Yes, We Have No Bananas (Part 2) e last time I titled a column I “Yes, We No Bananas”, I was writing about a nutcase by the name of Andrew Cunanan, the “gay spree killer” who infa- mously murdered Gianni Versace. _ Now I’m doing it again, and — is it coincidence? - the name of the nutcase in question almost rhymes. The latest embarrassment to all of gaydom is one Jeff Gannon, whom, if you’ve read the newspapers beyond the front page, or have listened to Air America Radio, you’ve heard about by now. You see, Gannon repre- sented a conservative “news bureau” (Talon News, a web site operated by a wealthy Texas Republican) at the White House press corps and lobbed softball questions at President Bush and his press secretary - while lobbing anti-gay articles at the rest of us. President.” Apparently, unlike other members of the media that the Bush administration paid out- right for consulting services, Gannon was willing to give away for free what he (allegedly) charged for on the intemet (at rates of up to $1200 a weekend, accord- ing to some reports). In fact, at a news confer- Unlike other members of the media that the Bush administration paid outright, Gannon was willing to give away for free what he (allegedly) charged for on the internet. The trick was ~ and I use that term intentionally — he is or was also allegedly a gay male prostitute with semi-nude and nude photos on the intemet and either is or was the owner of or contributor to (depending on which story you believe) websites like hotmilitary-, militaryescortsM4M. com,, and mili- taryescortscom. And Gannon’s not even his real name. It’s James Guckert. We think; For two years, “Jeff Gannon” was a member of the White House press corps, and dur- ing that time he mocked John Kerry’s “pro-homosexual plat- form” with the headline “Kerry Could Become First Gay ence in January, Gannon asked President Bush how he could work with Democrats “who seem to have divorced themselves from reality” (a bend-over question if ever there was one). It made me wonder just how strong a grip on reality Gannon himself might have. After all, this administration swept into office, in part, by work- ing up anti-gay sentiment from the so-called “moral values” crowd. If Gannon is gay, one would think that might be a little bit of a conflict. The weird thing is that I’ve actually looked at some of the photos alleged to be Gannon on the web (and yes, the face looks like the person in the press confer- ence videos and there are no tell- tale signs of alteration). And he’s actually pretty sexy. When that thought occurred to me, I wanted to slap myself. How could I actual- ly think titillating thoughts about a guy who’s apparently been butter- ing his bread on both sides? On the one hand, he’s (allegedly) making money for gay sex stud services, while on the other he’s earning a living from pandering to homo- phobes. Could I not at least have _ found him unattractive? _ But that’s the thing with the Gannons and the Cunanans (see, it almost rhymes) of the world. If they were weird or unat- tractive, they wouldn’t be able to get to places where they could do the damage they do. It’s been almost sad to listen to liberal talk radio trip all over themselves noting that “It’s not about the fact that he’s gay” and instead that it’s about credibili- ty, security (was there no back- ground check?), and blatant propa- ' ganda. No, it IS partly about the fact that he’s (allegedly) gay. As a gay person, Gannon’s work (not the alleged escort work — from a libertarian perspective, I think prostitution should be safe, legal, and regulated) was actually anti- gay. It’s no different than a Jew writing Nazi propaganda, or a black person writing KKK mani- festos. It’s incomprehensible, and it’s just plain wrong. And he brings up all those old clichéd anti-gay notions of “He could have been black- mailed if someone knew about his double life, so he was a security risk!” — notions that the liberals find themselves in the awkward position of repeating (which I wish they’d stop). As an added bonus, Gannon becomes a case in point to the religious right of what bad things homosexuals do. But on some level, as with Cunanan, the Gannon case shows just how much like the straight world we are: we got bananas, too. V Columnist Kevin Isom is the author of It Only Hurts When I Polka and Tongue in Cheek and Other Places, available at book- stores and online. He may be reached at is0monlirte@a0l.c0m or he (mountains ~ ‘:.:;mg,g_:t .-—. ..._.l~41-vqq-y9....\.,_... _..,._:.. .V«,.-5w.’.«.\.:,(. ,_,’;.-,.,-1...,-.,.. _ 33»; .5‘. ;,t BL00MIN' ANTIQUES ~ A Group Shop - Bob Camara & Gary Taylor Route 12 Fitzwilliam, New Hampshire (603) 585-6688 Open Daily from IO A.M. - 5 RM. Joseph Kress, M.A. Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor Individual and Couples Counseling Adults and Adolescents 802-334-6301 95 Main Street, Suite 203, Newport, VT °"T -1 “'e.M°.""TA'"$