The Amelia Earhart Underground Flying Society Celebrates 25 Years of Lesbian Community with a huge party inciuding Food, Presentations, Awards, Dancing June 25 in Hanover, NH _ To learn more, check out htt;3:!Iwww.barney.orgl25anniv!home.html orwrite PO Box 746, Lebanon, NH 03766 _ AmeIia’s wishes to thank The Samara Foundation and V The Vermont Unity Proiect ¥or making this celebration possible. Hanlwick Chiropractic Montpelier Chiropraclic lyl School Circle 58 Sale 51: eel Fail Haillwltf-Q ‘ll @3836 llklrslptlicf. ‘ll (}£=l‘r(.i2 lllli 412 807-7?3-736? wmlrgivea mum.-I vmw,t1giwxmnni.ael Gentle, Effective Health Care Dr. Grace Johnstone Dr. Rick Eschholz /f\zvf\ 6 90 Main Saree: 53.0. Box 675 BLAC Kwoog Burlmgton, VT 05402 '-~*-————- 802-863-2517 8: DAN ON, PC fax: 302-863-8262" ——altarneys-‘--—- Providing legal services addressing issues impodant lo LGBTIQA and farrlifiss — adoptions, wills, estate planning, employment and education issues, civil rights. personal and small business matters. BI..0MINl - A Group Shop - I Bob Camera & Gary Taylor , . Route 12 Fitzwilliam, New Hampshire (603) 585-6688 Open Daily from 10 AM. — 5 RM. Joseph Kress, M.A. Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor Individual and Couples Counseling Adults and Adolescents 802534-6301 95 Main Street, Suite 203, Newport, VT OUT in the MOUNTAINS V out in the mountains archive V Vi expanded source listings V V shopping affiliate program V I I I I | _ I and more! I . : I-