Financial Planning is important for anyone. For gay and lesbian partners it can be crucial. For same sex partnerships, proper financial planning can help ensure that you and your loved ones are properly protected. That's why Smith Barney is sponsoring a free seminar called A Position of Strength. In this seminar we'll discuss how we can help you address the following questions: I Can I protect income and assets for my partner and me? I Can my partner receive income if my pension benefits cannot be transferred? I Can I make decisions for my partner if he or she is hospitalized? . I If one of us should die, how do we make sure we inherit each other's property?‘ Seating is limited. Reserve your seat today. DATE: Thursday, March 10, 2005 TIME: , 6:00 - 7:30 PM PLACE: Clarion Hotel Burlington, VT SPEAKER: Mitchell Rosengarten Financial Consultant RSVP: (802) 7754371 or (800) 628-2132 Seating is limited, so reserve your seat now! THIS IS WHO WE ARE. THIS IS HOW WE EARN IT.‘ SMITHBARNEY * cltlqrouiil‘ Smith Barney does not offer tax or legal advice. Please consult your tax/legal adviser for such guidance. ©2005 Citigroup Global Markets Inc. Member SIPC. Smith Barney is a division and service mark of Citigroup G obal Markets inc. and its affiliates and is used and registered throughout the world. ClTlGROUP and the Umbrella Device are trademarks and service marks of Citicorp or its affiliates and are used and registered throughout the world. THIS IS WHO WE ARE. THIS 15 HOW WE crowned Queen of the Ball started out in a fabulous and creative cos- tume — Japanese-style make-up, black tape over his nipples and a huge red fan. For some reason he changed into a lace top, short black skirt and fishnets, like a quick knock-off of the Madonna of the early eighties for the crowning of the king (more on that later) and queen of the ball. The “Seeing Stars” theme for the evening morphed into a “Pop-stars in their Mid-Eighties Incamations” theme. We saw a one-gloved, red-jacketed Michael Jackson who gave a very convinc- ing performance on the stage, and a be-hatted Prince in gold paisley. The kings at Drag Ball aren’t generally what might be called “fabulous,” rather, they tend I to fall into the “hot-T!” category. This year a group of them treated the audience to a striptease, danc- ing to that old favorite, “You Can Keep Your Hat On” of Full Monty fame. (Sadly Vermont law doesn’t allow that sort of thing, so they had to keep a bit more than that on.) The locally famous Lluvia Mulvaney-Stanak was crowned King of the Ball, and she was definitely butch and boyish — every bit as boyish as the queen — first in a white sailor suit for the strip number then in a newsboy outfit to accept the crown. What do the judges look for in a King and Queen of the Drag Ball? Slimness and youth? Recognizability? Smooth faces? Maybe those in wigs and gowns had gone home by the time the judging began. Well, who can com- plain? Most years the Drag Ball — a benefit, by the way, for the Vermont People with Aids Coalition — is promoted with the line “Drag — whatever it means to you.” This year it was, “Come as your favorite star or just as you are.” The show was hosted by the House of Lemay. There were singers and performances through- out the night. The highlight was dj Elliot Matos who kept everyone dancing until their shoes fell apart, and ultimately, everyone had a ball. V Francesca Susanna is a freelance writer who lives in Burlington. EARN lT is a service mark of Citigroup Global Markets lnc. SEE ME FOR YOUR INSURANCE AND FINANCIAL REVIEW. 'l‘ogel:her we will prioritize your needs and help you plan your financial future. Schedule your free review today. WE LIVE WHERE you LIVE ® Karen Blosser, Agent, CLU LUTCE ChEC 33 N ort.’n.l'icld Stmct Montpelier, VT 05602-3407 Bus: 802.229.5757 Come in for an appointment with Karen by l\l.iy 31, 2003 and i'eCelVe a FREE 20 l\v1l.\'L'TE PRE-PAID l’HO.\'E CARD IYAII IAIH LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBOR STATE FARM IS TI-[ERE.°° INSURANC‘ (unllycutnulegdutlviwiorspeifiulvioe. ‘ Such: - Iluneofliies: nu-'-no-. ll WI!!! Mill