Freeing Ourselves from Lies ' . As a subscriber, I believe I am in position to assist our cause in free- ing allmembers of gay and altema- tive.society, while freeing straights from the lies perpetuated by the straight bigoted religions and com- munities. I am also convinced the time is imperative for us all to try to end the mystique about gay people > and the bigoted words getting around in our society about us, or is it better put about “them,” forever. This is a piece I've entitled, for us — “A Call To Activism”; or for non gays — “Psalm Busters For A Modern Society.” I believe what is greatly wrong with America is what is wrong with bigotry, apathy, undecid- ed ness, and lack of fortitude, and that includesthe actions and inac- tions by our religious, political and corporate leaders in America. I know, ‘religion’ was meant to be ‘invigorating,’ pleasing- ly bright, informative and giving light on social, psychological and similar problems. [. . .] I believe in and support the right to refuse heterosexual union when life, reason, sexual make-up, debility or even the times call for another way. As an educator and myth buster, I know that bigotry is an ill- ness that involves: false prophecy, instilling hate and fear, indoctrina- tion of ideas contrary to peace, blas- phemous sermonizing, of lying to people and lying about people. I know that once fully indoctrinated, bigotry turns its ugly head to become a mean spirited ness, a spiritual illness. Once it becomes mean-spirited, it becomes an illness of violent intent. Once it becomes violent, the innocent are hurt. Sickness in Religions, in Society and in People must be stemmed, stopped, today! And finally I must stand firmly and remind us all that bigotry must not be coddled to and/or sup- ported by American Politicians, Businesses, Educational Facilities, other religions and people. Truly, Eric Ekstrom Harwich Port, MA Eric Ekstrom is the Founder of the Beautiful Universe Enlightenment Center, on Cape Cod. Who's Your Mama's Rep . For the record, nobody was contact- ed for the Potts story “Who’s Your Mama.” Our organization, the Center for American Cultural Renewal, was mentioned in the arti- cle but we, nor Lisa, nor her attor- neys, were ever called. Your state- ment about “refusal” at the end of the article is untrue. Kevin W. Blier Rutland Kevin Blier is the Director of Vermont Renewal. Writer Cynthia Potts responds: I did indeed call Lisa Miller- K Jenkins’ attorneys and left two mes- sages asking for comments or an interview on the matter, neither of which was returned. The only num- ber I was able to find for LMJ rang through to a fax machine. I did not Contact the Center for American Cultural Renewal. I also did not contact GLAD or Lambda Legal, groups that have stepped up behind Janet, the woman seeking visitation. I did not consider the advocacy groups “her representatives." 1 list- ed them only to clarify what groups are part of the case. If Lisa or any of herrepresentatives are now will- ing to speak to me, I'd be more than happy to speak to them. V At Witt’s End Leah Wittenberg c N11’? 5”‘-“R6-© 0"} graphic design illustration packaging identity web design web marketing VermontDesignWorks 130 West Canal Street, Suite 3 Winooski, Vermont 05404 802/383-7679 ....:'s ..._ v.,,-,