...,,.,,.,,r,,.,. . Marathon Experience What a wonderful‘ experience all around. I finished 2 min- utes better than my previous record, despite the hilly course. I would call the Vermont City Marathon the best marathon yet. " I really appreciate the fabulous article in Out in the Mountains — you all do such good work up there. I am thinking about subscribing to the newspaper. I did not get to meet up with Jenn [Baudreau, who wrote “Marathon Man” 0ITM’s June cover story about Ted’s run] while there, but we talked on the phone. I did how- ever get to meet with'Matt Mulligan at Vermont CARES. Matt gave me a personal tour of the clinic. I also met with Kate Jerman of Outright Vermont. We had such an incredible talk about all sorts of things. All of it made my run- ning the marathon so inspira- tional and very powerful. Even in the midst of cramping up at mile 20, I was able to work through it all by thinl.~,. '7 OH B6A\iTu=ui. Foe $l’ACt0US Sl