. november 2004 ’ To announce an event in our monthly calendar, e-mail it to calendar@mountainpridemedia.org, or write us at: POB 1078, Richmond, VT 05477. For more detailed, up-to-the-minute listings, check out our web calendar at : www.mountainpridemedia.orglcalendar_index.htm Color Complex and friends ARLINGTON - Alcoholics Anonymous - Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Meeting; Every 0* Monday from 7:00-8:00 At St James Church, across from Stewarfs convenience store. Open meeting,ofAA. meaning that anyone with a desire to stop drinking can attend. , MONTPELIER -Survivors of incest Anonymous — Meeting’ at 6:00 PM. At the UCC Bethany Church in Montpelier on Main Street (on the right, just past Ben & Jerrys if you are coming from the interstate). Every Monday in the Blue Door Room, come in front door go to the Basement, stairs on left, then to the end of the hall to the room with the (I to r): Freddy Solomon, Kim McRa will at 135 Pearl on Nov. 5 with their-‘rhythm and soul revue.’ blue door. FMl: 229-2153 or 454-7822 MORRISVILLE ’- People's Academy - Volunteer Training. Nov. 1- & 3 Morrisville, People's Academy High School, 6pm to 9 pm. Free volunteer train- V ing for people wanting to work with the Clarina Howard Nichols Center against domestic violence and sexual assault. You must attend six sessions to do direct service work. Contact Sara at’888- 2584. Tuesday 2 BENNINGTON - The Turning Point Club — Overeaters. For more infomation, goto: www.oa.org, ...Or come and check out the meeting for yourself Tuesday nights from 6:30-7:30 pm at w ) » mi e, Winnie Looby, ’ ing 802 447-1403 or 802 447-3587. Ted Loony, ....i Gus zresing (missing from the photo, nae orshan). The 9” the’Tuming Point Club, 465 Main Street, Bennington, VT. Or call 442-9700 for more infor- mation and/or; to be connected with someone from CA. A Street.—Anonymous. For more information ca .802-254-8263. ' — HANOVER/LEBANON NH - American Canoe Society - Look Good Feel Better , _ Program10:00-11:00 AM At the Norris Cotton 7 Cancer Center, Lebanon, _NH. Sponsored by , American Cancer Society, Cosmetic, Toiletry a , Fragrance Association, and National Cosmetol Sponsored by the American Cancer Society, Association. First Tuesday of each month. Pl Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragranw Association, and register in advance by calling Doris Watson at National Cosmetology Association. First Tuesday’ ' 448-6417. . " of each month. Please register in advance by call- 4 BENNINGTON - American Cancer Society — Look Good Feel BetterProgram, The first Tuesday of every 1 month from 1:30-2:30PM. At the Southwest Medical Center in Bennington. HARDWICK - Overeaters Anonymous 12-ste Group (OA). 2-3pm. FMl Call 472.6463 BRATFLEBORO - AIDS Project of Southern (Tuesdays) Vermont - Syringe Exchange. 6:00-9:00 PM. At the Brattleboro Drop-ln Center, 60 South Main