out in the mountains calendar: fieimuiairy @@@5 To announce an event in our monthly calendar, e-mail it to calendar@mountainpridemedia.org, or write us at: P08 1122, Burlington, VT 05402. For more detailed, up-to-the-minute listings, check out our web calendar at : www.mountainpridemedia.orglcalendar_index.htm Suldayz BUR1.lNGTON—FistUrIitarianUniversalist SocietyofBuring:n.10:2Sarn Famiy_Service: 1t1)0arnAmttServioe. 152PearlSL. Burtington BURLINGTON-ChriaChurdiPresbytenan Su1rhyServioe.Evarysundayfrorn9:30AM. CCPisa'Morel.utt"d'uch.Wewelcomeall persons.regariie$ofse:n.ialorientatiori.‘mofull partit:‘q)atiorti‘itlieiia.lTIeI1ibersli:i.andleader- shipdlhisctuctLCCPislocatedonUVM Redstxtecartpusbetweerithewatertmverarid fitecaholccanter. BIJRLl!~lG1’0N-TheChieerl.iberationAnnyl1olds Bweeklyrneet'ngonSundaysat4PMat135 Bl.RUNG'l'ON-VGSA-Ga'yVoleybdl.6-8pm @CIIistfl'IeKlIgSdI0Ol,BuritgbrI.VT$5 Smchys. 1/2, 119. 1116,1123, 1/3108 Guy@72-2(XI)iorrnore'nfo. WESTON-VennontYoinhSoloistsin0TW Produolior1.Verrnorityoutl'isoloists:Everett kvhfi_sondJd'nIVhg),CorBy'HayBs,Spenoer Mtdodt,VWyAppehimwilappaar'nOpera Tl'ieareofWestn'sArndimdlhel*Jig'itVsitors arisfictiechrslilmltlda-l.iseMewei'Giiest cor'Ii1icu'KamKeliar(SariDiegoq:era).lan 2-5_hWeSI"l'|;.hl7‘9i’H§ll|8Id. Fortixto Pa’artr:r.pitTila_£Itre.Rlarir:l,VTpi-odiictlortsrzll M2-7T5—O903.Forfu'liah1oortttieever1tml 0'IWa&J2-824~3821. P.S.),hosts lntheLila. Explores LGBT representa- tiononthesrnallscreenh'lmageCor'sscienoe.' interviewsi1d.ideRuPar.il.SoriiaSohnofH8O's 'TheWre'.MuseurnofTelevisloriandRadio curatorBar1yMonush.endQueerinArner'ica authorandSiiusQradiohostMichetangelo Signorie. ln 'BENDlNG REALITY‘. lilexplores theevolutionofrealitytelevisionasitrelatesto LGBT representation. In 'OUTTAKES", lTL's res- identoorrirrientatorHm'veyl-"iersteincallsour corm1t.nityoutin'\NhereisYourAnger?' For mor'ehlu'matiort.gotoourwebsiteathttp1Iitl.tv. Monday 3 MONTPELIER-SurvivorsofInoestAnonymous— Meelingat6:00PM.AttheUCCBethanyChurch 'nMontpeieronMalnStreet(ontl'ieright.just pwBen&Jerry'sifyouareoomingfromthe irbrstate). FM|:229-2153or454-7822. WESTON -VermontYoulh soloists: See Sun.1f2 1i.iesday4 BENNINGTON-TheTurning PointCtub- Overeaers.Formoreinforn'iation,goto: www.oa.org...Orcornear1dcheclroutthemeetirig loryourselfTuesdaynightsfrom6:30-7:30prnat theTurnhgPohtChb.465lJhhStreet. Berirtiriglort,VT.0rcd442-9700formorelrtfoor tobeconnectedwilhsorneonefrorn0A. BRATTLEBORO-AlDSProjectofSouthem verrriorir-sirrIngeExcriangeAiosProiecror Soulhernverrnont-SyrlngeExchange6:00-9:00 PM.AllheBratlleboroDrop-lnCenbr.60Soulh MdnStreet.Amriyrnous.FMlcaI802-254-8263. BURLINGTON - RU.12.? - Proud and Sober. Every Tuesday at 7:00 PM. GLBT-friendly and atlinnlng Alcoholics Anonymous group meeting ESSEXCENTER-Essex Playerswm holdopenaudt5onstorl.endMeATenor,acorne- dybyKenLudwlg,onJmuary4and5,2005at7 p.m.atMemorialHallinEsexCenter.Cast(four men.fourwornen)andcrewpositionsareavail— ableinthisshow-businessfarceaboutanoperatic irnpersonationandcounthsscasesotniistaluari identity.ErrtaIbobmdy1@edelphia.net.orvlsit GT. BARRINGTON. MA-PFLAG Southern Berkshire-Meeting. 7:30 p.m. Hevrehoi Southem/Berkshire. 270StateRd..GL Barrington.Film: "HomophoblalntheWorkplace'. Edi.x2torandwritarBr'nrtMd*lauyitsharesa skilledexplanalionofthelossesloeveryonewlten hornophobiaexistsattheworkplaoe,atsd'iool,or anywhereinoursoo'ety—andoiferskeystoover- corrtlngiLFreepopoom!Discussionfollows.FMI callJudy,413243238Z WEST DUMMERSTON VILLAGE -Weastreet Arts-LatinTuesdeys.WestStreetArts'newLatin Danoeseriessurts atroorunningioreimt ‘weeks.RayWarrencontinuesaslnstrI.ictor.The feetortheseriesis$40clollars.CallRayat348- 6671torlnfo.Dropins0K:8hd9orwIpanner. WearelnWeaDurmierstonVIlage5rriinutes riou1hofBrattjustotlroute30behiridtheMobI Stationirtthelonrterweaburnrrierstorterange. WESTON -VerrnontYouth Sololsts. See Sun.1r2 \llIechesday5 BURLINGTON - R.U.1.2.? - Trans Social Std community compass SupportGroup.FtrstWednesdayoieverymonlh at6:3OPM. Lookingforpoersupportarriorig othertransgenderedfolks?Needasalespacelo nelaxandbeyourself?Checlroutthisgroupmeet- ingatR.U.12? ESSEX CENl'ER- Essex ComrnunityPlayers- Auditions.SeeTuesday-ttttlornroriaintomtatior-i. PITTSFIELD. MA- BSCC - Potluck Dinner. 