calendar: july To announce an event in our monthlycalendar, e-mail it to, For more detailed, up-to-the-minute listings, check out our web calendar at : www.mountainpridemedia.orgIcalendar_index.htm ,,...1;,.' or can. Rust I Pattee, 4 § The : ’ _ steer: Seeffiriday F 3 "wksrfsF[tELo.;\?a§§y-Eéfayers 1 ‘ — Edsizin’Drooct;,Sée’.Eriday July vERtAot¢r—;- . 91., community compass 1 26 Safespace Volunteers Needed We need 26 volunteers for a day! Save the date: July 16 from 10:00- 5:00pm! Help Safespace raise some easy money! Join SafeSpace~ volun- teers & staff at a company picnic for Lane Press at Oakledge Park, man- aged by TrueNorth Events. You will help Safespace raise over $1,000 for your help and in return you will receive a free t-shirt and lunch! Volunteers will help set-up, clean-up, and serve food outside. All are wel- come (volunteers must be over 15 years old). Contact connie@safe- or 802-863-0003. Pride: Show Your colors! The 2005 P.R.l.D.E. in Vermont Festivities are about to begin with barbeques, sunset cruises, drag per- formances and more, with all events leading off with the annual parade and Speakout! Parade formation begins at 10am at Edmunds Elementary and kicks off at 11:45. The Speakout will follow at City Hall, where vendors and community organizations will be available to peruse. A full list of events, times ' and forms is available on the web- site,, or please call 863-0003 for more infor- mation. Come all, show your colors! March For Freedom to Marry The Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force would love to have any inter- ested volunteers marching with us in the PRlDE parade on July 9. Our biggest contribution to PRlDE will be our presence, so please come to show your support and bring your friends! We will meet in the City Market parking lot in downtown Burlington at 10:30 amon Saturday, July 9. We've ordered new tee- shirts for the event, so please bring $15 to purchase a shirt if possible. Outright Needs Grownups Outright VT once again needs YOU! (whoo hoo!) We are currently recruit- ing adult volunteers for our facilitator and drop-in training coming up later this summer 8. for our Board of Directors. For volunteering with us, you need to be queer identified (LGB- TIQQ) and over the age of 23. (\Ne especially need male identified folks and people of color.) Requirements range from 4-10 hours monthly (mainly weekend evenings.) For Board Membership, please send a letter of intent & resume to We need folks who are not afraid to fundraise and to be a visible and outspoken advocate '1 or write us at: POB 1122, Burlington VT 05402 R e , , _ xchange—FreejeIvery igednesdav ar’venno.m:_cAat—:s :1-235' ‘ . lfirive-~Si for queer youth in Vermont. (No age requirements - youth wantedl) Make a difference in the life of a queer youth todayl Wsit our website today to find out more about Outright www.out- Also be sure to check out our annual Pride night event, Sat. July 9th, the 2nd annual Vermont Drag idol from 7-9pm at Burlington City Hall. Featuring all ages, local drag talent from around Vermont. This American Idol spoof event will produce Vermont's 2nd Drag Idol in as many years. This year contestants oom- pete for a cash prize & local fame/per- formance opportunities. To compete or for more infomation please visit or call 802-865- 9677. This event was hugely popular last year, so get there earty! Doors open at 6:30pm and tickets are only $5. Come to Pride's ONLY substance I‘'. * '. ' .’."‘.f ; Rutland) 1st Floor .775»5a84.‘.'; » - free and all ages evening event! This event is hosted by and supports Outright Vamont. R.U.1 .2? Barbeque Bob Wolff will host a Summer Indoor/Outdoor Fundraising Event to benefit R.U.1.2? Queer Community Center on Sunday, 7 August 2005, 3 pm until dark. Join friends and fami- ly, and meet new friends on Fish Hill, overlooking Braintree Mountain and the beautiful valley that embraces Randolph, at the geographic center of Vermont. Bob will serve filet of beef, summer green salad (an entire meal for those not eating meat), potato salads, Vermont cheese, fresh baked bread, desserts galore, beer, wine, soft drinks & iced herbal tea. Suggested donation to R.U.1.2? Queer Community Center: $25 - $50 for adults; >> . !té‘tWO-.T01i1éFteSfin9'=are " y a ointinent;-For more info.caI|. Penni