Meanest Review Ijust read the review of my film I0 Attitudes (“Ten Bad Attitudes." December, 2004). I worked very hard on this project. We [won] sev- eral Awards and have been received fairly well in most publications. And it was the worst, meanest. bitchiest I have ever read of anything I have done in my whole career! I felt like I was I2 years old and that cool kid who beat me up wrote the review of my little film. If his inten- tion was to make me feel bad. it worked. But I also laughed because ' it was so over the top and [II got over it. In defense. I guess the reviewer. Scott Sherman. did not do much research on the film because he said I wrote the script. Which I did not. As you can tell I am not a great writer from this letter! I pro- duced it and created the story with Michael Gallant. The film was almost totally improvised. He also said I was OK in it but a better writer. Well. I guess I am a better actor than I thought because all most of my work was improv. The film is a dogma style experimental project. which was spelled out in the Press Release. which I guess he did not read. I believe everyone has the right to have an opinion and like or dislike a piece of an. But when I took my shirt off in a scene and he said "What was I thinking?" that's just plain mean. I am 5' I I" I85 pounds and have a 33-inch waist and 4-3- inch chest. So there! No I am not a muscle god but that was the point of the film. lie also said that all the dates I went on were hot guys and that I was try- ing to inflate my ego. Many of the dates were average guys like myself who are looking for love. So I guess he did not watch the whole film! And that is the point of the story. We did have some hot guys in the film don't get me wrong. but many were just like the guys who read your paper. And they are the people this film was made for. Thanks for reading this and letting me say my piece in print. Jason Stuart Los Angeles. CA Scott Sherman responds: Awwww, ifl really wanted to make Mr. Stuart feel l)tI(l. I would lmve (lated ltittt. not written (I review of his tnovic. And while I tnuy have been a little mean. I was not inaccurate. The l() Attitudes webxite ( lists Jason as a writer. So there. As to whether his improvising his own lines counts as “writing" or "acting," that I leave to the scholars at UCLA. I'm sorry if Mr. Stuart is hurt by my comments about his appearance, but if you're gonna play the lead in a romantic comedy, and most of your suitors are hotter than the 4th of July. it does raise the issue. I didn't consider the majority of his co-stars "average." If they seem so to Mr. Stuart. I'd like to move his neighborhood. And. just to be clear. Stuart is cute and likable, just not in a "leading man" kind of way. And I did watch every frame of his movie. The minutes flew by like hours (just kidding.’ ). A5 I said in my review. the movie has some entertaining moments. and some funny performances - one of which was Mr. Stuart's. But the pro- duction is a mess. Ofcourse. now you'll have to see for yourself. won't mu." Leahy Pro-Gay? In Paul Olsen's wrap-up of the 2004 election he mentioned “pro-gay" Senator Patrick Leahy and his state- ment that he would “continue his fight for equal rights for gay Americans." Next time Olsen inter- views Leahy I hope he’lI ask him to explain his vote for the Defense of Marriage Act in I996. That was an anti-gay vote. Ross Laffan Rochester In his May 2004 intcnticw with Sen. Leahy, Olsen asked the Senator wlwther he regretted his vote for the Defense of Marriage Act. Leah_v'.r somewhat evasive answer seemed to lean toward regret. while recogniz- ing that DOMA was providing polit- icul cover for others to oppose the Federal Marriage Amendment. He indicated that his pro-DOMA vote war about .rtatc.r retaining the right to define marriage. Note that Leah)" has introduced the Permanent Partners" Immigration Act to give immigration recognition to same-sex partners. — Ed. Wlth Friends Llke Th III Post mortems on the November elections fail to see past the hoopla and lies of the two parties and thus don‘t address the real political ques- tions facing our community. Democrats certainly want gay votes, and will promise any- out in the mountains gaotzarig 5 letters thing to get them, but in reality our agenda isn't something they’d ever work up a sweat over. On the con- trary, they're eharacterized by duplicity and deceit. For 200 years they’ve promised everything but delivered only for themselves and the rich. In spite of Stonewall day- dreams and HRC perfidy, and in spite of their promises, the work done for them and money given them. the leaders of the jackass party are not our allies — quite the opposite. Clinton and the congres- sional jackasses approved ‘Don’t Ask. Don't Tell‘ and led the effort to put the first national anti-gay mar- riage law on the books. Kerry caved on gay marriage, paving the way for state anti- gay marriage laws. In Michigan. Gov. Jennifer Granholm happily betrayed us to the bigots, taking back state benefits from gay families. That’s shoddy, hypocritical and cowardly. but hey, they're jack- asses. what did you expect. The truth is that the Republicans unashamedly hate us. while Democrats put their arm around us, call us friend, and only later comes the trip to the ER to treat those stab wounds in the back. Put this in perspective. These jackasses march to the right in lockstep with the Republicans. Both support the criminal murders of over a hundred thousand Iraqis, and almost 1500 GI’s in their illegal oil war. Neither support[s] gay mar- riage, or ending the attack on work- ing people’s standard of living, and neither give a darrm about civil rights, the problems of immigrants, Native Americans, or the aged. Secondly, and not down- playing the danger of the Christian right wing, we’ve made remarkable progress in changing laws and how people view us. Not because we’ve been timid, but because we’ve fought for decades, on the job, in school, in the armed forces, and in the courts and in demonstration, big and small. Those fights, many with- out allies or hope of immediate vic- tory, and not support of this or that jackass candidate, are what’s fueled our progress. When we take the path of militant uncompromising mass mobilizations to get what we need to survive — equal rights — then we join a long line of winners and heroes in American history. We were sometimes silent or not seen, but we were there. That’s our real heritage, and now it’s our time, our tum» we need victories for our benefit. Still, people will want to know what to do on Election‘ Day. We need to tell them to vote for our supporters, not our betrayers or our enemies. We need to vote for com- munist or socialist candidates who support us and we need to back efforts to create a labor party in the US, like Canada’s NDP or the English Labor Party. A party like that could unite all the groups now wasting their votes between I Tweedledum and Tweedledee and .provide some real progress for a change. And, let’s face it, not hav- ing to vote for evil, even a lesser evil, would feel soooo good. Bill Perdue Las Vegas, Nevada V At Witt’s End Leah Wittenberg lg‘... um I I‘ t ‘Tl’ “ iri Illl _____ "'-ll ....._g,.___j-4* wnreeaettt-© new