J‘l vote, because one person can do so much. I vote, because it creates change. I vote, becausel want to make a difference in my democracy. I vote, because I believe in democracy, .1 lbelieve injustice andl believe that if e youdion't like what is going on, you needto take action to change it.” l-.luviaiM_u|v_'aney-~_Stanak, Co-Executive llirector of Outright; Vermont . L . you are registere, the last day 0 ' e register to Vote is Monday, October 25TH. ’ «early voting ballot and VOTE NOW! ! I !- V Check out the VT Fund for Families PAC“ 2004 ectin Endorsments nte p seet inserted in this issue or at WWW.vermontfundforfamilies.org for last minute updates. vos OE vow-Evo-re vo-re YOUR FREEDOM DEPENDS ON IT! Mountain Pride Media .5; encourages you tovote b 4 T on November 2nd! n www.yourvotematters.orgl1'urnOutVT i