cale may To announce an event in our monthly calendar, e—mail it to calendar@mountainpridemedia. For more detailed, up-to-the-minute listings, check out our web calendar at : org, or write us at: POB 1078, Richmond,‘VT 05477. www.mountainpridemedia.orgIcaIendar_index.htm Sumlav 1 BURLINGTON - Christ Church Presbyterian - Sunday Service. Every Sunday. from 9:30AM; CCP is a “More Light" church. We welcome all persons. regardlessof sexual orientation, into full participation in the life, membership, and‘leader- . ship of this church, and strive, as part of the Body of Christ, to reach out in ‘ministry to lesbian, gay. bisexual, and transgendered people both within and outside of our congregation. Christ Church Presbyterian (CCP) is located on UVM Redstone Campus between the water tower and the Catholicrcenter. BURLINGTON ~ VGSA - Volleyball: @Christ the King School, 136 Locust St. (upper Shelbume Rd.) 6-8pm, $5Inight/members. $10/night/non~' members. Save Money: VGSA membership only V $20.00. Come for an evening of challenging (yet _ low-key and fun!) volleyball. We have a great *' ’ fine; and welcome new players. FM! contact Guy @802 272-2000. 2 ARLINGTON -' Aicohotics Anonymous - Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Meeting. Every Monday from 7:00-8:00» PM. At St James Church, 7 across from Stewarfs convenience store. Open _ A A to stop can attend. meemg ofAA, meaning that anyone with a desire V » lmorsireetrea rvwors, a;rn¢;essrAno;. Family Film at the U0 The Welcoming Congregation Committee invites you to a special event at the Unitarian Universalist Society of Burlington (at the top of Church St.) where Meema Spadola, Director and Producer, will present her film Our House: a very real documentary about kids of gay and lesbian parents. This hour-long documentary is a frank exploration of what it means to grow up with gay or lesbian par- ents. It follows the highs and lows of children ages 9-23 from 5 very different families. This event is made possible in part by a Unity grant from the Samara Foundation. A vi~ewer’s guide is available online at communit compass tary/index.html. There is a link to the PDF file at the bottom of the web page. Please join Us on Sunday May 15 at 12:30 PM in the Community Room. Light refresh- ments will be provided. Childcare will be available if arranged for in advance. Please call the office at 862-5630 if you will need child- care. Return of Youth Pride The Annual Youth Pride celebra- tion will commence at noon on May 14th with a speak-out on the City Hall steps. The day will be filled with fabulous festivities including work shops and games, and will go out with a bang at the always enchanting Queer Prom starting at 7pm. Come watch the drag shows and hit the dance floor with whomever you want at YOUR prom. For more info www.out- Walk For Life Please join us on Saturday, May 21, for the AIDS Project of Southern Vermont’s 18th Annual Walk for Life. To honor and sup- port our community’s actions in fighting the worldwide AIDS epi- demic, our theme this year is “Stepping Up, Moving Forward.” We will gather at the Centre Congregational Church on Main Street at 10:00 am and walk up Main Street to the Brattleboro Sponsored by the American Cancer Society, Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association, and National Cosmetology Association. First Tuesday of each month. Please register in advance by call- ing 802 447-1403 or 802 447-8587. BRATTLEBORO - AIDS Project of Southem Vermont - Syringe Exchange 6-9 PM. At the Brattieboro Drop-ln Center, 60 South Main Street Anonymous. For more information call 802-254- 8263. HANOVER/LEBANON NH -American Cancer A Society - Look Good Feel Better Program. ' 10:00-1_1 :00 AM, At the Norris Cotton Cancer Center, Lebanon, NH. Sponsored by the American Cancer Society, Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association, and National Cosmetology Association. First Tuesday of each month. Please register in advan 448-6417. A 4 'BRATTLEBOROr3-THE Men's-‘Program? Core'—['»‘ Group. Come be.,‘a part ofthe group of volunteers‘ ‘ ’ who make THEMen's Program happen. FMI, call Emma’s Revolution at Burlington’s City Hall Auditoreum, Saturday 5/7 Town Common in remembrance of all those whose lives are affected by HIV/AIDS. The program on the Common will include music, speakers, and a welcoming noon- time meal. The AIDS Project is privi- leged this year to welcome Terje Anderson, Executive Director of the National Association of People with AIDS, as speaker for the Walk. Terje (pronounced “Terry”) serves as a member of the Advisory Committee on HIV and STD Prevention and Treatment for the federal government. He has in the past been AIDS Program Chief at the Vermont Department of Health. and was the first Executive Director of Vermont CARES. The program will con- clude with the reading of the names of loved ones from our community who have died from AIDS in the last 16 years. Lunch will be served free of charge after the program, around noon. The Walk for Life is the major annual community event of the AIDS Project of Southern Vermont. Come and be part of this event by collecting pledges and walking, by sponsoring a walker. or by joining in on Saturday morn- ing. The AIDS Walk is an opportu- nity for you to show support for our vigorous fight against AIDS. The Project asks those who partic- ipate ln the Walk to seek >> pledge sponsors for their be by calling Dorislwatson at 603 .~