_ vtvgsa@hotrnail.c_om orca'll‘_Rain _ i. D'oR_AsET.: oorsot'Thoaire Festive _ . tense of Being Eamest._:See' Thursday JAuiy' ‘ 7ST0WE*~ 3‘°We.T“€s?*é..§514*'.d¥ - : Mltchetlsali day'dafl0é;’l5a.iT$’ A3p‘m;4 '2a'ih'~out- the tent. Outside7so'u ‘ " ‘ ‘ .a ‘ pmw singer S0fi9w;r‘t‘t ‘ “ . Douglass, Nafha Astartsat 8pm -‘$‘i0.~.135Pea _ A-’8863»23A43I‘W\a:nAi.1:35pea ‘com V A satesman.Asee Thursday"JLflly'7. '_ 1 A _ . Aoonser - Dorset Theatre Festival -The V ‘V A A ‘ ’ . AA‘l3uAnLtr~tcroN — R§u.i.2'2.5.. Gay Guys -woricl Cinema.» 7:pm_. Complimentary snacks and dis- _ vcussionwith volunteer ARick'Jesany screeninggay . theriieti.lilmAs.trom aroundthe-world. 34.Eirnwood .A-AAV9a .—36U'731..2f-. ‘“9°°“‘3’@Wi’2-0'9: -JBURLKNGTON -r2r.oi;r’o and SoberAlcoholics . on the "/\dirondack". DJ, Cash'berT”r'A eshrrtents. Boat leavesking Street: Ferry. Doc $35 ($40 if;purchasedA@the hoe @ Fridaly.Ju|y 1. A _ A A .. wAlrsr~flELp -\/jarleyxlélayors 2 The tMysiery' of 3. ffidwi“ °’°°“~$96"fidayAJulr1-. .. «. . SURUNGTON - Mountain Pride Media. at A A R.U.1.2’? - Open House PRIDE Barbecue. Noon- 4:00pm. Come meet staff, friends, family, Ieam A how to volunteer, celebratevemtont Pride’Dayl R.U.1.2? Community Center, 34 Eimwood ' Avenue. For more infocail 860-7812 or write the- center@ru1_V2.org. A ' .. -"BURLINGTON - Outright Vermont — 2nd Annual . Drag Idol Contest. 7-9pm at BlA.lrlingtonA City Hall. Featuring all ages, local-drag talentirom around". Vermont. Ccniestan.ts'cAompete for a cash 'pn‘;e=& Aiocal famelperformance opportunities. Awww.oAut~' rightvtorg or call*802-A865-967A7.A Doors 0 ’ . ‘at 6:30pm and tickets are only $5. Pride‘s, _ 'Ni.Y‘A A ' substance-‘free all-ages evening event}; -A . A‘ A I BURLiNG_TON‘-135APeari»Pride=Eve’ A A AA . open,at‘noon. No'c'overAuntii‘8'pmA.- 3pm apm , art exhibitrglbtfilmsh‘ ‘ _',-gEbiAart:g:aliAe fotAmafnce=art hosted Abyl elly;Arbcrs:=dovllnst'a"irs P E‘. theatre space.t.DrsA;Uu;.A reciou.s;«antt.C.iaisJ.A tars’. ‘Toms. Poof£A‘dlag‘icabaret7@ BURLiNGTON Q watérr oni"rhéotre. . lm‘portar.ioe.of.BeirigAEernest. See. TiihrA,trs_ctaAyA»A7. ’ ll/RDDLEBURY - lvliddlebury cotlegé — l=or;éi' Fllm'Festival . 7 and 9:30 p.m'.“‘Facefof_ Jizof g _ A ~ (Chichi to Kuraseba). Japan, A2004ADirected;by _A " Kurokl‘Kazuo. in Japanese with English:subIitles. . A 99 minutes. Color. On the Aannlversaiy of A 2 T ' Hiroshima, the story of a young Japanese librari- an who survived the bombingln Dana. 5. A Auditorium. See Sat. July 2. ’ . .. ,sourcecenteAr.o_rg. ‘ ‘Z vv/A_urAsFlELD'--valloyA’l5lr§yer§ lrhéiuysiijaty or A. : .AE.ctwin. A . -. A A '. ioitifestterz A— Survivors or-lnoést'iirnohyrrioo's3 M¢¢i“9% seevontiav 4i?1’f°rA.fn°re.Aini°rr1aii°nAAA ' RUTLAND - Westside‘ story at the historic’ j BURLENGATON V» X/GSA A— Post~PRlDE Picnic; ‘On “ {the St. 'John"s‘AClub; Noon. Eats and A dl'l|'lkS,_ beach, volleyball ‘and horseshcAe_s.=A family, A .e‘vAent...Prlce:'$5.00 adults, $2150 childAreAn“under A ' he’lm;$‘¢rQ 1 A v __12.