Progress .\t>vv that the elections are m er and I huh: gotten met in) disappoint- tncnt ot the tIlllL'Hlllt.'. I uni rellccttng on Jll\l hm-t much the (in). l.C\hlilll. lll\L‘\ll;lI.'I'f.Ill\gCl1(.lCl' communit_\ lt.i~ .lLlll'.‘\L'kl Ill the past lcu years - L‘\L'll \‘~llll l’n.'\ltIL'IlI Iiuslt in nttice. I hznu been out nnl_\ a text )c;ir~ trim and lime \\llllL'\\L‘d \llLl’l l.lIlI.l\IlL rt-~ult~ l‘>L'c.tll\t.' ot the brave tmtl pctstslcttl l’\~:lt;t\ItIr Ml so mztn} (il Bl pct-plc £tl1\.l(IlllL‘l’\ that l.nm-. that we dtwcrvc respect and ham- \tl[3[‘i|YlL‘(l us in so titan} tlttlctent '-'-.1:-\ ‘lh-:'\ realize that the} mould lu\ctuI1\e in.:t.otmtr} that is fair and docs not ~ho\-. prcititltcc towards anyone. I too love this countr} even though sometimes I tcel that it does not tolerate me I am still proud to be a pan of it. This time Kerr)’ did not persevere. But maybe the next time \\c will elect someone who can look past our differences and just see ll‘|L‘lll as differences not a path of destruction. Correct me if I'm wrong. I was brought up knowing that llll\ cntttttr} was a melting pot. l{\ct‘_\(illc it as supposed to be able to express their freedoms and live Illt.‘lfIl\L'\1lCL'Ul'(.llllgI). Timothy l’_vcr Iurtrlcc Don't Buy Gay Blame Months ago. we all knew that if George Bush was re-elected. "gay marriage" would be blamed. A scapegoat is required. Offer up the gays. The right wing was indeed energized. I would be too ifl shared their ‘‘values.‘' The Bush Administration has catered to their every request and fed them tons of red meat — abstinence—onl_\'—until- marriage "sex education the “Faith-Based Initiative.“ the ban on late temi abortion. restrictions on overseas contraception programs. the ban on stem cell research. and yes. gay marriage. lt‘s sickening and fascinating that when one in five voters said “moral values” was the most important issue for them, pun- dits immediately equated that with gay marriage alone. Frankly. the right did a better job in turning out their vote in key places. They've been building their machine — illegally. unethical- ly. or both — through churches for 30 _vea_rs. They have seized and occu- pied "moral values" for years. Our side is not going to make up these deficiencies in one cycle. .\Iatt Foreman Executive Director. National Gay and Lesbian Task Force letters Correction: In Cynthia Potts’ story “Looking for Lesbian Love, Virtually” (November). Peggy Luhrs was quoted as using the (not-quite) word “commodization.” The actual word she used should have been written as “commodification.” We regret the error. V At Witt’:-3 End Leah Wittenberg VAMLLA L4“; com? o M"? Mzuuur Re-‘caulk uwre Cost cease? cmpucano 't>¢cA(3 COFFEES I l‘l¢.o£‘Bl¢® OVGANIC O?6ANIc Tu?-‘(AF 11.6.2 nave wt’ ¢A‘v7¢auAlo 71:‘-(FAR mrrg can say Milk coaustl’ ct-we Mgcxffi-(Cnlo ‘J @ § 5’: E 3 “When we were in Alaska for 6 months, Out in the Mountains kept us in touch with home and helped us decide to come back.” Becky Roberts, Colchester