ll-' YOU‘VE NEVER BSSN TSTED. OR IF YOU’VB HAD UNPROTECTKD SEX OR SHARED A N TIE fllll GET llEll.Tll Bill! Illll TIIEITIEIT If VII TEST POSITIVE For information on HIV testing: I call toll-free from in Vermont 800-882-Ams (800—882-2437)’ I for hearing impaired 'I'I'Y access 800-319-3141* I or visit us on-line at http://www.healthyvermonters.info ' The Vermont AIDS Hotline is open vveekdays. 8:30-4:30. (For information 24/7,call the National AIDS Hotline 800-342-2437.) Take the TEST. take (}0llTll0l. /\°« VERMONT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 'Cl3.IS3J. R338’ HZAZN EAJIOK 51 '.I.S3.L AIH NV 1.39 0.)’. ZHLL 314.]. Si MON '.I.S3.I. .l'.S YOU'VE HAD UNPROTECTBD SEX OR SHARED A NEEDLE SlNCl YOUR LAST '1' 9-"1'. NOW 18 THE TIME 1'0 0!!‘ AN HIV T381‘. ll’ YOU'VE NEVER BEEN TESTED. 08 ll’ YOUWE HAD UNPROT out in the mountains Views: Right Place, Right Time 23 V"l Elnok SDNJS STCIHSN V GSUVHS H0 X38 (]3.L')3.l.0HdNfl UVH EAJIOA dl HO 'Cl2.Lb'fiJ. Nfllfl HHASN 3A.nO}t .-ll '..l.b'H.l. /UH NV LED 01 3WLl. EH1. Sl MON '.l.b3..L .l.SV'I H110}. HOME 210 ‘"6 1-800-825-9766 'www.GayAdventureTravel.com ALYSON ADVENTURES ere are some of my respons- es to the election in the US on ll.-'3/04: I: Exit poll accuracy nationally. except for vv here there were electronic voting machines. was high. Only in lT‘.l(.llll0n'.|ll_\' Democratic areas (in Florida and Ohio) with electronic voting machines were the exit polls way off. and there because Bush "unex- pectedly" did well. Hint: the elec- tronic voting machines were rigged. as we knew they would be. Bush lost the election but managed to deceive most people yet again. A voting district with 262 voters in Ohio cast 4000 ballots for Bush (electronic machinell. That kind of fmud in one place indicates a likeli- hood of similar fraud in other places. The USA cannot claim to have a functional democracy when the elec- tions are rigged by corporations in league with the Republican Pany. The national GOP is clearly a crimi- nal institution at this point. 2: Scientists and climate experts worldwide have agreed that we are headed for a huge energy/economy crash due to the changes in petroleum price and availability. and that we are poison- ing thc biosphere by continued use of fossil fuels. This means that when the price ofoil hits Slot) or S150 a barrel. post-industrial civilization as we know it is going to come to a dramatic end as most people on earth return to a pre-industrial ener- gy economy. The wars over oil will continue to increase. and George Bush is the single best person to bring everything crashing down. His proclivity for bloodthirstincss and cruelty. his pathological dishonesty and his inability to learn from his mistakes make him the perfect bull- dozer to bring the house of cards down. The job is to dismantle a cor- rupt discased system. for the old par- adigm to implode while the new ones come forth from the (hopefully not literal) ashes. Go George! 3: ll seems likely to me that the rest of the world may at some point have to administer a cor- rcction to the US. as it did with Germany in WWII. lf Bush invades lran. he casts himself (and you!) in opposition to Russia and China. both powerful nations with long-range nuclear weapons. Bush’s unabashed plan to take over the Middle-East is unlikely to be tolerated by the rest of the world in the long run. This will take a heavy toll on the L'S.-\. but if people here allow a despot to rule then they will have to pay the piper. 4: The myth of a polarized US: Yes. there are significant dis- agreements about lifestyle. civil rights. and religion. but there are huge areas of commonality which are ignored. Exploiting difference — divide and conquer — is the oldest game in the book and it is being used effectively on the population of the US. The commercial media is complicit as they are primarily moti- vated by profit and the drive to increase their power. They‘ have no altruistic motives about the well- being of the populace. Add it all up and every- thing is just as it should be? Humanity is continuing its cycle of ideological war and religious repres- sion. (irccd and lust for material things rules in the most powerful nation on earth where the people argue over who gets to marry rather than how to feed the hungry. Multitudes call themselves compas- sionatc Christians while screaming for the blood of Muslims and deny- ing aid to the struggling poor in their own backyards. llypocrisy is the rule of the day. Sounds pretty bleak. right‘? Not necessarily. All of us who are alive now are the right people in the right place at the right time. even though we may not necessarily enjoy the changes we experience or their out- comes. My friends and l have been discussing these global trends and - others. politics, social movements. etc. for decades. For much of the lat- ter half of the 2()th century people all over the world have been observ- ing thc changes occurring on earth and commenting on them publicly and privately. We’ve been preparing for \shal's coming. We've built social and faith commiiriiiies that acknovs lcdgc the path liuiiianity has taken. and tried to prepare rclation- ships to be more iiiutuall_v supponivc in case we ever need to depend on each other directly Pcoplc all over the world are leamiiig through Pcrrnaciilture and other methods to grow and save more food. as vvcll as other survival skills. ("loser to home it's impor- tant to recognize that Bush “won’' this election. Eiilvani‘/ing a lot of voters. on the backs of gay and les- bian people. He is proceeding with amending the constitution to ban gay marriage. killing two birds with one stone: setting a precedent of chang- ing the constitution to promote dis- crimination against a minority group. and creating a scapegoat class. This reminds me of the l930's in Germany when laws were gradu- ally passcd which denied Jews rights —- the right to own a business, the Hypocrisy is the rule of the day. Sounds pretty bleak, right? Not necessarily. right to attend school. eventually Jews were denied the right to piir- chasc soap! All this on the way to the ovens. What does Busli have in store for tis I wonder’? ()ur own complacency is the greatest danger we face. V Wu/Ivr Z('irIiii¢'/' f.\' u /i.ryr'/iii//ii-i'(i- pi.v'I. Izml_v~u'or/«'1', r/iII'IIl(‘/‘. ii'i'Ii'/r. tllltl /m//Iirul (lt‘Ifl'f.\'I o/'r'mr.v'('ir'Iri't' Hr‘/III Iiwrx in Iiol/mi.