-Tickets availabiei at the gate. FMl=.eA-rfrlail ‘ A:_ jvlvgsa@hotrrtail.c'om or call _RandyA@863-3669. . Buntllvcron - Waterftont.Tlieatre — Death or-o: _ Salesman. -See Thursday ‘July 7. . A . . A ' BURLiNGTON.- C‘hrist‘Church‘Presbyterian ~ 7 Sunday Service. See Sunday, July 3. A . A AooRsEr~.oorsetArheotre Festival,4The ’ r lmportanceof Being Ea‘mést.~“See Thurs J_uly*7. GUILFORD ~ Gay Days - out In The Realm. With A Queen Elizabeth At The-ivermont Renaissance ‘ 0 Festival in Guilford, VT. 10:00 am to 5:00 pm www.OutlnThePari<.com/outintherealm. Be Seen, A Wear PURPLE! It's Official! Special Coupons! NORTHAMPTON, MA- The Men's Resource Center for Change - Schmoozefest Cookout. For GBQ men and other men who love men at the Westwcod Sheiter, Look Park. t2—4pm. Food & games ($5‘food ticket). Parking: $4/car; $10Ivehi- - . ole with 7 ‘or more. BYO beer! wine (no glass or F kegs alioweAd).Come socialize, eat, and play. (413) 253-9887 X10 or aamaboldi@mensre- Drood.’ASee Friday July,A1‘. . _ A Sinfthe Parkgi p..m..‘ .ct'gyjl-toll" Park. Allison Mann -- &-Colin Mccalfrey classic jazz lurleswlth original AI._numbers.*4‘(6-4605. . . .. 1 T - DORSET 4 Dorset Frheatrc. Festival!» ‘rite 1‘ importance of Being Eamest. See Thurs July A7} A .HANovl.=R.‘NH ~ uv Rays Soccer. See A ‘ .._WednesdaylJuly 6. __ . .. , sruoiinssunv - Vermont CARES — Needle . — ’ Exchangeand Oral HlV Testing. See Wed July 6. 111ursday 1 4 l?AaURLlNGTON - Old North End Community Dinner. 5:30pm. Free, open to all. at McClure Multigeneratlonal Center on North Winooski Avenue in Burlington, next to the Dairy Queen. For info call R.U.1.2?:_at 860-7812. BURLINGTON ~ R.U.1.2? - Coming Out/Being Out Support Group. 6:30 PM — Co—facilitaled by supportive peers and mentakhealth professionals , and open to all lesbian, gay, bisexual trans ender and questioning adults age 23 and up. 34 Im- wood Avenue. 860-7812 or thecenter@n.l12.org . ' BURLINGTON - n;u.1.2? -. Navigating the Net for A Users. 7-8:30PM - David Bohnett Cyber- Center Event.’ Learn ‘Browser choices, how to ' A search the‘webAand,_"1aflaQe’downloads; some .=Amuitimectia—’programs.—'34 EAlmwoodiAvenue. A860- =7812’or tfleC5.hter@i1j1’Z.drg.V . so is . Bias ‘.5.ee_.Ffidav"AJ.l1ly1A. NH 1'» AiDS 'Services.for‘ithe Monadnock A ,eer.le‘Komio, a joint venture between Lane Hotel and AIDS Services for the ‘Region. Alortg‘tlA1eA.lines of the popu¢ evision show, Last Comic Standing, over, six ecutive weeks - Ju|yf'14, 21, 28 and August .18; Each Thursday, individuals who want a ance to perionn SfaI'ld':Ul9 comedy can register ET Theatre 1-"Aesi_ivei 4’1‘rlc Woman ‘ ?foAr$1l)-. i?roc_eeds‘benefit AIDS Services for the ‘ Moriadnock Region.-503-35776855,. . A J Paramount Theatre. Directed by Rip Jackson and choreographed by Mitch Rosengarten. Accom- panied by a full professional orchestra with light- Tvingidesi n b Do%Star Studios of l-linesburg. ’ Tickets. 10- 25. " aol.jcojrnAoAr_for tickets. 775-0903. r=riday ts ip Jackson at arborcelt@ V contact Guy @272-2000. ‘ in Black. Asee‘.r=ririay.'.luly -1. . RUTLAND — Westside Story, Paramount Theatre. A See Thursday July 14. A ‘_ ‘A 16 ‘BURLINGTON ; Outright Vemiont — Saturday A ~ Night Socials. See Saturdayduly 2. . , BURLlNGTON.