- Thursday 7 GT. BARRINGTON, MA - OUT AND ABOUT. 8 pm, Union Bar & Grill, Main St., Gt. Barrington ‘ (across the street from Tune Street.) ' .« PITTSFIELD, MA - Berkshire Community College 6 - Jennifer Finney Boylan, A LIFE IN TWO GEN- -j SDERS 12:15 pm, K111. Boylan, author of nine and Professor of English at Colby College, discusses her experience as a transgendered person and her memoir, Shes Not There. ‘ (Doubleday/Broadway). She will read excerpts ’ . rrlrthe memoir, and answer questions from the shire community.‘Free, open to the public. BT MONTH AT BERKSHIRE COMMUNITY S B COLLEGEA350 West St., Pittsfield, MA UTLAND - VT Cares - HlV.Testing.-‘ FREE - VT’- Dept of Health 11 Noon -4pm. Every 1_st f rsday of the Month. -Asa Btoorner Building = utland VT. Call 775-5884 for more info. 7 E __OWE - Stowe Theatre Guild 5 I Lcrevcu, u‘re Perfect, Now Change. See Friday 1st 7 wAIjTsl=lELo - Buncly Center for theArts,-Arttst§ : . , K.Wll|iams of the Burlington area, Bundy f I ~ Center for the off Route; 100, Waitsfield, 2.3 miicsi south offioute 17, Meet tl1e*Arlist§Thiursday1 nights in 7-9 pm. Call 802-496-4781. — I 1 TIONWIDE 0- National Equality Boycott Day. A y.-to showour impact on the economy. A I UBLINGTON - 0utri9h1‘- Social Hour 5-7pm.. P Friday Night Group 7-azsopm. FMI:-Megan-I 3 Kopriva, Program Assistant, Outright Vermont.‘ www.outrightvt.org or 802-865-9677. , OWE - Stowe Theatre Guild - I Love You,‘ A A u're Perfect, Now Change. See Friday 1 st _ 2 MONTPEUER -. "Show George the Door- Vote in - , ’ 2004'? Benefit Dance with TheDaveKeller Band 4, Tammy Fletcher;,D'Moja; and Allison. Mann ~ and Deborah Flateman with 7 Piece All-Star Jazz . Band. 7110.411 :30 PM at the Vermont College “Gymnasium (comer of East State and College 7 Sts. rAclrriission: Adults $25; 12-181 yrs. $10; under j 012 free accompanied byadult. Proceeds to The 7 Democratic National Committee's ‘Battleground : :. Swing State Vlctory;Furlds. Desperate Tlrnes Call c . siowr -i5i°WeTiisétreefifilld-»I‘L>