Smart Pop for the New Year BY CYNTHIA PoTTs ‘ ‘ his album L()\t.'l'\ll1£' course of in relationship." Mara l,e\i said. her distinctive mice tinged with old regret. “Which obviously didn't turn out Hit’) \sell.'' The relationship rnay hate tanked. but l1_/r's A Ball. Levi's debut album, is an unqualified success. Combining smooth. Morissette-style vocals “Ill! ambitious, cnmplcx musical arrangernents results in an album you reach lor again and again — and enjoy with every listening. Levi's unique musical style struxls up to e\ cry challenge she takes rm. whether ll be the politically- tinged folk “La I)i I)ee Da." poppy “In My Head or sad lose song. "Take the Blame." Capturing universal experi- ences and expressing them the way we would — if we were smart. sarcastic. and both uhcrconfident and supremely vulner- able — Levi is a talented lyricist. writing songs that are engaging and enjoyable. She's comfonable slinging words in an intelligent. creative fashion. which has resulted in her work being branded "Smart Pop." You find heartbreak without hisu'i- onics. pain without pathos. confidence without that “I‘ve had way too many anti- depressants for breakfast“ feel found in a lot of contemporary folk-pop. For example. from “Without Alarm" — the ultimate reflecting onone's- recent-breakup song: “It scents that you've begun to wear me down / It's time I leamed to face my fear / And in the end you'll say you stood your ground / Well that‘s not a compromise. my dear." Subtle but stinging points ring throughout Levi's work — the type of bar: mars one wants to shamelessly steal. whilst hoping desperately to avoid ever having to use them. The chonis from “I'm Sorry“ pinpoints with razor accuracy the weight of emotion that can hide behind ordinary words: “And I'm so sorry. and I'm so sad / And now it's over. and we've been had. / Well it's the end. it's the end of a long. long day / and now all we ever do is say goodnight". All seems innocuous enough. until put into context: "Those words. so sharpl are full of holes. they just express my fear] and leave you in the It's not all dark. At several points. Levi celebrates strength and resilience. ‘Hie album ends optimistically with “I've Ar-rived," one of the best tracks. Levi's musical education W! the-ireuntaitis shines throughout the entire album. She began playing piano at 4, picking up other instruments as she matured. Studying jazz composition in college definitely influ- enced her song structures. ‘'1 like to put something different in there. something unexpected." Will) jazz. classical. and myriad folk elements ninning throughout the album. Levi keeps listeners entertained without ever being predictable. “Several of these songs were written while I was with my band before I started a soldcareer," Levi explained. She'd been the songwriter. vocalist, and bass player with an indie-pop band, Kid Sampson. for a number of years. Currently, Levi is touring the Washington. DC, and metropolitan New York areas. "The crowds have been good. and it's been a great experience. I'm not on the road every day at this point. but just about every weekend I've got somewhere ‘ to be." Don't despair if you're not headed to the big city anytime soon — Levi has expressed interest in playing in Vermont if »llIntIurIIlst«~ 802-3452948 or 453-5411 FttlilYotitNewYw’sReso|ttlion~ResIoreYoirl-leallll findy0tISoIlliIate~Celebtale.lan4:WoildHypnosisDa/ itaawicicmipiaciic Motitpeierfihinptactic 545d‘-0rJC‘Icle 58£as?.StateStieet as Pattltrctvloé-836 im.peiiei,vi 05692 .. ati24I2.3c33.. L WIIt'Ii‘XjK!f'!)"lD3I Gentie, Effective Health Care Dr. Grace Johnstone Dr. Rick Eschholz ll.'lI'.‘llllIll '»\‘|lllI;‘ lot‘ Il||'~ '~ ilIl|\‘I Iivrl Ill \lls'll‘IlIIli.' \l:ui_'. u‘ Illtltltllll ' II\‘\\ \|\lIllj' ii-til". lln-