-1 out in the mountains Prophet of Peace Historian John D’Emi|io highli civil rights activist Bayard Rustin BY ROBERT WILLIAM WOLFF ohn D‘Emilio. PhD.. offered a lec- ture in late October at the University of Vermont on the imponance of Bayard Rustin as a gay man and a black civil rights activist committed to nonviolence. D‘Emilio specializes in the history of sexuality and of social movements. A Guggen- heim and National Endowment for the Humanities fellow. he also served from 1995 to I997 as the founding director of the Policy Institute at the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. At UVM. the University of Illinois professor of history and of gen- der and women's studies used his awmid-winning book. Lost Prophet: the life and Times of Bayard Rustin (2003). to present Rustin's contribu- tions and to reflect on some points about achieving hurrian rights. His lec- ture demonstrated how history helps to communicate ways people can influ- ence the future. I met Dr. D‘Emilio on cam- pus before his lecture and asked for suggestions to make sure the story of modern gay liberation is not lost here in Vemiont. “Americans are not big on history." D‘Emilio observed. adding that there is little historic memory. despite interest in some of America's big names — Washington. Jefferson. Lincoln. "If there were not a day cele- brating Martin Luther King's birth. he would be largely forgotten.” D‘Emilio declared. Universities have to be pushed to include teaching of popular struggles. including those of the lgbtq community. he insisted. lt essential for people who want to pass our legacy to young peopleto take advantage of informal opponunities as well: “Educa- tion must occur outside educational institutions. Statewide organizations need to ask what they can do about teaching lgbtq history. Bars need to ask what they can display on their walls." I thought immediately that we may want to start celebrating a queer history day ghts the role of gay peace and here in Vermont. Before starting Lori Pruplirl. D‘Emilio did not intend to write a biog- raphy: “l hate biography!" He wanted to write about the l960s. As he studied the decade's social history. he found that Rustin. born in I912. a Quaker. a pacifist. an African-American gay man. played a pivotal role in the social and political happenings of that decade. The book that resulted is a detailed telling of Bayard Rustin's political life. with threads of the leader's private life that impinge on his political life woven in. Bayard Rustin was a civil rights strategist. radical pacifist. and international human rights activist. who planted Gandhian nonviolcncc on American soil. and was a teacher and mentor to Martin Luther King. Jr. Rustin successfully planned and execut- ed some of the most imaginative and influential citizen protests in the l96(ls. According to D‘Emilio. "By the time the l960s began. Bayard Rustin had learned that war would never bring peace. and that democracy is only secure when wealth is spread around." D‘Emilio described the l960s as a decade that started in an atmosphere of hope for the future. By its midpoint. it had turned into it time of repeated assassinations. the quagmire of Vietnam. and profound loss of hope. Bayard Rustin hcld fast to hope and devoted his significant leadership and tactical skills to peace and nonviolcncc resistance organizations. Anything one might want to learn about making a better world can be Icamed from studying Bayard Rustin‘: lifc. D‘Emilio announced. Rustin's strategic and tactical efforts on behalf of peace and nonviolent civil rights actions were perhaps the most effective ever. And he did it as an African-American man who had been arrested for what were. at that time. sexual crimes: cruising for sex with men. Rustin's sexual Pl'Ul'l1lSCUll_\ was well known: he did not hide it or feel ashamed of his homo.scxuali'l_v, His colleagues’ reactions to the resulting potential for public relations problems. however. kept him in the background of activities in which he played key roles. During and after a relationship with Davis Plan. a young white man who changed his choice of college to be near Rustin's officc. Rustin had a string of embarrassing arrests on 'mor.ils' charges in the late 1940s and early l950s. Because of his continued scrapes with the law over his sexual activities. Rustin never had a secure home in the civil rights movement even though he organized the I963 march on Washington and guided Dr. King's political activities for several years as he gmc voice to thc non-violent actions for peace. freedom and civil rights that were grasping the attention of Americans. Rustin remained an activist for peace for his entire life. visiting countries from Africa to .‘\\l£! and South America when: he could encourage nonviolent resistance to oppression and colonialism. He died in I987 nftcr rctuming from Haiti. l)'l-‘.milio‘s lcclurc con- vinccd me not only of the convictions and abilities of Rustin. but that the his- tonun secs Rustin's life worthy of emu- lation. When the master realit_v-stnry- tcllcr departed Burlington l felt an unanticipated loss. Not only is he a wonderful fellow with whom to discuss \l.ll‘ljC(.'