SHE KNOWS HER STATUS: WALKINHOURS '30 70"‘ Bwiirzgton 36'] Pearl Street Alartdg/3 4-7pm ¢5’0219’63-2:437 A/0rIfpB’1l'£’f 7.3 /1141?! St 5':/tit? 401 Fri Dec. 3 and 172-5 800-649~243 7 Rutbttd .2750:/flit Mot?! 5172?! Wkdnesday 10 am -1 pm 802~775-5884 St /olivasbrzry I235HosptZa1Dn Sat}? 1 Pwdnesday .3-6pm 302-748-9061 VERMONT ";o"»!n‘tttee Pu.’ AIDS Rayon-cos. Edna?-ea I Services FREE, ANONYMOUS, NO NEEDLFS, NO EXCUSES Pill W Talk custom pajamas for the entire family .r=,is&’n‘is nerssthers tathersison mornersrdaugnter wear them alt day long .. we won’? tell PillowTall<@adelphia.ne1 l 802-660-2522 l all orders welcomed Rediscover lh(- Beauty and lVIagi(: of Art Nouveau ONLY AT GPANNIS GALLERY ‘Fr’:/Ic gale the source 617-598-1061 x1209. BostonMob@ao|.com Web’ wwwmobnewenglandorg Lesbian Book Group Meets monthly in Putney, usually on the fourth Sunday of the month Novels. memoirs, poetry. and non-fiction books by women authors. Tatiana 802-387-2781. Sex, Lies, & Language Women's writing Group focussing on topics of sexuality. sensuality. and the erotic. Putney. 387-5452 Towanda! Women's outdoor group. Hiking.biking.kayaking Towanda@together net or www together neL‘~towanda/ Umbrella Women's Center 1107 Main St. Ste, 102 St Johnsbury VT 05819 748-8645 Woman Centered 5 School Ave Montpelier 05602 229-6202 womanctr@sover net. vwvw womancentered org Women's Information Service (WISE) 79 Hanover St Lebanon NH 03766 603448-5922 24 Hour Hotline 6034148-5525 Women of the Woods (WOW) 101 Harris Hill Worcester VT 05682. 229-0109 Ieapnmom@aol com Womynetplay at R.U.12? Exploring networking and social opportunities for queer wornyn. Meets every other Sunday from 4- 7 pm at the R.U.12? Community Center, during the Women's Social For a calendar at events. call Deb at 802-865-5080 or R.U.12'? at 802-860-ru12 YOUTH OUTRIGHT Vermont Resource for youth 22 and under Support line‘ 1-800-GLB-CHAT. POB 5235 Burlington 05401. info@outnghtvt org Check out www outnghtvt org for all our groovy events and much more‘ Creating Change St Johnsbury VT Lore Caldwell 748-8645 Gay/Straight Alliances In VT Hlghschools Bellows Free Academy 8 Main Street. St Albans 05488 Gail Gnsmore. 527-7576 homepages together net’ ~ekenyonfgsaibla-home Brattleboro U.H.S - Prism Fairground Road Brattleboro 05301 Andrea Carlson 257-0361 Tracy Binet. 257-0356 Burlington H.S. - www bsdvt org/schoolsibhs/index him aschwart@bsdvt Org Cabot School P08 98 Cabot VT 05647 Charlie Wanzer_ 563-2289 V Champlain Valley Union HS 3 Box 160 Hinesburg VT 05461 Meg Howard. 482-7182 Manchester High School Byron Brown ToluRights@ao| com Middlebury Junior UHS Charles Avenue Middlebury VT 05753 Howard Giles Middlebury Union HS - GAIGHT Charles Street Middlebury VT 05753 Susan Webb 8. Rebecca Reimers 382-1115 382-1117 Mlssisquol Valley Union HS RR2. Box 268 Swanton VT 05488 Paula Bowen 868-7311 x109 Email 2girls@together net Mt. Anthony Union HS - Students For Diversity Bennington 447-7511 X279 Putney School GBSA Elm Lea Farm Putney VT 05346 Rose Johnson 387-2044 Email Rose Johnsion@pegasus putneyaom Rutland High School 22 Stralon Road Rutland VT 05701 Karen McGurl 773-1955 Web www ver- lY10fll8lCOlTt-‘DISHOQQSH South Burlington HS 550 Dorset Street S Burlington VT 05403- 6296 Karen Grace Spaulding Union HS Ayers S1 Barre VT Lisa Lemieux Marty Morris Julie Wilson Email JLlND- SHS@‘SpauIding k12 vt us St. Johnsbury High School Andra Hibbert andraonnn@aol oorn U-32 High School RD2 Montpelier VT 05602 Ellen Cooke 229-0321 GiLearn lGay/Lesbian Education and Resource Network) POB 113 Norwich VT 649-5297 296-3858 North Country GLBTS Alliance Littlelon NH LB. 603-444-0418 Email xcountry aIIen@usa net Outright Vermont Serving youth 22 and under POB 5235 Burlington 05402 865-9677 Youth Hotline 800-GLB-CHAT (452-2428) inlo@outrightvt org Web www oulrightvt orr Woodstock Area Gay/Straight Youth Alliance Outright Vermont 800-GLB-CHAT CLIA We Represent All Major Cruise Lines Discover Cruising Your Best Vacation Value 80) The Isaacs Group: John, Jennifer and Mirabai 47-08, A re www.cruiseone.coin/jisaacs Open 7 Days 81 Evenings CKUISEOIYE. #1 In Cruising, Nalion wide (86) 32-5242