm Boys. Vennonfs favorite honky- V .tonk‘Voffer_-the final performance in The Barre Partnershi ‘s Free Performances in the Park ~ series. Cal 476-4605 for information‘. BURLINGTON -' Lyric Theatre '~.,Audrtions for: A Funny Thing Happened on the _Way to the _ Forum. See Monday 22nd for more information. HANOVER, NH — Uv~Rays Soccer. See Wednesday {am for more lrrfonnation. . ST JOHNSBURY - Vermont‘CARES -,VNeedle b Excéihange. See Wednesday 3rd for more infor- ‘ ma on. _ A . . ~ ‘ ST ..!C5HNSBURY - Vermont CARES - Oral HIV , _ Testrn W esq _,;3rc_i forimore infomna- V M Tuesday 2ndVfor more information. ERATTLEBORO .-Aros .VProjeot of Southern V Zverrrront - {Syringe Exchange Tuesday 2nd for more infomafiea1. so UNGTON - RU12? - Newsletterrstuftinv‘ ' _ ouréommunity oentergetoutt‘heVAr7’rrr;;ir/!'fli”|1‘Y.‘ Vmraiepnfiar. V _ V V 5 V. NGTON {out in the Moun_tains.- Stoffing V V ndjoirr uses we send the newest edition . bution sites and subscribers aroundlhe V V reg Any‘ time after m atour offices adt_-392 mwood Ave; (across ornthe Post Offiee}irr1 rngton. provided, so come on downtq ,_ V ‘ nesday 3rd-for m_c:'réejnforr‘rration.‘r - V . ,=JoHr44sr3oRv"- Vermont CARES — orézjoierrv‘ 1 estirr Seewednesday 3rd for more informa- ;Jor~r NSBORY .-A.\/verrnontVCARES 5 Needle ‘nge. See, Wednesday. 3rd for more infor~ V “WATERBURY- NOFA- vr REGJONAL V V POTLUCK at Greystone Gardens. rWaterbury.VT 6-8pm. Directions: From I-89:"TakeVexit 10 and head north on Rte 100. Go approx 4mi. Make right onto Guild Hill Rd. Follow to_ end: Make-left onto Maple St. Greystone Gardens isthe first _ piece on the left Y