|S critical to our community. but I want logo to Chicago next semester when: I could take his classes. 7 For nmrr nfurmmimt rm Bayurrl Rustin. trr l,oI-I Prophet: The Life and Titties of liuyzitd Rustin /7) John I)'I£Inrlio fl/Illl‘(’I'.llIV\ u] Chirrlgo ,’f(',|.!I. Robert William Wolf] ll|’t'.l and writes in Rumlolpli . Ten Bad Attitudes Scott Shemtan finds the trouble with ’fI.ldeS: faulty fllmmaklng. don't know why. but I dreaded watching I0 Attitudes, a new come- dy thatpro motesitselfwith the tagline “Finally — a gay Swingers.” , Wm anyone really waiting for a gay Swingers? Have any gay peo- ple even seen that 1996 movie about wannabe actors who hang out in'LA? If the best you can do is proclaim your movie the “gay Swingers" what’s next? The all-female Midnight Express? The French True Grit? The white The W12? Hoping to get some back- ground on I 0 Attitudes, l surfed over to the lntemational Movie Database at lMDBcom. There, I saw the movie got a shockingly low user rating of l.7. Granted. only six people voted. but 1.7 is still pretty low. To put that number in perspective. the stinker Ishtar has a user rating of 3.7, the leaden Valley of the Dolls gets a 5.4, and Pia Zadora starrer The lonely Lady rates a 2.4. Just in case you think /0 Attitudes’ low rating might be due to homophobia. two other gay comedies, Trick and The Broken Hearts C lub. get a 6.9 and a 6.7. respectively. ' But the good thing about low expectations is that they can only go up. Hoping for the best. I invited my neigh- bors Gary and Real over to watch 10 Attitudes with me. If I turned out to be pleasantly surprised, I'd be happy to share a good time with them. If the movie turned out to be bad, well. mis- ery loves company. As the DVD started, the full face of comedian Bruce Villanch appeared in what I first assumed was a public service announcement. Nobody quite heard what he had to say. and then the title music started playing. “Was that part of the movie?" Gary asked. “Who knows," I responded. Bruce was followed by a completely bizarre montage of unrelat- ed shots. A muscle-bound stud emerges from a pool. A car drives down a street. Three men enter a sauna. A palm tree. All poorly lit and accompanied by bad music. “This looks like an infomer- cial." Gary observed. I thought of bad '70s porn. myself. The movie goes on (and on. and on — never have 88 minutes felt more like 800) to tell the story of Josh, a thirty-something caterer whose life falls apart when he finds his lover cheating on him. Josh vows to move back home to whcrcver, l can‘! cvcn remember but his best friend chal- lenges him to go on l0 dates before giving up on LA. - Technically, the movie is a horrifying mess. Bad camera angles. bad music. bad lighting and had set design give new meaning to the word "amateurish." The film was obviously done on the cheap. and not cndcaringly so. Sccncs shot at night are difficult to see. dialogue is hard to hear. and the handhcld cumcrawork is at times nause- ating to watch. The editing is sometimes jar- ringly staccato — not so much for anis- tic reasons. one suspects. but hccaiusc the filmmakers didn’t shoot enough coverage of several sccncs. Othcr edit- ing snafus include the bizarre disap- pearance and rczippcanincc of the lead churactcr’s goatcc over the course of the film. and frequent cutawiiys to chur- actcrs whose facial expressions uppcur inappropriate for the scene in which they're appearing. All that aside. there are entertaining moments in the film. Somc are due to the cast. which includes it very funny Judy Tcnutai. David liaiustino (from Married with Children). and openly gay comic Jim Bullock. Otlicr funnincss is contributed by the film's star. openly gay comic Jason Stuart. Stuart is OK. but he has neither the looks nor the charisma to carry it lilm. At one point. he appears shirtless. and you have to wonder what he was thinking. Stuart also co-produced and co-wrotc thc l'.!- I) um could say he has only himsclt to M... .. no the mess in which he finds himself. ”I\ pcncliunt for casting vcry good-looking tticn as his dtttcs might have inflated his ego. but it didn't do tnuch for the film's hclicvahility. Stuart is an hcticr writer than he is tin actor. I loved Josh‘s reply when his boyfriend insisted that the adulter- ous scx he wtis cuughl having was just something that was "hrippciiing." "This isn't it 'happcning'." Josh screams. "A ‘happening’ is some- thing llllll happens with Barbra Streisand in Central Park!" At one point. Josh is propo- sitioncd by it miilc prostitulc. whom he politely informs “I'm sorry. I just broke up with my hoyfricnd. I don't know if I'm at the point where l have to pay yct." ls l()Ar!irm/ox worth sccing? ' Probably not. But it docs show tlttil cvcn when buried in mild. ltilcnl will sometimes shine through. ln this ctisc. though. you have to look really hard. 7 Scot! Sht'rm(In Il’l(‘(‘(IIllIlllll(‘.\‘ Io Wmliinglmi. l)Cfmm the Richmmul. Vermont /IUIIIL‘ /ll‘ .\‘ll(lI‘('.l‘ with /ll.l‘ parl- ncr and .l'()Il.