4._..._.—w~r.Y.,.,. ... . ..,. .3 The everse Boycott T he American Family Association, one of the country’s worst offenders when it comes to promoting hate and homophobia, has recently started a boycott of Kraft Foods over their support of the 2006 Gay Games in Chicago. In April, the AFA I ended their boycott against Proctor and Gamble over the Cincinnati—based P&G’s sup- port of the repeal of an anti—gay law in that city, claiming suc- cess after the company ended most of its advertising in the gay media. Truth be told, P&G’s advertising cycle ended, and they have promised that when it renews, they will con- tinue to advertise in the gay media. We shall see. The AFA is best described as SCARY. Any group that thinks rabid-conser- vative talk show host Bill effective. They have websites and petitions and everything. We should be scared. We should be really scared. They claim to have had 300,000 signatures on their petition to Proctor and Gamble. Can we say the same? This is a game of the loudest voice wins. For the most part, corporations are not guided by a moral compass. They’re driven by their bank accounts. If the Christian Right It’s time for all of us to put down our drinks, step away from the chat room, and fightfor our rights. O’Reilly is too lenient when it comes to the ‘homosexual agenda,’ would probably think the same of Hitler and Genghis Khan. So what are we doing to support Kraft? The lgbt community is sitting back and watching as religious—driven legislators run roughshod over our civil liber- ties. It’s only a handful of our community and their tireless efforts (like the HRC, and The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force) that have been putting up a fight. Enough is enough. It’s time for all of us to put down our drink, step away from the chat room, and fight . for our rights. The Christian Right are armed and dangerous. They’re organized. They’re can organize enough people against Kraft, they might pull their support of the Gay Games, or even worse, might not support events in the future. We need to show Kraft that their support of LGBT events is more worth- while than the thom in their side provided by organizations like the AFA that wish it was 1959. Here’s what you can do: As much as I would love to say that simply buying an extra bag of Double Stuff Oreos“ (which I personally adore) is showing your support, it’s not going to cut it. Not unless you stand in the middle of your gro- cery screaming ‘We’re here, we’re queer, we eat fatty foods!’ And that will get you thrown out. Trust me. First and foremost, sign the petition. Show your appreciation for Kraft and their support of the 2006 Gay ‘ Games. www.ipetitions.com/ campaigns/supportkraft. Second: call or write Kraft and let them know you appreciate them, and encourage their support of LGBT events like the 2006 Gay Games. Their toll-free number is 1-800- 323-0768. Third, write them a letter. Corporations put a great deal of stock in the written word. If you are willing to take the time, in this day and age, to send_ them a letter, you must be passionate. They also assume that each letter they receive represents a portion of the pop- ulace that didn’t write, but has the same opinion. You can reach Kraft at: Kraft Foods / CEO Roger K. Deromedi / 3 Lakes Dr. / Northfield, IL 60093. The same can be said of online contact. Visit www.kraftfoods.com and click on the “Ask Kraft” link. From there, at the bottom of the screen, click on “Contact Us”. This will provide you with a contact form to show your sup- port. It’s time for every member of our community — Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Bent, Omnisexual, Trisexual, or how- ever you identify yourself, to stand up and send a positive message_to corporations that support our community. Besides, if I lose my Double Stuffs, I’m gonna be pissed! Michael Bach is a Toronto- based writer weekly column appears in Nashville's Church Street Freedom Press and on GayWz'red.c0m. His website is www.michaelbach.c0m. IF YOU'VE NEVER BEEN TESTED, OR IF YOEFVE HAD {MPROTECTED SEX OR SHARED A N IT'S IIBITGT T0 ITIIIIW Ci YIIII Mil GET IIEMTII IBAIIE Mil! TREATMENT IE Yllll TEST PIISITWE. For information on HIV testing: - call toll-free from in Vermont 800-882-AIDS (800-882-2437)* - for hearing impaired TTY access 800-319-3141* ‘ OI visit us on-line at http://wwwliealthyvermonters.info * The Vermont AIDS Hotline is open weekdays, 8:30-4:30. (For information 24/7,ca11 the National AIDS Hotline 800-342-2437.) Take the TEST. Take GONTHOL VERMONT Dltélitériiéixiridt HEIAZLTI-I Yotrvs nan uupaoracten sax on semen A NEEDLE smcs: mun LAST TEST. NOW IS was TIME To am AN HIV TEST IF YOLWE maven was rmsrso on IF YOU‘VE mo UNPR or ‘V’! H1101 53109 W333" V ‘lawns uo xas aaioatoaann ave annex .-11 so ‘GELSEL Na’.-ta Hanan aA.noA all 'J.s:a.i. 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