t... V ,:_\,é..r caledar: deer 3 To announce an event in our monthly calendar, e—mail it to calendar@mountainpridemedia.org, or write us at: POB 1078, Richmond, VT 05477. For more detailed, up-to-the-minute listings, check out our web calendar at : www.mountainpridemedia.orglcalendar_index.htm BURLINGTON-VermcntCARES-WorldAlDS Day.2hdflooraftheFrehouseCentertorthe VisualArtsbetween5aid7prn.Corneandmeet wihociersumo‘veew:pariencedifearidloesdur- 'rigtheAlDSepidenic.TherewibelverrI.isic,a prewitdionalnewty¢:reeaadquitparielshonor- ‘ng9ics_ewhot'iaveriedaridt'metorefler:tonthe mean'rigofHNIAlDS'nau'ives.Horsd'oeiMes. beveragesandvmewibeserved. Pl'TTSFlEt_D,hM-BSCC-Pottudroinner-7:00 175wendell Ave..Pittsfield.MABr'ngamairidish,salador desserttoshare.OpentotheGLBTOccrnrriunity andfi-iends.FMl413-243-8484. RUTLAND-lnuctoAdoptionCcurse-Howto Adoptamdtheresoucesavaiableinvermontis thesubjectofafreesix-weekcoursetobeheld Decembert-Januaryt2inRutland,Vermont SponsoredbyTheLln'rversityofVemiont/Vemiont DepartrrieritforChildrenaridFarriiliesChild Welfare TrainingPartnershipandTheVeimont desigriedtoexplairiadoptiontothcsecontemplat irigadiingtoorbiidirigtheiriarniiiesbyadoption. Thesessionsaescheduedwednesday eveningsbetween6prna'id9prn.Atanygiven tirrietherearetooverrrioritchildrenwhoare availableforadcplioriviiimnoiderititiedfarriilies. byRayBeaver,a‘socialwor1rerwith20years experiericeiriwortc'I'igwittictiidreri'nr.*:.-ire,Mio hasbeenanadoptionandfbsterparerittrainerfor 802-877-24-t1or Pamela Means. December 18th, 7 pm, West St. Arts, Durnmerston ST JOHNSBURY - Vermont CARES - Needle Exchange - walk in hours every Wednesday 3- 6pm at Vermont CARES 1235 Hospital Drive Suite two. For more info call Penni at 802-748- 9061. ST JOHNSBURY - Vemiont CARES - Oral HN Testing - Free Walk in testing available every Wednesday 3-6pm. at Vermont CARES 1235 Hospital Drive Suite two. Other times available by appointment FMI: call Penni at 802-748-9061. Thursday 2 GT. BARRINGTON. MA - BSCC - Out and About - 8:00 PM. At Due, Railroad St.. Gt. Barrington. A monthly athering in South County for the young and young at heart All are welcome. RUTLAND - VTCARES - Oral HIV Testing - FREE 8 ANONYMOUS. First Thursday of Every Month (NextoneisNovember4)frcm 12 noon to4pmAt Asa Bloomer State Office Building (On Merchants community compass Row.Rutland)1st Floor Clinic provided by VTCARES. Be Safe. Be Smart. Get Tested. Knowledge is Power. No needles! Walk-in testing hours at VTCARES every Wednesday 10am-1pm 27 South Main Street 775-5884. WEST LEBANON. NH - GLBT Indoor Soccer - Every Thursday from 8-10pm. (not Dec. 23rd) FMI: contact Jim. e-rnail - Friday3 BRATTLEBORO - T.H.E. Men's Program - Community Building Progam Presents ‘Men @ Art’.aDisplayofAnbyLomlGayandBisexual Men. 'I;H.E. Men_s Program (Total Hlv Education), a Brattleborobesed community-buiId- ing program for gay and bisexual men will display artin vanousmediabylocalgayandbisexual men.ThiseventwitlbepartofGal|eryWalkNight, December 3. 2004 from 5:30-8:30 PM (one night only) at 67 Main St, 4th Floor in Brattleboro. VT. Comeonup.enioytheshow.andleammore about the gay and bisexual men's community through an and conversation. Refreshments will be served. Most an will be available for sale. Someprowedsfromtheeventwillbedonatedby artists to the AIDS Project of Southem Vermont. For more information, call Glenn Johnson. pro- gram coordinator at 802.254.8263 extension 107. or email men@sover. net. BURLINGTON - Firehouse Gallery - Opening Reception-5-7PM-Roundabout:PrlntProiect Six. Exhibition December 3-23, 2004 - Open dis- cussion wl the artists Saturday, December 4, 2:004:00pm - Printmaking is widely considered a collaborative process since more than one individ- ual is typically involved in the creation of a print. PWA coalition World AIDS Div Hop to it if you want to be at the benefit concert on World AIDS Day — Wednesday, Dec. 1. It's an omnibus gala, featuring well known Vermont musicians and poets and even a play: Jon Gailmor, Coco Kallis, Paul Miller, Michael Arnowit, Nadell Fishman, and Terrance McNally’s one-act play Andre's Mother. It's all happening at Montpelier’s City Hall Auditorium - thanks to Lost Nation Theatre. The concert begins at 7 pm, and admission is by donation at the door. All proceeds benefit the Vermont People with AIDS Coalition, a nonprofit consumer advocacy group whose mission is to improve the quality of life for those infected and affected by HIV/AIDS. For more information, call the PWA Coalition office at 800-698-8792 or 802-229-5754, or contact Herb Proper at socitele@ sover.net. Go, have fun, it's a good cause, and you know that the future of funding for AIDS-related work isn't looking real cheery. Freedom to Marry: Good News I Bad News Now that the elections have past, we are faced with both good and bad news, It is time to look back and move forward. Vermont is still one of the states the rest of the country looks toward for leadership on the marriage front. We took the first step. We were the first state to truly, legally recognize our families and have the full discussion neigh- bor to neighbor about why this is an important issue for everyone. Through that discussion Vermonters came to understand this legal recognition strengthens the community as a whole. Exit polls show that more than 75 per- cent of Vermonters feel that our families deserve that protection and legal recognition. Forty per- cent choose marriage as the better option over civil unions. The polls also show that a diminishing minor- ity wants our families to have noth- ing. The ongoing discussion is working! So what is next? Our goal at the Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force is to continue to build a favorable majority in Vermont. We want a grassroots majority to demand the option of marriage be offered to all families. Full equality is the only true and fair way to treat each other. How can you help? If you are interested in getting involved, in making history, please contact the Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force through our website at www.vtfreetomarry.org or call (802) 388-2633 and leave a mes- sage. We are at a critical moment in our history and the time is now to act. We need all the help we can get. Currently we are in need of board members, regional coordi- nators and general volunteers. Thanks to all of you who have done so much. Let's take the next step now. Consumer Help for PWA: The Vermont People with AIDS Coalition is very pleased to announce that we have hired a part-time Consumer Advocate. Trampas Graham, in the Burlington area. He is available to help any- one who is having difficulties with HIV services, or to answer ques- tions about HlV/AIDS or available services. Call him at 802-324- 1507. Volunteers Extraordinaire Without the help of volunteers, Mountain Pride Media would be unable to publish both Out in the Mountains and its parallel website, www.mountain- >>