— Waterfrdnt Theatre - Death iii a Salesman. See Thursday July 7; A 1 - DORSET - Dorset Theatre Festival - The Woman in Black. See Friday 1. . MIDDLEBURY - Mldcllebury College - Film : Festival. 7 and 9:30 rpm. “Head-On" (Gegen die Wand) German fl” u ey, 2004. Directed by Fatih Akln. Gennan, ulkish and English with English subtitles. 121 min. Color. A marriage of conven- ience in Hamburg between two troubled Turks changes both their lives. Dana Auditorium See ' Sat. July 2. i MONTPELIER - Riverwalk Records» Bob Dfylan .Wanna—Be Contest. 7-9 pm. Prersgislrationl required. At Rlverwalk Records.& The Howard 0 BEAN Café, 30 State Street. Montpelier, VAT.,FMl: 802 223-3334 or info@rivcrwa|krecords.corn’. RUTLAND’- Westslde Story. See Thurs .lulyit4. Sunday BURLINGTON ~ VGSAA-‘ BlkevPath outing. The V : Burlington areahas lots of newbike paths, as . well as the old standby . Come e lore some of the new ones with us at 2:00 in. o be followed up with a crecmee of course. For meeting place, I’ . : BURLINGTON - Waterfront Theatre - Death «or a Salesman. See Thursday July 7. 1; l BURLINGTON . Christ Church Presbyterlvani-A‘ " Sunday Service. See Sunday July 3. DORSET - Dorset Theatre Festival - rhe.wt;>manA A in-Black. See Friday July 1. ' Monday 18 t?‘ BENNINGTON - Alcoholics Anonymous - Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Meeting. 7-. B:PM. At the Tumlng Point Club, 465 Main St., . Edwi STOWE - Stowe Theatre Guild- Nonsense! See A t ' Friday July 1. JCd. see‘ Friday July 1., $5.00 for children. Reservations are necessary. For reservations call: 802 728 7071 or e—mail to rwv‘vo|ff@innevi.com. Lesbians, Bisexual, nswgmen and R.U.1.2? has launched new pro- grams with a focus on women and on elders and wants to plan more activities ‘for women. The Lesbian Health Project was recently funded by the Vermont Women’s Fund and also by Samara. This project is affili- ated with the Mautner project in Washington D.C. which is coordinat- ing a coalition of lesbian health pro- Qrams and raising the visibility of les- bians dealing with breast cancer. The health project will be initiating an online women's health digest to inform readers about resources and research relevant to their health. We are looking for volunteers who would like to be involved with the lesbian health project. We will continue the work R.U.1.2? has been doing in training Health care providers to cul- tural competency for LGBTQ folks in this case with an emphasis on how women, including transwomen are treated by providers. The Sapphic Cinema series continues with a’ few gaps in the summer schedule due to vaca- tion and Fourth of July. We are also looking at events for single women. In the past R.U.1.2? had WomenNetP|ay and we would like to launch more programming that offers some play for our busy community. Are there women who'd like to par- ticipate in organized bike rides or sports? We would like to plan single women's socials if there is interest. Lets us know if you’re interested in attending and even better if you'd