I Do Laungh Kate Clinton laughs at iage, politics, Viagra, Homeland Security and more BY E. LYNNE LEMONT up’ Kate ('linton. one of the more high profile skep- tics Us hen it comes to incor- porating a patriarchal concept like “rnarriage" ittto lesbian culture. is now “the nitimiiig kind." She's eyen got the certificate from the L'ni\ers;il l.ite ("hutch to prime that she can unite couples of w hates er gender in marriage. But then again. she and her “little panner" l'r\.'ishi Yard. hase not yet done the deed — at least as of the date ol this recording. Clinton says she asked. btrt l‘r\asht turned her down ('linton ailrnits she wanted to do it because “we could use the piihlicity." and then goes into ti rill on TIN’ .\'¢'ii' York Hutu" publication of same-sex wedding antiotinceinents. Instead. the two went (limit to (ill) llall (“back when it \\ as workirig"l and regis- tcred as domestic partners. l'lr\l among the rights gaiiied.’ “l cotild visit her in Jail?" Which. considering Vaid's street—demo proclivitics. is no small Victory. ()r so says Kate. who then segues into the lhcn-upcoming Republican National Convention in New York (‘ity and a suggestion that the Summer Olympics be com- bined witlt the convention and all “perforrnaiiice-enhancing dnigs" would be harmed except. of course. Viagra. And that's only a few of the topics the fast-talking comedian skewers with her quick jab-jab-jab- BOOM! delivery. She asks a lot of an audience —» like that they read the news and follow politics. Anyone who doesn't will be a little lost at ll Kate (‘linton perforinance. She's fairly even-lianded. cltaractei'iI.iiig the l)emoci'ats as people "who can't take their own side in a figltt." and who, “if they had a pltoto of (‘ieorge llusli. drunk. naked, and going down on Dick Cheney in the Lincoln Bedroom. wouldn't know wltat to do with ill" So yes. the content is a little dated. but it's a snicker—pro- ducing antidote to the recent elec- tion results. As alw ays. the Catholic ("hutch comes under her laser gaze and whiplash tongue (wait. don‘t picture that. unless we're talking about Sister Steven). panicularly for the child abuse scandals. She has “Father Fondle“ and "Monsignor .\lolesta" holding a press conference \\l1llL‘ she rebuts tthat‘s HIM‘ ‘t' if you please) their imagined asser- tions. l-ather in "It's not the abuse. it's the cmer-up." KC: “.\'o. lt‘s the ulmw." Archbishops. she says. “don't spin well." The thing about Clinton. a former linglish teacher and a stand- tip comedian for the last 23 years. is that there's hardly a wasted word — e\ en the tltruw-away asides are de\‘- astatingly funny. and you have to be quick to follow them. If you know local and international comedy star Janice Perry's style. you've got it. The lllurryilrg Kilrd is (‘linton‘s seventh comedy album. adding to her healthy output that includes a book (Dnn'r Gt’! Me Slurrcrll. and a stack of columns from The Arlmmu-, among other outlets. She has perfonned in clubs and halls coast to coast. off- Broadway. and in films (notably. The Secret Life of [)(’ItIf.\‘I.\‘l. She has. according to her website. “come a long way from those first perfomiances in Unitarian Church basements. She still prays to the Unit." This is not any kind of traditional set-tip. punchline. ‘my- girlfrieiid.‘ ‘airline-food‘ stand-up comedy. lixct-pt that you know it is all cai‘el'ully planned. it could pass for sortie kind of ltilarious streain of coitsciotisite.s‘.s. (‘all it ‘associative.’ ()ite stream begins‘ with Clinton “talking to John /\.s‘ltcroft. Well I was talking. he was listening." It travels through her mother's being a pioneer of retinal scanning (“You look me in the eye the number of carb points in a communion wafer. tongue techniques learned from removing the Host from the roof her mouth. guardian angels. therapists. Jews. ltalians. truth and lies. a lesbian health conference. lesbian conference-goers flipping off the presidential motorcade. the intelligence quotient of the Secret Service. and executive colon- oscopies — all in about 6 minutes. .\'ow that were a market rather than a movement. she imag- ines Motrin sponsoring the .\lichigan \\’omen‘s Music Festival. and Preparation H sponsoring the ‘Sodomy Celebrations.’ Which she then segues into a long riff on the L' .5. Supreme Coun decisions upholding afiinnatiye action and ovcnuming sodomy laws. and the resulting homophobic pronounce- ments of the Axis of Medievals in opposition and of Senator Rick (“the ‘P' is silent") “Sanctimoron." Vice President Dick Cheney is “the Bush \W1i.s‘perer." Referring to Queer Eye for the SIr(1l_L'hl Guy. Clinton points out that it took “five gay men to replace Martha Stewart." “O\'er-pecton‘al- ized" circuit party guys become “Comish gay men." , In the Mideast. “the very least they could do is put up the billboards with the suicide preven- tion hotline numbers." On gay marriage as a wedge issue: “We are like the butt thong between the cheek of church and the check of state." If you like your humor fast. political. literate. and always slightly outrageous. The Marr_\‘iri_e Kim! belongs on your holiday list — for giving or getting. V E. l._\'mr Ixrrimir Iii-es and irrirt-.\~ in I~‘runklt'ii Corurry. 8 Feminist Therapy ' Leah Wittenberg Licensed Mental Health Counselor Psychotherapy for individuals and couples 2 Church St., Burlington (802)658-0590 ext.4 sliding fee scale Con/ecy Country. 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