- Petrochko for afull-conference brochure: 802- . ' @7pm. Enjoya glass or two ofwinebefore head-I irig out to a local restaurant for dinner,—'FMl con-‘ tact Randy at 863-3669. , = r ’ . ‘ WASHINGTON DC - Zampalgn for America's Future - Take*‘Back America See Wednesday 1st Saturday 4 BENNINGTON - Turning Point Club - Come OUT. Camp OUT at Lake Shaftsbury. FMI call TPC 447-8007; 465 Main Street, Bennington. ‘ BURLlNGTON - The Firehouse Center for the ' Visual Arts - Open Studio. Clark Russell is Burlington City Arts and Firehouse Center for the Visual Arts’ fourth Artist-in-Residence. During this spring residency, Russell will apply oil-based paints in a variety of experimental fashions ‘to » metal panels, glass, wood, old topological maps, and other assorted paper. From some of these foundational paintings, the artist will pull mono- prints, thereby add layering and texture to the original surface. The Firehouse Center for the Visual Arts‘ Artist-in-Residence program aims to invigorate the dialogue between artists and_ the viewing public. The artist's space of creation . becomes a site for in-process observation and conversation. Saturdays, 12-5pm; June 4, 11,‘ 18, 25 & July 2. 135 Church Street, Burlington. (802) 865-7165 or www.Bur1ingtonCityArls.com. , MIDDLEBURY - The Vermont Adoption . Consortium - Workshop "Getting Started with , Adoption: Exploring the Many Ways to Adopt" on Saturday, June 4th in Middlebury, VT at The Middlebury Inn. This workshop has proven to be an essential educational tool for many prospec'- ' .tive- parents in various stages of their adoption ~ process. Rousing subject matter-from Dllferent Ways to Adopt to Making the Choice-is consid- , ered with ample Q & A time. Contact Kristi 223-4744 or kpetrochko@eastersealsvt.org. ‘ RUTLAND- Barony of Allvermont - Shooka Dookas, Lady Raychel Tension, Alexandra Chase . Along with the Barony of all VerrnontFor_ The 5 I ‘ SHOOKA DOOKADIVAS. June 4th, 2005; Door‘ ~. @,7pm; Show @ 8pm; Price: $5.00. at the door. . Rattles & Door Prize. Proceeds to benefit BROC‘ _ Shooka Dookas is located at: 7 Evelyn Street _ ‘ Rutland; Vermont. (802)-773-6969. Must be at " f least 21 years old to attend; For More information, Please Contact: Butterflied21@aol,corn. , STOWE — Stowe Theatre Guild — OPEN_AUDi- TIONS for The Stowe Theatre Guilds production : ofA_Day in Hollywood, ‘A Night in the Ukraine will _ 1‘-VERMONT-mihe’Lire.rnis.,__. Pride special is:“S.ettlng,the Ré_C‘o’rd.Strarght“ on : ’ r=riaay to 7 iesnnirsieton — Turning Point Club — Ga ‘Mondays in June from: 5:30-6:30pm will be a 1’ be held Stowe:iTown Hall Theatre oh "Main 1‘ Street in Stowe, on Saturday and Sunday. June 4 and 5,”from 9 ant. ’to_.‘l »p.m. bothdays. ’ ‘ Productiondates: Wednesdaythru Saturday. opening September‘21 - October 8". . www.stowetheatre.com or call 802-253-2528; ST. JOHNSBURY -AA (GLBT), 4pm. Kingdom Recovery Center, Summer Street. This is a closed‘ meeting of Alcohololcs Anonymous. FMI Call 802.751.8520 _ ‘ 0 Sunday 5 BURLINGTON - Christ Church Presbyterian - Sunday Service, Every Sunday from 9:30AM. CCP is a T'More Light" church. We welcome all persons. regardless of sexual orientation, into full participation in the life, membership, and leader- , ship of this church, and strive, as part of the Body of Christ, to reach out in ministry to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered people both within and outside of our congregationi Christ- Church Presbyterian (CCP) is located on UVM Redstone ’ Campus between the water tower and the » Catholic Center. _ BURLINGTON - VGSA - Volleyball @Christ the Ifing School, .136 Locust St. (upper Shelbume Rd.) 6-8pm. '$5lnight/members, $10/night/non- members: Save Money: VGSA membership only $20.00. Come for an evening of challenging ‘(yet low-key and fun!) volleyball. We have a great time, and welcome new players. FMI contact Guy @802 272-2000., - STOWE - Stowe Bike Path -_ Join VGSA mem- bers forva leisurely ride along the picturesque ‘ Stowe.Bike Path. The pathcurves along the river, by beautiful mountain vistas, and past typical Vermont farmland. Meet behind the church on Main St. @10:30am. Join us for lunch after at a _ local restaurant;’FMl cohtactGuy at 272-2000 or gviens@u32.org.. A 1 » -sriovve - StowefTheatre,Guild,-‘ open Auditions. -. ; See Saturday 4th for more inforrnation. * l ’ne;3ln»the‘ Life's 6 government propagarida.