7130 p.m. Unitarian-Universalist Church, 175 Wendel Ave.,Pittsfield,MABringamaindish.salad.or dessert to share. Open to the GLBTO community and friends. FMI 413.243.8484. STJOHNSBURY-Vermont CARES-Freewalk inAnonymousOralHNtestingavaliableevery Wednesday3»6pm.atVermontCARES 1235 HospitaDrlveSuitetwo.Otheri.imesereevalleble byappointrnenLFormoretntomliPeriniat802- 748-9061. STJOHNSBURY-VerrnontCARES-Needle Exchange walklrfl\ourseveryWednesday3- 6pmatVermontC.ARES1235l-loepitalDrlve Sr.tltetwo.Forrriorelnto:PerI'tiat802-748-9081. WESTON - Vermont Youth Solotat:.See1l2 Thursday 6 BURLINGTON - Whatthe Fotln Nlualcscrtes. AARON FLINN & MARY PATl'ER8ONlPt :: 135Peart.Burllriglon.V'l'.Tirrio:8prri.covuI:87 atthedoor.lnlo:802-238-97541802-883-2342. wwwaaronlllnncom. www.135peart.oom, Fllnn&MaryPattersonwllpreseritanlyitoloon- terrtpomry,arlglnalconipoaltiortsaopertoithe What1heFol(IMuslc8erleset135Pearl8treat 'I'.H.E Men’: Art Show Success On Friday, December 3. Brattleboro area Gallery Walk denizens treated themselves to an extra gallery showing in record numbers — the one-night-only Men@Art exhibit organized by T.H.E. Men's Program. Five local artists from the gay/bisexual men's community exhibited work in a vari- ety of mediums, and the communi- ty enthusiastically came out to view the show. “We selected the first Friday in December for our event specifically to coincide with Brattleboro's monthly Gallery Walk event,” stated Glenn Johnson, T.H.E. Men's Program Coordinator. “We wanted to provide as much exposure as possible for our artists, and raise the profile of our program. We were so pleased to see such a broad representation from the community coming up to view the local gay and bi men's artwork." The five artists represent- ed in the show included John McBee, Perry Kroeger, Robert Shannon, Ken Nikolai, and Austin Prentiss. The Community Room at the offices of the AIDS Project of Southern Vermont, the parent organization of T.H.E. Men's Program, was transformed for the night into an art gallery with the help of Dennis Vincent, interior Designer. The artists responded to a call for submissions put out by the program starting in late sum- mer. “This event took a lot of plan- ning," said Johnson, “but it was so worth it.” The popular event was conceived by the Core Group, a group of volunteers from around Windham County who assist T.H.E. Men's Program in organizing monthly community-building events. Already conversations have begun to make the event a yearly occurrence. For more information, contact Glenn Johnson at men@sover.net or 802-254-8263. Discussion of the Month HOTFlashes, the newsletter of T.H.E. Men's Program, has begun a Question and Answer Forum. We are raising questions from the men's community in each month's issue, then publishing answers and discussion in the following month. For January, the topic is aging in the gay/bi men's community. We hear a lot about ageism in the gay community, and the constant focus on and obsession with youth. We'd love to start a dialogue about this, and hear what men's experiences are with this issue. Please respond to the following: "How are you experienc- ing growing older in the gay com- munity? Do you feel the gay com- munity is hopelessly stuck on try- ing to ‘stay young’, or is this an outdated stereotype?" And for guys who fall in that ‘young men‘ age range, how- ever you define it, please send in your thoughts on this topic, too. Send responses or ques- tions for the O&A Forum to eflash@sover.net or HFO&A, POB 1486, Brattleboro VT 05302, Mountain Prldo Media _ Thanks to the help 0! dedicated and skilled volunteers, Mountain Pride Media is able to publish this paper and its related website, www.mountainpridemedia.org. For assisting with the stuffing of the December issue, we extend warm thanks to: Joe and Joe, Bob and Kate. We also thank our volunteer route drivers: Fran Moravcsik, Yelena, Danny, Bennett Law, Tim, Keith Ribnick, Oliver, Keith Goslant, Patrick, Amy, Liz, Rick, Cheri, Linn, Daryl, Cynthia, Kathy, Thom Fleury, Nat, >>