2 eeezenaher 2011:: out in the mountains Against the Tide Vermont's GLBT Community Wins and Loses on Election Day BY PAUL OLSEN ontpelier, Vt. - While the national Mpolitical landscape looks bleak for gay, lesbian. bisexual. and transgender Americans after Election Day. the political picture in Vermont looks much brighter. Come January. five openly gay men will serve in the Vermont Legislature. State Reps. Bill Lippen (D-Hinesburg) and Robert Dostis (D—Waterbury) were reelected and will be joined by Steve Howard (D- Rutland) and Jason Lorber (D-Burlington) in the House. Fomter state Auditor Ed Flanagan (D) made history by becoming the state’s first openly gay member of the state Senate. Flanagan was first elected state Auditor in 1992 and publicly came out as a gay man in 1995. He made national history when. in I996, he became the first openly gay statewide elected official in the United States. He left the Auditor's post in 2000 to run for the United States Senate. “l am proud to be Vermont‘s first openly gay state senator. but I must say that it never came up in the campaign." Flanagan told OITM. "My agenda is really to be as good a Senator as 1 can. I am going down there (Montpelier) to address the issues that I talked about — health care. our economy. and our schools." In other election news. a number of antigay legislators. including state Reps. Nancy Sheltia (R-Derby). Gene Sweetser (R-Essex). Spike Robinson (R-Richmond). and Frank Mazur (R-South Burlington). were defeated on Election Day. Two founders of the antigay group Take it to the People (TIP). Republicans Craig Bensen and Jerry Smiley, were also defeated in their bids for elective office. Democrats increased their majority in the state Senate. 21 to 9. Overtuming the civil unions backlash election results of 2000. Democrats also regained contml of the House. winning 83 seats compared to 60 for Republicans. Six Progressives and one independent hold the remaining seats. But in the nice for Govemor. Republican Gov. James Douglas defeated Burlington Mayor Peter Clavelle (D) 59 percent to 38 percent. Clavelle's loss is attributed to his lackluster campaign and the moderate positions staked out by Douglas. Thmughout the campaign. Clavellc appeared to enjoy the support of many gay and lesbian Vermonters. His campaign spokesman. BJ. Rogers. is well known in the gay community as the former executive director of Outright Vermont. :1 gay youth advocacy and suppon group. Verrnont‘s representation in Washington. DC will remain gay-friendly. Incumbent U.S. Rep. Bernie Sanders defeat- ed Greg Parke by 46 percentage points. Parke is an antigay conservative Republican who pledged to promote “conservative val- tics and principles" including “combating the homosexual agenda." in an interview with ()ITM at his victory party. Sanders expressed his grati- tude: "l want to thank the gay and lesbian community for its support and they have my word that we're going to continue the light for hutnan dignity in America and oppose any constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage." he said. The outcome of the race for the Senate also bodes well for gay and les- bian Vennonters. Pro-gay incumbent Sen. Patrick Leahy (D) defeated GOP business- man Jack McMullen 7| percent to 24 per- cent. Shonly after his victory speech. l.cahy told OITM he will continue his fight for equal rights for gay Americans. “I have always expressed tolerance in every aspect of life and that reflects how most Vermonters feel." he said. "Most Vermonters are tolerant people and they should be. W-‘re a better state when we are." V" Paul Olsen. Ed.l).. lives in C ()l(‘ll¢'SI('r’ and also writes for in ncwswcekly. Gay Mayor Re-Elected counts were 4756- I688. Hall. a retired business- tination city. Development plans include the construction of a hotel and antique and collectible vendors. Recently. Stewart has called for . BY CYNTHIA Porrs attsburgh — Two terms filled with economic development and community-building convinced Plattsburgh voters that they wanted 18kt & platinum with diamonds From $2425. incumbent Mayor Dan Stewart in office for another three years. In a landslide victory. Stewart. who ran as both a Republican and an Independent. captured 74 percent of the vote. defeating Democratic can- didate Robert Hall. Final vote Fine Diamonds and Jewelry ~ man and bar owner. has been a can- didate before. having run against incumbent Mayor Clyde Rabideau before Rabideau was defeated by Stewart. _ Stewan's campaign was based on his continuing plans of transforming Plattsburgh into a des- Love ornaments by Alli .lll’KUs° and conference center along the city's waterfront. and the creation of an ans and cultural community. The plan includes the renovation of the historic Strand Theater on Brinker- hoff Street. and the on-going meta- morphosis of the City Farmer's Market to include live entcrtaintnent V 150 Church St., Burlington, VT Stratton, Springfield VT, Hanover, NH VcrmontDesign\X/orks property taxes on the SUNY Plattsburgh campus as a way to aug- ment city funds. The Plattshurgh mayor has been quoted as being in firm opposi- tion to his pany's stance against gay marriage. but said he has no plans to leave the GOP. V graphic design illustration packaging identity web design web marketing 130 West Canal Street, Suite 3 Winooski. Vermont 05404 802/383-7679 wwwvtdesignworkscom