€ABC 20/20, and Postcards From Buster.“ rn. on Vermont Public Television.‘ I 1 if * - I i F aeunineton -» U_PV@TPC '- Family R r 3 465 Mairrstreet, Bennington. I IVIONTPEUER ~ The Vermont Gay Men's _ " Chorus, "A Vocal‘Minon'ty", will perfonn two con-' “iFar‘riily‘,'.BBQv@“TP‘C. r=5irlm‘one information, c.’-‘an W TPC 447-8007; 465 Main Street, Bennington. tuesday 7 BENNINGTON - The Tuming Point Club —. Overeaters Anonymous. For more information, go to: vvww.oa.org ...Or come and check out the meeting for yourself Tuesday nights from 6:30-7:30 pm at the Turning Point Club, 465 ' Main Street, Bennington, VT. 442-9700 BRATTLEBORO - AIDS Project of Southern Vermont - Syringe Exchange - 6:00-9:00 PM. At the Brattleboro Drop-In Center, 60 South Main Street. Anonymous. 802-254-8263. -Wednesday 8 BURLINGTON - The Women's Rape Crisis Center will offer an orientation for those interested ._ in volunteering on Wednesday, June 8th, from ‘ 6:00pm-8:00pm at the Women's Rape Crisis « Center. The Women’s Rape Crisis Center is cur- rently seeking volunteers to serve on our 24-hour hotline and to assist with community education. We desperately need the support of generous _ ,volunteers from our community. as we have seen a dramatic increase in call to our hotline and have lost many volunteers for the summer. To ‘ find out more about volunteering or to register for an orientation, call 864-0555. . HANOVER, NH - UV Rays Soccer - See ‘Wednesday 1st for more information. ST JOHNSBURY - Vermont CARES - Oral HIV 1 Testing I Needle Exchange - See Weds 1st lThursdaV 9 ‘ BENMNGTON ~ Turning Point Club -After Work Bike Ride. See Thursday 2nd , . BURLENGT ON ~:Women‘s Rape Crisis Center - , Orientation. See Thursday 2nd ' ._ . Y - ” BINGO, 7pm. Gay BINGO at TPC. 447-8007; certs in June. This is the Chorus’ 7th year togeth- er! Friday June 10 at 8:00 PM at the Unitarian Universallst church on main street in Montpelier, VT. Saturday June 11 at 7:30 PM at the Congregational church on Hill street in DanvllIe,. VT. Under the music Direction of the Northeast Kin dom‘s Mark Violette, "A Vocal Minority“ will , rm classic songs, humor and end with a compilation of music from the Broadway musical , "Hairspray". Hairspray will be accompanied by some of Mark's present and former music stu- dents. Trckets will be by suggested donation at the door the night of the concert with dessert reception to follow. FMI contact Rob Larabee or Yves Morrissette at 802-633-3605 orby emailing robnyves@hotrhail.com. THETFORD - Ame|ia's Book Club - 7 PM, Thetford, VT. Amelia‘s Book Club discusses One Degree of Separation by Karin Kallmaker. FMI or directions: Sarah & Nancy 802-785-2612. Saturday 1 1 BURLINGTON - The Firehouse Center for the Visual Arts - Open Studio. See Saturday 4th BURLINGTON AREA - VGSA - Game Night VGSA members gather for an evening of board games, card games and fun. 7:30pm. Bring along a board game or any other games to play. Also bring your beverage of choice and a snack to share. FMI contactAJ @802 899-3990. . DANVILLE - Vermont Gay Men's Chorus - A Vocal Minority. See Friday 10th JEFFERSONVILLE - VGSA - Canoe/Kayak ' ‘ Down the Lamollle River: VGSA members will take a scenic paddle down the Lamollle River _. from Willow Crossing to Jeffersonville. It's gentle water and should take 3-4 hours. Bring a lunch and beverage of choice and we'll stop along the V; way. I have a few extra canoes so if you don't . have one be sure to call and reserve a seat. We'll meet at the State Access Area on Route 108, " 1/10 mile north of the Jet. of Route 15 & 108 