Tuesday July 5. Project of Southern ' I A. . - A Vermont-Syringe Exchange. See Tues. July 5. AWAlTSi:|ELD~ValleyPlayers-ThehllysteryofA. ’ -. ‘ “ A L” - I . . like to help organize some new and fun activities R.U.1.2? is also initiating the Queer Elders project. We are doing this in conjunction with UVM “Gerontology Studies and as part of a newly emerging national movement of LGBT elders programs now coor- dinated by the NGLTF. The old are going to be a new wave of the LGBT movement. Volunteers are highly encouraged to contact us at 860- 7812 if you want to do a group or join one. Providers of wellness serv- ices are invited to do workshop series at the Center or one off pre- sentations of their services. We con- tinually get requests for transition groups for women leaving relation- ship and are now signing up mem- bers to start those groups. Make it your community center. -..»‘.-_.‘..-—...--....---_-.. .rr..t....-.......r--s-..-..--_~..1.........-..-..-.. ..~.... ,BURl.iANGTON ~. Outright Vermont - Peer Social & Support Friday Night Group. See Friday July 1. ~ A BURLINGTON ‘- R.U.1.2? - Sapphic Cinema. A 7:30 PM. Free Movies and snacks and discus- sions for.ClUeer'and allied women.-34 Elmwood ' Avenue; .860-7812 or thecenter@ru12.org. _. Dolfsetzlheatre Festival _-"The Woman cailing All Theatrical Shirleys Theatre on a Shoestring is seeking an actress to play the title role in Willy Russell's one-woman come- dy "Shirley Valentine." The storyline: Our hero- ine is a rather ordinary middle- class English housewife. As 'she prepares chips and egg for dinner, she ruminates on her life, talking to the wall about such subjects as her husband, her children, her past and an attractive offer she has received from a girlfriend to go with her on holiday to Greece in search of romance and adventure. Well, her husband shuns the egg and chips, which is the straw that breaks the camel‘s back. Shirley goes to Greece, has an "adven— ture" with a Greek fisherman, and decides to stay in Greece. In the end, her husband is on his way to 442-9700. Open meeting. . MONTPELIER - Survivors of incest Anonymous - Meeting See Monday July 4. Tuesday 1 9 BRATTLEBORO -AlDS Project of southemé A A. Vermont - Syringe Exchange. See Tues. July. 5. try and retrieve her and she dreams of sitting at her table by the sea, saying to him: "Hello. I used to be the mother. I used; to be your wife. But now, I'm Shirley Valentine again. Would you like to join me for a drink?" ‘ A TOAS is seeking a strong actress aged 45-60, who can do and hold a British accent for two hours, has a flexible schedule, and willing to work hard. This show is being directed by TOAS member Jeffrey Garrant. All interested individuals should send a resume and picture by July 25 to Shirley, c/o TOAS, PO Box 1012, Burlington, VT 05402-1012 or email them to info@theatreshoe.com. The pro- ductlon team will review all sub- missions and will call potential ‘ Shirleys for an audition at a later date. V ._ -. .._ -. ._ V...-.... 4. ~- -.-r-;._— _..-....._..._..__..._- -___ __ _ ......-.__ ..,... _.‘.. ‘ +..\,