llarclwick Chiropractic . - x. - ralf, Gentle, Efi‘ect1ve.l Health Care _Dr. Grace Johnstone Dr. Rick Eschholz M 6 so Main Street . PO. Box 875 Burlington, VT 05402 802-883-2517 & DANON, PC fax: aozases-0252 attorneys -—— info@blackwoodlaw.org Providing legal services addressing issues impatient to LGBTIQA individuals and families 5 adoptions, wills, estate planning, employment and education issues, civil rights. personal injuries, and small business matters. Rcnovatirms, Disai_ziliEy;\'Iodifica£iorJs April Vxllemaire, Owner 101, West Milton Road #65 Milton, VT 05468 802. 310. 7579 Aprilshomerepai£@aol.com 27 Years Experience Fully Insured Conley Conn try FROM THE CONNECTICUT RIVER V TO THE CANADIAN BORDER A A‘ REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 5 ‘£79 Main Street 1‘ Derby Vermont 05829 _ phone (802) 766-240i * 300-2430401 fax 755.4731 9.: g.mgii—nxickféirgalostatovennontcom . Log onto Susan McKenzie MS. ‘ Jungian Psychoanalyst Licensed Psychologist +— Master -4 Specializing in issues of Gay Lesbian, Bi-sexual and Transgendered individuals and couples Quechee — White River Junction (802) 295-5533 insurance Accepted HIV/AIDS PROGRAM info To learn more about: - HIV testing - Benefits of knowing ' your HEV status - Treatment, support and counseling options Call Vermont AIDS Hotline: 1-800- 882- AIDS Aelg:l([:p):rs.e—;f§Xel.v ll:e‘:rri1,er§1les ,..:§' i