in Jeffersonville at 10:00 AM. FM|:or to reserve a . seat in a canoe call Greg at 644-2522. : " KINGSLAND BAY STATE PARK - Vermont CARES - Champ Ride a 12, 25, 50, 70 or 100 _ mile bike ride to benefit Vermont CARES will be i; held on‘ June 11, 2005 at Kingsland Bay State *« . Park with a celebratory catered picnic from 6pm. For information call 1-800-649-2437. ._i_ POWNAL - Chrysalis Community will hold its 4th Annual Candlelight Vigil to celebrate life, bless V Champ Riders Welcome to Champ Ride 2005! This is a spectacular ride with a great route and great views all in support of Vermont CARES. Call all your friends & family, ride by yourself or form a team! Champ Ride is on Saturday, June 11, at Kingsland Bay State Park, with a catered picnic from 12pm-6pm. Don't forget your camera! Through JustGlving.com you can create your own fundrais- ing webpage at www.justgiving. com/ChampRIde. Upon registering for Champ Ride, you will receive a ’ 15% discount coupon to the SKIRACK in Burlington, good for bicycling apparel and accessories! Contact me directly at matt@vtcares.org or 800-649-2437 with any questions. Join us for a great ride that makes a difference. “Be a Champ — Do the Ride!” Show Your Colors for Pride! Here comes the 2005 P.Ft.I.D.E. in- Vermont Celebration! In response to community input and feedback, we've made the celebrations in Burlington this year more colorful and visible by moving up to down- town! On July 9, come show your colors in the March and Speakout, and enjoy all that Vermont has to offer with information tables and the *NEW* Community Garden, which will bring together all cor- ners of our wonderful, proud state! How will you participate: in a speak—out; do you intend to “float” around Burlington that day; and above all, what colors will you show for Pride? We are looking for volunteers to make this year's event a success! For information on volunteering, table space, or our *NEW* Community Garden, please check out our website at www.pridevermont.org. We're looking forward to seeing you there! Queer Outdoor Games The Upper Valley Men's Project, based out of West Lebanon, NH serves the community of gay, bisexual, transgendered, question- ing, closeted, and curious men in the Upper Valley. We are hosting a Queer Outdoor Games Day June 4 in the White River Junction area. -This event is open to all members of the LGBTQCC com- munity as well as friends, family, and allies. There will be soccer and softball games, a purse toss, a drag race (this ain't NASCAR!), and much more. There will even be board games! There will be BBQ-style food served. This is a FREE event, - though if you can afford it, we ask for a $7 donation. Festivities start at 10 a.m. For more information (including directions), go to our webpage: www.uvmp.net or please Contact Tin Barton-Caplln - at jcbc@dartmouth.edu or via 603.298.9977. We hope to see people fromall over Vermont and New Hampshire. Note: This is a family friendly event — kids are welcome and alcohol is prohibited. This event has no rain date and will be cancelled in the instance of major rainstorms or possible lightning (this will be posted online or on our answering machine). LG BTQCC Support Group The Upper Valley Men's Group (UVMP) has changed the focus of its support group that was previ- ously for closeted men or those men who had recently come out. The new lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, questioning, clos- eted, and curious support group is open to ALL members of the com- munity who may need a safe space to talk. So whether you’re a man or a woman, still closeted or been out for 20 years, our door is open! The group is currently facili- tated by Tin Barton-Caplin and by Kylie Fauth. The next support group is on June 6 (Monday) @ 6 p.m. at the UVMP site. Sessions start promptly, so please plan to arrive a few minutes early. Please go to our website for directions: www.uvmp.net or email Tin at jcbc@dartmouth.edu or call 603.298.9977. V ’