BYBEM~l;TrLAw is holiday season. the kind folks at Grayson Fairbanks, Inc. are spreading their message of hope for a better world. one where “hurtful words can be shifted in perception into greater. more positive definitions." They are liberating the word “fag" from its negative connotation by re-defining it and branding it as “a bold statement of pride and power." And through what vehicle are they liberating “fag" (and surely. through extension. fags around the globe)? Why. holy Father Christmas. through “a line of holistic. life-afiinning beauty and groom- ing products." of course! Grayson Fairbanks. lnc.. has released it.s F.A.G. line of Fabulous and Gay Aromatherapy Products for the Fabulous and Gay. They are now market- ing F.A.G. Hair & Body Wash (a full body wash offering the latest grooming trend for men. providing convenience for home. gym. and traveling). Hair Conditioner. Body Cream ta nourishing cream with anti-aging antioxidants and vitamins). and Lip Balm. They chose bay laurel as the primary essential oil for this signature line of products. as it “is herald- ed for its healing properties to reduce stress. bestow confidence and provide clarity." Now clarity is something I could use at 5:30 in the morning. but I have to admit that when I'm crawling out of bed I feel decidedly more fagulous and gray than Fabulous and Gay. To help me (and you) over this hump. and because the elves at Grayson Fairbanks take their fag liberation agenda seriously. the Hair & Body Wash bears the Daily FAG Mantra: “l'm FAG. I'm FAG. I am Fabulous and Gay!" Rinse and repeat. At first I wondered ifl was an obvious choice for this assignment — l mean. between the two of us. Tom and I would be lucky to have enough hair for one. But having always been a serial monogamist (one at a time until it's used up. and then try something new). I've sampled my share of grooming products over the years. And after affairs with a host of others. Paul Mitchell has been hanging out in my shower for some time Wash That HATE Right Out of Your AIR! How a company ‘liberates’ an epithet. now, so the time was right for someone new. I answered Euan’s call and have been using the Fabulous and Gay prod- ucts for the past month. So how are they? Score one for the folks at Fabulous and Gay — the prod- ucts are great. Both the shampoo/body wash and the body cream are reminiscent of comparable Aveda products (the FA .G. Hair & Body Wash is like having a bay laurel companion to Aveda’s rosemary- rnint shampoo, and the F.A.G. Body Cream is a worthy companion to Aveda’s Hand Therapy). The products are rich and luxurious, with a bold, striking fragrance. Coming soon, according tothe company’s website, are shave cream, family and pet products, and more, including a “galpal boutique.” So even if you’re not an out-an—out fag, don’t despair, there’ll be plenty of “product’ to go around. A As company founder David Christian Hamblin — a single dad and a former publisher with model-quality looks to go with his mission for hope and peace — wrote us in an email, “At a time when political parties are making gay lives ‘less than’ when it comes to rela- tionships and partnerships it is vital for the gay community to be supported in products that uplift and affirm the ‘ verybest that WE ARE! “We are proud to connect our society to the creation of a better world through the use of this new definition. “FAG it’s not who you are it’s how you live!!!” A These are top quality products, and I’m happy to endorse them. Tom’s first reaction to all this bay laurel was, “Mmm, you smell very masculine.” So that smile on my face these days, well let‘s just say that’s because I’m “Fabulous and Gay!” V The entire FA.G. Fabulous and Gay col- lection is available on-line. Ordering details and a special introductory offer are available at wwwfabulousandgay. com. The Fabulous and Gay Bennett Law smells good to his partner in Bethel.