Illegal Cargo Slow Train Soul www.;lowtra' Tholr Tfltt: Illegal Cargo makes their ['5 debut ('I) through Toiiiiii_\ Bo) lziitcmiintiicrit l\\ “is lttl1llll_\l3(I} cnrttl. This CL'lL'(ll\. l'.urripe.'in ttuisoriic. made tip of l,ad_s /. and Morten \‘:irano. are already a sensation in London. Paris. .\lil.'in. and (bpcnhzigeti. lad) 7. is ;i l.nndon-based. multi- ethnic Jan chanteuse with an ear for rhythm and a resonant iibrato that breathes life into the urban Cltclrn-pop ltll\C\ of celebrated Danish ttber-prrxlticcr .\lurteii \'arario The crimbiiirition is a vilioll} uniqtie blend of old school lit]! and t uttitig etlize electioiiica MIX’! THIO. A unique listening L'\])CflCttL'L' hip. urban. rail). The blend of run and clcctro-pop makes for some tiiiobtnisnc music tread, you cart talk to some- one \\llllt)lll shouting) and is per- lect lor an upscale cocktail louiigcrestziiiraiit or playing at home with you and your special someone snuggling in front of :i crackling lire. Max’: pononal Martini Rating - 2 Martial: screamlrf Rachael l: ".v:<’i ?;~—.i. aw Thalr Ihka: Screiiiiiin' Rachael (‘iiiii. Tlie Qtieeii of House. presi- dent of Trzix Records. and the House Nation's #l cheerleader has released her debut US album. In this musical autobiography. she takes listeners on an insider's musical tour of the wild interna- llttllill House sccnc uith its o\er- tlic-top, pumping parties that have iiiade Racltticl and her Tras posse House music ro_\alt_\. Screantin' l<.tall.ll.'l is a ('hic;igo girl to the bone and though she had a li\cly let‘. _\ears in .\‘Y(‘ in the late Xlfs. i.-ail} ‘MK. rciiiains in Cliicago uhcre she is busy championing the L'll_\ ‘s sound. (‘heck her out at u u \\.\Cfcitt‘!l.t;t)m. Max’: Take: If you are unfamil- iar vi ith House music this is prob- abl_\ the best place to stun. The ('l) contains I3 tracks including a l5 minute mega mix by Chicago‘.s hottest new mixer. Billy the Kid from 896 which features Screarnin' Rachael classics like "Dance All .\'ight." "Fun With Bad Boys." and “Extac_\'." Max‘: personal Martini Rating = 2 Martinis ’°5'? Z!-°*9r"'=" -..”"" iuw\v.}oshzuc| "IOU! THIRD: Raised in St. Louis. Nlissoiiri. Josh developed his first love for music. At the age of eight he was introduced to violin. which he studied for the next five years. About this time. Josh's interest in music drifted to rock 'n roll. After unsatisfying gigs in several cover bands. Josh decided to write his own music. lnspimd by the sounds of the east coast. Josh relocated to New Jersey where he continued to com- pose his melodies and lyrics. Now with a debut of his CD. Josh has integrated life experiences to it lb.-sli music style. The debut CD has ranked Ill on the Outvoice charts and Josh won 3nd place in the liitemationiil Songwriting (‘oiiirx:tition for his song "When Love Comes Back Again“. Max‘: ‘like: Josh Zuckerrnan is young. handsome. and talented. Not only a singer/songwriter/pro ducer. he plays the acoustic guitar and often Violin on many of the tracks on his debut CD. The title track. "A Totally New Sensation.“ is also pan of a compilation CD called Hut and $H‘(’(’I and his song "Spiritual" is featured in the inde- pendent short film All About Steve. I encourage _\ou to give Josh a listen. Max's personal Martini Rating = 1 Martini Their THKO: The Athens Boys Choir is a queer. political. pmtr_\'- spittin‘ duo that jointly and individ- ually creates spoken-word. The pieces are personal. societal. and political. designed to make you rat- tle your cage. pound your chest and stand up and roar. The Athens Boys Choir is comprised of the gender queer Rocket and Katz. who became friends while attending the University of Georgia. They treat their perfonnances as a forum for actix-ilsni while raising awareness about tmnsgcnder issues. the nation's current and historical racial prejudice. and the “bummer" of our current goyemment. MIX’! hka: Rliapxody In T is a poetry slam on CD. Pan serious. pan fun. this debut CD is an honest from-the-heart-and-gut" account of how two young people from the South \'lC\\’ the world of today. Coiignitulations to the Athens Boys Choir and Daemon Records for pmducing this CD. but this is really something that I would rather see live and in person. Max‘: panonal Martini Rating - 3 Martin}: Mar is is-illirig to In‘ ariythirrg once. does ('Ilj()_\' an occmriorial martini or two, but prefers Tab ®.' 3*Burlington Subaru