T Lives" on Wednesday, November 17th at the BURLINGTON - Out in the Mountains — Sttjffi wHm-:~ RlVER JCT ’_- ACORN — sin Annual F BENNINGTON -The Turning Point Club — Evening with the lmpenal Court of» NYC .Qvereaters. See Tuesday 2nd'for more informa- Firehouse Gallery. The evening will showcase Night. Come and join. us as we prepare tose’ ' " tion. F «films and art celebrating gender identity. This ‘ the newest edition to ‘distnbuticn sites and ‘ ACORN P|’0Ud'YFP'959“t_3 the Sixth A""“a' F ’ “ F N F ‘ ‘ event is sponsored by Outright Vennont, T scribers around the region. Any time after 5;: EV9"i”9 Wm‘ the '"‘Pe”'‘‘' CW" °f New Y°”‘ CWT BRAT”-EBORO ' ADS Project °f S°U"‘9m Safespace. UVM Free To Be, UVM LGBTQA 34 Elmwood Ave. (across from the Post Offi Enjoy the talent of NYC‘s\ most‘ colorful cross- Vermont - Syringe Exchange. See Tuesday 2nd Se,-Vices’ and Vermom GARES. and supported by Burlington, Pizza provided, so come an do C11‘ 935319 l5V°f955l°"a' P9Tf°"T'e"5 f0’ a”'5"°’e,dlb'3 7°" ”.1°"9 l”f°"“3fi9’.‘- N RU12 Community Center andthe Samara _ see old friends and make new ones. For " show!NGuest.starrin9 the Barony ofA!lVerm0nt- T F F T. i i i F- F ' FF 5 ‘ M T hticnoall 861-OlTM or opsn'igr@mountainp_ Please‘join.us‘forthisFantastiC Fundraiser. T. . F ~ g F N \ : F N_ g _N diamg, N Amen‘canLegicnTHaII.White RiverJunction\/T.’ F N g - ‘ F F * F NV FT N - r S N F I N NN s V 8:00 pm. GeneralAdmission: $20. Front Row $30. F ‘ F - j T N. . ,ST;JoHNseuRY- \/err\n'ont‘CARES - Oral At the Door$25. fro‘purchaee tickets crformore M M i is _ _ F T Testing) Seewednesday 3rdfor moréin 3“4.‘i8'a887Ag'§9°i816:. isT JOHNSBURY T N ’ Qhriet Church'Presbytenan - ic See Sunday 7thfor'mcre info. JERlClrlOfCyNTERg9—5pm(12—4gcn Sunday)’ : T’ , 11th anjnual‘Art_ and Artisans Holiday Marl