Chef Enlivens Giovanni’s Fare Bv Tout BIVINS restaurant for ()l'l'.\l's .\'o\eniber issue. 'lhe truth is, chefs should not agree to submit restaurant fL‘\‘lC\\s during foliage in Vcrtnont. Bad idea‘. But the tourist season has ended and l am free to dine around again. .‘vly spouse and I made the pleasant ride from Bethel to Ascutney for dinner at this new restaurant. We weren't evtaetly sure what to expect. as we have ne\cr spent any time in ."\scutne_\ If you are looking for a cliartntng local restaurant serving good ltahan food. reasonably priced, and vs ith welcoming service - then I suggest visiting (itm anni's. The owner of (iio\anni's is John Moisis. From my perspec- tive as a chef, John is tltc ideal ow tier: pleasant, ohsen ant. ltnd very hands-on. Joliti is open (as In lorthcointng and way out of the close! i. amusing. and very consci- cntious about his guests. He could not have been nicer or made us feel more at case. We were seated promptly. and even thotigh the restaurant was busy. John took time to visit with us. He volunteered inlormatioti about his business. his history in the Bellows Falls area. and his plans for (iiovanni's. Best of all. he had us latighing in tin titne. Iv. as asked to re\ new (inn anni's The nienti was simple atid utipretentious. The food is not very different from most Atnericani/.ed ltaliari restaurants: fried appetizers and soups, salads. pastas, grinders and pi‘!/as. We ordered appeti/.er.s of fried calatnari and ltalian Wedditig Soup with tiny veal and pork meatballs. a (heck .salad. and two pasta dishes: chicken cacciatore and a grilled chicken atid angel hair pasta. The‘ were hot and freshly prepared. The soup was brothy and just right for the cold evening outside. The calamari was fried perfectly and served crisp with a warm marinara sauce. The portion size was just right. l ordered a Greek salad that was large enough for two people. it was lightly dressed and topped with lightly salt- ed feta cheese. black. salty marinat- ed olives without the pits. cucum- bers and red onion. The lettuce was crisp and fresh. rather than the yel- lowed and limp iceberg lettuce usu- ally served as pan of a green salad. The entrees were both served with red sauce. The chicken cacciatore was flavored with green peppers. garlic and onions. And as with most good Italian food. the chicken was more seasoning than main focus of the meal. The same was true of the grilled chicken. The ponions were very adequate; the dishes were served hot. Afterwards. I ordered coconut cake for dessert. and John insisted on also sending over a complimentary slice of chocolate cake. Both homemade dessens were wonderful — just like mom used to riiake. They were rich and sweet without being cloying. The service was a bit nished. but the server made numer- ous efforts to ask about our food and our needs. The atnbiencc of the restaurant was unpretentious. and there was plenty of lighting. white tablecloths. and candlelight. The background music was unobtrusive. lt was a typical Vermont restaurant with one exception ~ John Moisis. He really made ours a dining expe- rience worth repeating. Watching him make everyone comfortable - greeting them at the door, seating them. and thanking them at the end of their evening — makes ttie want a John for my restaurants! He spoke to every table attd tnade sure the guests‘ needs were met. In addition to a restau- rant. there is a complete bar. and John is planning entertainment for the weekends (his 89-year-old mother thinks the restaurants suc- cess will be assured “if he brings the boys in!“ Go PFLAG momll). John has a dance area set up with mirrored balls and lights. so I can imagine a neighborhood watering hole and restaurant that just hap pens to mingle straight couples with local lesbians and gays. Wllh its dance floor. bar and multi-leveled seating. this will make a great place for a holiday or work party. John Moisis makes no apologies for being gay. and doesn’t need to. His guests are going to be well taken care of in every way. Good service and guest satisfaction are about making people comfort- able and relaxed. Giovanni‘s makes the grade. For Southern Vennonters. and any gays or les- bians who want to be taken care of when dining out. take a ride to Ascutney! Giovanni‘s can be found on the Old Route 5 in Ascutney. a shon half-mile or so from Exit 8 of I-91 . It is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays. Like all Vermont restau- rants. early seating seems to be dominated by an older crowd and families. so you may want to con- sider going later in the evening. Give John a call at (802) 674-9400 with any questions about seating. Enjoy! V Tom Birens is a chef-instructor at NEC I C ommon.r. He lire: with his partner in Belhel. nag; Oral HIV testing Bxaifugfon 36'! Pea7!.5’l7eet /Holidays 4-7pm 802-653-2437 ./llortzrelier 7311142}: 51: Stare 401 1-‘rt.’ /'27:. 7 and 21 2-5 800-6451-2:67 Was it your new years resolution too? Rufiattd 27.$’ozzb§ 1113:}: Street Wedmzsdey 10 am -Ipm .902-77.5-5884 5:. /0/msbwy 1235}7o.spz'taIDr. Swb: 1 waarmdayaapm 802-748-9061 MVERMONTJ FREE, ANONYMOUS, NO NEEDLES, NO EXCUSES WOMENBTCHOICE GYNECOLOGIC ASSOCIATES Cheryl A. Gibson M.D. Susan F. Smith M.D. 23 Mansfield Avenue Burlington, Vermont 05401 802-863-9001 Fax: 802-862-9637 Nancy Ellen Judd, MA Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor COUNSELING AND PSYCHOTHEPAPY l802l863.2084 2 CHURCH STREET. BURUNGTON VT 05401 TEENS l ADULTS l INDIVIDUALS l COUPLES