oliticians and activists, family members, col- leagues, and friends mourned the death of Jean O’Leary last month. O’Leary, a former nun, facilitated the first White House meeting with gay and lesbian rights advocates in 1977, got recognition for and chaired the Democratic National Committee’s ‘LGBT Caucus, co-founded National Coming Out Day in 1988, and was a pioneering co-director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, among other achievements. O’Leary died of lung cancer at the home of her partner of 12 years, Lisa Phelps. She was 57. In a statement issued by the NGLTF, Matt Foreman listed some of the many tasks and concerns she took on: “She advocated for gay rights in .immigration and naturalization law, campaigned to repeal anti- sodomy statues, and advocated with the Federal Communica- tions Commission and the U.S. Civil Rights Commission. In all, her efforts helped make gay rights a national issue in the late l970s. Her commitments to feminism and anti-racism live on as core values of the Task Force.” O’Leary was born in Kingston, New York, educated in Catholic schools in Cleve- land, Ohio, and at age 18 entered the convent of the Sisters of the Holy Humility of Mary. She left after five years to pursue a graduate degree at Yeshiva University, where she became active in gay and les- in memoriam Jean O’Leary bian political groups, eventual- ly co-chairing with Bruce Voeller the group that became the NGLTF. Human Rights Campaign Director Joe Solmonese praised O’Leary’ for her work on National Coming Out Day. “As an early advocate and pioneer for equality Jean O’Leary was a true hero. By co-founding National Coming Out Day, she recognized the enormous power that visibility could have in the fight for equal rights for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender peo- ple. We are deeply saddened by her loss.” . Democratic Party offi- cials also paid tribute to O’Leary’s pragmatic and pio- neering role in the establish- ment of an lgbt caucus in the party. DNC Chairman Howard Dean said, “Jean O’Leary was an outstanding leader and a pio- neer of gay activism in the Democratic Party. As chair of the lgbt caucus and a member of the DNC executive commit- tee she was an outspoken advo- cate of equal rights for all Americans. Jean will_be sorely missed, but her spirit, her work, and herlegacy will long be remembered.” Current DNC LGBT Caucus Chair Jeff Soref like- wise honored O’Leary’s politi- cal legacy. “Jean broke new ground for lgbt people in the ' Democratic Party. She was a patient, supportive and deter- mined leader, as well as a per- sonal friend and mentor. With Jean’s leadership, a powerful LGBT Caucus emerged at the DNC. She succeeded in having the Caucus officially recog- V nized and gaining a seat on the DNC Executive Committee. She helped achieve more equal representation for LGBT people _ at all levels of party affairs, including the presidential nomi- nating convention, where our numbers more than doubled." Because of Jean's pioneering work, today LGBT people have prominent roles in the national partyand in states across the country. She leaves an historic legacy.” _ In 1983, O’Leary founded Women's Night, the first large star—studded gala fundraising event for lesbians. Early honorees included lesbian and feminist icons such as Gloria Steinem, Jane Fonda, Bella Abzug, Congresswoman ‘ Maxine Waters, author Lillian Faderman and writer/director Donna Dietch (Desert Hearts), according to the Women’s Night website. In 1992 Women's Night became an event of the Los Angeles Gay & Lesbian Center. In 2004, the center paid a special tribute .to O’Leary (see www.womensnight.com/ honorees_2004.htm). V Your Clguri Liiit Cietawaq p ‘FA/0 Villagesquare In the Heart of Ogunqult 0' Heated Pool & Spa 0 Continental Breakfast Ocean View Newly Renovated Rooms Two Village Square 14 Village Square Lane ' Ogunquit, ME 03907 :c:—.!.'~~.;<'~>.~;'-‘gs wwwtwovillagesquare.Com Nancy Ellen Judd, MA ' Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor COUNSEUNG AND PSYCHOTHERAPY $802 2863 . 2084 2 CHURCH STREET. BURLINGTON VT 05401 TEENS I ADULTS E INDIVIDUALS I COUPLES © PHOENIX RISING ’‘ spirited jewelry it gifts * gallery * 0Den 7days 34 state street monlpe|ier,vlO5602 802.229.0522