Tongue in Cheek: Dining Out ere are many things that straight folks never have to think about. Like who's going to be top and who's going to be bottom. ()r whether to put a rainbow decal or a Human Rights Campaign equal sign on the bumper of your car. Or how to behave when you‘rc dining out. This last issue is some- thing that would never even cross the mind of our straight counter- parts. If a guy is with a girl on a date. or a husband is with his wife. nary an eyebrow is raised in any restaurant they go into. They can hold hands. look googly-eyed at each other. and even (within the bounds of decorum) kiss affection- ately. and the reaction will general- ly be “Oh. how sweet." But put a gay couple on a date into a suburban Cracker Barrel restaurant. and you've got a whole different circumstance. There can be stares and. worse. when you get home. do you feel like a war veteran with post-trau- matic stress syndrome? At a mini- mum. I find that I'm on a height- ened state of alen during such cir- cumstances (alen level fuschia. tangerine. or the dreaded aubergine. depending on the sever- ity of the situation — Tom Ridge would have been proud). even though l consciously try not to modulate my behavior beyond the Put a gay couple on a date into a suburban Cracker Barrel restaurant, and you've got stares and physical safety issues. physical safety issues. (You're still stuck on the gay guys on a date at (‘racker Barrel. aren't you’? ()kay. to suspend your disbelief. let's make it an Applebees. There are gays in the suburbs or in smaller towns or rtrral areas. after all.) No matter ltow otit yott consider yourself to be. doit't you find that when you're in the sub- urbs, or on a road trip. or if you live in a smaller city or rural area -- don't you find that you change your beliavior".’ You're more like “btiddies" instead of boyfriends or partners. (‘ial-pals. instead of spit- swapping. naine—.shariitg lesbian woinyii. If you do. do you feel bad for doing it‘? If you don‘t. norm for me. (My theory is. of course. that ifl don't expose these straight suburbanites to gay cou- ples. then who willl?) Maybe it's that discom- fort that has led in pan to a spread- ing phenomenon in the gay com- munity: the gay supper club. Around the cotintry over the last several years. gay supper clubs have been springing tip ~ from l../\. to ,»\tlanta to ()klahonta City. These are organi‘/ed groups of gay folks who meet at a restatirant and take the radically OUT step of having dinner together. Granted. they typically choose places a little more upscale than a Cracker Barrel. bttt there is safety in mim- hers. and when you‘re in a big group. no one feels self-conscious about being different from the other diners. Some. like Atlanta’s Big Gay Supper Club. take over an entire restaurant. Pan of the appeal of the dinner clubs is that they provide another alternative to gay bars for meeting others. And most people enjoy eating and conversation, both of which you can’t really find in a bar. (Well. eating food. any- way.) And older gays enjoy eating and conversation. too. as I discovered recently in Ft. Lauderdale. when I happened upon a restaurant called Chardee’s Dinner Club. It's not exactly a din- ner club like the ones I‘ve already mentioned. though in a way I-sup- pose it is. Chardee's is billed as > Fort Lauderdale's oldest gay ' restaurant. I think they may have meant the clientele as well as the age of the business. When we walked in. it was like entering an episode of the Golden Boys. There were groups and couples and sin- gles all around — nary a non-silver hair in the bunch. And it was charming. These were retired gays having a grand old time. One night (we went more than once). there was a pianist- singer who kept the crowd danc- ing. I hadn’t seen anyone do the jitterbug in ages. and these couples could really move. I‘m even fairly certain I witnessed a couple doing the Charleston. They were having such fun. I suddenly felt really good about the idea of growing older and retiring someday. (But note: Will there be anyone in our age group who even knows how to do the jitterbug at retirement? It seems to me that disco dancing might feel a little out of_ place at Chardee's.) Another evening. there was karaoke at the bar. which stan- ed piomptly at 9 PM. And not a song past 1964 was sung by any- one. It was just another night at the dinner club. Dining out. gay style. V l\'cvr'rr Isorn is the author of It Only Hiins When I Polka and Tongue in C heck and Other Places. ai'ai'lai>Ie at Imuk.vror'ex and airline. He mu_v he l‘(’(I(‘Il(’tf at isiirnoiilirte@aoI.conr or ii'ii'ii' Dazziing Theater from Toronto “year-old girl and her lawyer ieterinafian. A dazzling. gnfdrag moving. intriguing play." 153 Main St., Burlington, VT 802.863.5966 V/relay tickets St info: www.flynn< or call 86-flynn! 101, Westmiltmi Road #65 Milton, VT 05468 802. 310. 7579 Aprilshomerepair@ao1.eorn 27 Years Experience Fully Insuredl our in the MOUNTAINS Susan McKenzie MS. Jungian Psychoanalyst Licensed Psychologist — Master Specializing in issues of Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual and Transgendered individuals and couples Quechee —— Vvhite River Junction (802) 295-5533 Insurance Accepted