1 6 decembee 2394 Mal'tini’$ Rating’ Scale: 3 Martinis — "You'll need 'em!" 4 Martinis — "Wake me up when it's over!" 0 Martinis 1 Martini 2 Martinis Hello everyone and wel-‘ come to the 1st annual Max P. Martinis CD Holiday Gift Guide. I know it has been awhile since you‘ve heard from me. but just as your mailboxes are now overflowing with catalogs. ours has been filling up with lots of new CD5. so we've decided to pass along some advice on where to spend those hard-eamed dollars for the music-lovers in your life (including yourself). Happy Holidays! BTW: Max has recently been in contact with Donald Currie of Sex & Mayhem fame to see when we can expect the long-awaited and highly anticipaaduhjrd CD in ' ' turns out that Donald decided to bring Sex & Mayhem (parts 1 & 2) to the stage instead and is getting rave reviews on the West Coast. We are hoping that Donald will bring his show to the East Coast and will keep you up to date on when to expect his next CD. as well as any plans to bring his show to Vermont. Various Artists iivww.contaurrnusk:.com Thai Take: POP is in the house as Centaur partners with GayCollegeParty.com to present their eighth Party Groove CD released in 2004. This album injects a youthful new energy into #1 hits and radio classics from the past three decades and features old- school pop makeovers (mixed by DJ Seth Gold) that are currently being played on dance floors and in donn rooms of the young gay audience. ’ .....-. "No need — it's that good!" “What the hell — just one!" "Oh yeah — that's better!" GayCollegeParty.com (founded by Tony Gambino and Alan Picas) is the largest outfit catering to the nation's young gay market, with weekly events held in NYC. one-off parties around the country. and a web site membership in the tens of thousands. Look for additional vol- umes from GayCollegeParty in the new future including Flashback (music from the 80's) and Dorm Parry. Max‘: Take: Three cute boyz fea- tured on the CD cover (Luis. Reams. and Josh) make this a no gift-wrap» ping required gift. Seth Gold does a great job serving up a continuous sics such as “Holiday” (by Who's That Girl) and “You Spin Me Round — Like A Record" (by The Kinky Boyz) to grooves you may not have yet experienced such as “Naughty Girl" (by Jemini) and “Why Does It Always Rain On Me?" (by Ultima). Maxkpenonalllarthlkntingn Iflarflni Various Artists ’§i:“©@W@3 vuIw.i:onhurmuflc.com www.groovoCD.com Thai’ 'lH(d: Now in its seventh‘ year, Centaur’s Pride compilation- brings out the newest offering to up the energy for Pride festivities around theworld. The pre-eminent DJ/Producer Julian Marsh (who recently became a US. citizen; check out wwwJulianMarsh.com). has come onboard again with his usual flair and amazing sensitivity, bringing the forefront of dance mtisic. anthems. and high energy to the celebration of Pride. Julian says that “in this politically charged year. we have much to be proud of" and much for which to fight. “I hope the songs on this CD keep you ‘Charged’ enough to stand up and make a difference." says Marsh. Max’: TIIKO: You cannot go wrong with Julian Marsh. as he never dis- appoints. Most "themed" CD.s just don't seem to work for me. but Julian has skillfully pulled together some great mixes that celebrate love. individuality. spirit. and Pride. From "A Higher Place" (by Peyton). the CD's opening track. to the clos- ing track “Alive & Kicking" (by Whites Spaces featuring Jim Kerr). this CD will definitely leave you energized and ‘Charged.’ Max‘: personal Martini Rating = Ollartints Various Artists F n m, C‘ .. ’;if-swig El?’-.0f9ffl.’aa Tiara www.contaunnusk:.com Their Take: Centaur celebrates the 5th anniversary of their Global Groove series with this CD release (featuring DJ DeMarko) along with the first-ever Global Groove North American tour. The tour kicked off at Soakin‘ Wet in NYC in August and is currently traveling around the country with upcoming stops in Providence (RI). Houston (TX). Chicago (IL), and Honolulu (HI). DeMarko — who's done gigs as a professional model and award-win- ning filmmaker - never thought he'd make a career out of DJing but now releases his first CD with Centaur (rs holiday gift gutgie Music oti the 5th ;iitni\crs.ir_\ of his mote to .\'Y(‘. (‘cnt.itir's (ilolml (iro\ e scrics aims to lcaturc the best dance music front zirountl thc world. exposing the listener to new music. new l)Js. and new sounds MIX’! ‘Wm: H) cmplo_\ing it technique that |)c.\l;irko calls "braiding". this CD \i.c:i\cs a scant- less tapestry of sound using records front various dance music genres. The tribal drumbcat driven “Ritino" (by Low pass) and melodic “();isis" (by l)J Tuiircg. featuring .\landoliii Man) are it few of the tracks that rcally give this it (‘D its global fla- vor. but “Personal Jesus" (by ()BA' Frank l.ord's) is it fgygn'g....‘ ,5‘, Max‘: personal Martin! Racing - 1 Martin! Shannon i"i'}’:.-cs ii"lL";:::i“w “ ' ,.~;i=~. é’It'r=-.x,‘i mt? www.shout1octory.com Tholr TIIKO: Shout! Factory (music, movies, and video for the discerning pop culture gcck) steps onto the dance floor with this release. This lcgcndary dance floor diva's — biggest hits — from her '80s heyday and her successful '90s comeback ~ are finally available on at single disc. This album is a boon to collectors. since much of her material as been out of print for years, and completely unavailable in the CD era. Max’: Take: You'll likely pick this up because of Shannon's signa- ture song “Let The Music Play“ but Shannon was no one-hit wonder. The CD contains 14 tracks including the European-only single “It's Got To Be Love" and the Afrika ll.inib.i.it.i.i single tcnturiiig Sli.innon. "Do The Wroiig 'l'h;iiit' " (in ahead and pick tip it cop) or two tod.i_\ and lct the niiisic play Max‘: personal Martini Rating as 1 Martini: V‘.".'°_‘.'.‘ ‘l","“‘. 7. .'.~.‘.i" V - 1. - I .- .- \ . t ‘ . . _ . www.Ii|ng|troosoun¢s.com TIIOII THKO: Those who like their dance music equal pans mind. body. and soul will surely embrace this unique concept album. The album. it solid set of luture deep house Cltts» sics, brings together some ol llic most respected L'()l1lL‘llIp()f.'lt'_\' dance music artists (Bhi/c Kevin llcdgc and Josh Milan Kenny Bobicn. Barbara Ttickcr. Ultra Nate. Arnold Jarvis. Byron Stingily. and Joi (‘ardwc-ll. to iiauie ii few) in the business to benefit l.ll‘l£bcat (The Music lndustry Fights AIDS). l.lFlibctit is it national non-profit org;iniI.zition dedicated to rctiching /\incrica's youth with the message of HIV/AIDS prevention. Blzizc and all the artists donated their time. recording, fees. and publishing royal- tics so that this album cotild hilly bcncfit l.lFlibcat. Max’: Thkoz Many of you proba- bly don't know that l have it love of gospel music its well as a spiritual side. This CD is spiritual in its lites- sagc. tiplifting in its music. and giv- ing iii its support of it great cause. With all the recent current events this is a CD that will encourage you to keep hope alive. Max’: personal Maninl Rating - 0 Marital: