minds. Rte 7A, Arlington, VT 05250 375-9952 stjames@eenabIe.net st. Johnsbury Unitarian Universalist Church. Rev. Brendan Hadash. 802-525-3856. bhadash@sover.net St. Michael Episcopal Church. Wed 12 noon Holy Eucharist; Sundays 8 a.m.: Holy Eucharist and sermon, 10 a.m.: An open and affirming congregation of the Episcopal Church welcoming LGBT persons. 18 Bradley Ave, Brattleboro. 802-254-6048. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. 2 Cherry St. Burlington. GLBTQ ‘sation, and prayer. Open to all. - Third Friday of the month, Rev. s Tanya Wallace. 802-864-0471 x16. Unitarian Church of Montpelier 130 Main St. Montpelier 223-7861 Unitarian Universalist Church 117 West St., Rutland VT. Rev. Frederick Gailor 775-0850 Unitarian Universalist Congregation I Upper Valley Bruce Johnson . v 649-8828, uucuv@val|ey.net Unitarian Universalist Church of Springfield, 10 am Sundays, Fairgrounds Rd, Springfield 885-3327. Vermont G,ay_,Men's Spiritual. . Support Brotherhood 5 Raymond Pl, Burlington 05401 ' Vermont Open Circle of Wicca & Wicce POB 1345 Middlebury VT 05753 opencirc|e.faithweb.com Vermont Organization for Weddings of the Same Gender (VOWS) Rev. Brendan Hadash 964 Beach Hill Rd, West Glover 05875 525-3875 www.geocili'es.oom/bhadash ‘" STUDENT A" [See complete SOURCE listings: . .1 . b ] ’ SUPPORT American Veterans for Equal Rights (AVER), formerly GLB Veterans of America, POB 29317, Chicago, IL 60629, www.aver.us @ Ru12 — Every 3rd Friday. 6-8pm Gay/Bisexual/Questioning Men’s Support Group. Mondays 7-9 pm. Open Men’s Support Group (open to all men). Sundays 7-9 pm. Support Group for Men Who Have Experienced Childhood Sexual Abuse and/or Neglect. Fridays 7- 8:30 pm. Men’s Resource Center, 236 N. Pleasant St, Amherst MA. Allan Arnaboldi (_413) 352-9887 X 10 aamaboldi,@mensresourcecenter.org Gay & Bisexual Men's Support Group Keene NH Shawn, 800-639- 7903 Coming Out & Questioning Support Group for LGBTQ Adults age 23 +, free, open and ongoing. Mixed Group: 2nd & 4th Thursdays, 6330 Pm Women's Group: 1st & 3rd Thursdays, 6:30 pm Group. Lavish potluck, lively conver- Butch/Femme Discussion Group . Open Men’s Support Group (open to all men). Tuesdays 6:45-8:45. Senior Dugout/Games Room, . . Council on Aging Memorial Hall. 240 Main St., Northampton MA. FMI: Allan Arnaboldi at (413) 352- 9887 x 10 or aarnabo|di@mensre- sourcecenter.org R.U.1.2? Burlington, 860-7812, the- center@ru12.org,www.ru12.org Sex And Love Addicts Anonymous Group POB 5843 Burlington 05402 A Survivors of Incest Anonymous. Mondays _6-7 pm. UCC Bethany Church, Blue Door Room (base-4 ment).VMain Street. Montpelier. 802- 229-2153 or 802-454-7822. Friends in Adoption 44 South St. POB 1228 Middletown Springs VT 05757 235-2373 . VT Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (P-FLAG) NE Regional Director Peggy Gage 12 Lincoln St. Exeter NH 03833 603- 772-2113 NortheastRD@pf|ag.org Lake Champlain Area Lil Venner 23 Birchwood Ln, Burlington 05401 863-4285 Steve & Geneva Burroughs 878-2838 SW VT Area Meets 2nd Sundays, 2pm First Congregational Church UCC Williamstown MA 442-5557 Straight Spouses of GLB Partners Keene . NH Jane Harris 413.-625-6033, eharis@va|inet.com VT Lesbian & Gay Parents Meeting info: 658-6045 TRANSGENDER International Foundation for Gender Education POB 540229 Waltham MA 02454 781-899-2212 F: 781-899-5703, www.ifge.org TransgendervRadical Action, Networking, & Support (TRANS ) POB 5687 Burlington VT 05402 472-8115 transvt2@ao|.com woman Active Lesbians of the Monadnock Area POB 6345 Keene NH 03431 603-363-4961 Amelia Earhart Underground Flying Society POB 746 Lebanon NH 03766 . A - AUFS@RainbowResources-NH.org. www.barney.org/ameliasfindex Burlington Women's Council POB 0583 Burlington VT 05402 CRONES (For Women over 40) Alverta, 21 Hawthorne Cir., So. Burlington 05403 aIperk@sover.net‘ . Fiction Writing Circle. New'infor- mal group. Meets in Burlington area to provide social support, editorial feedback, and career tips for women working on fiction and com-. mercial creative writing projects. Vikcy: lifelong@together.net Fried Green Tomatoes VT Women's Social Group POB 150 Elmore VT 05657 888-5196 Golden Threads Lesbian Contact Publication POB 1688 Demorest GA 30535 706-776-3959 Mary Davidson joydg2002@yahoo.com HIV/Hepc: Peer support to Women °“‘ 3'") “*9 '"°““‘ai“5 ‘ living with HIV & Hep C & their fami- ' lies. Twin States Network POB 882 Bellows Falls, VT 05101 888-338-8796 or 802-254-6716 Huntington Open Women's Land 434-3953 MOB New England BDSM and kinky social organization for women who play with women 617-598-1061 . x1209, BostonMob@aol.com Web: www.mobnewengland.org Lesbian Book Group Meets monthly in Putney, usually on the fourth Sunday of the month. Novels, memoirs, poetry, and non- fiction books by women authors. Tatiana 802-387-2781, tatianas@sover.net Sex, Lies, & Language Women's writing Group tocussing on topics of sexuality, sensuality, and the erotic. Putney, 387-5452 Towanda! Women's outdoor group. Hiking,biking,kayaking. Towanda@together.net or L www.together.net/~towanda/ Umbrella Women's Center ' 1107 Main St., Ste. 102 St. Johnsbury VT 05819 748-8845 Woman Centered . 5 School Ave. Montpelier 05602 229-6202 womanctr@sover.net,' www.woma‘ncentered.org Women's Information Service (WISE) 79 Hanover St. Lebanon NH- 03766 603-448-5922 24 Hour Hotline: 603-448-5525 Women of the Woods (WOW) 101 Harris Hill Worcester VT 05682, 229-0109 leapnmom@aol.com Womynetplay at R.U.12? Exploring networking and social opportunities ' . for queer womyn. Meets every other Sunday from 4-7 pm at the R.U.12? Community Center, during the Women's Social. For a calendar of events, call Deb at 802-865-5080 or R.U.12? at 802-860-ru12 YOUTH OUTRIGHT Vermont Resource for youth 22 and under. Support line: 1-800-GLB-CHAT; POB 5235 Burlington 05401; info@outrightvt.org Check out wvvw.outrightvt.org for all ' our groovy events and much more! creating Change St Johnsbury VT Lore Caldwell 748-8645 A Gaylstraight Allianceslin VT Highschoois Bellows Free Academy 8. Main Street, St. Albans 05488 Gail Grismore, 527-7576 homepagestogetheiinetl -ekenyon/gsa/bfa/home Brattleboro U.H.S. - Prism Fairground Road Brattleboro 05301 Andrea Carlson, 257-0361 Tracy Binet, 257-0356 Cabot School POB 98 Cabot VT 05647 Charlie Wanzer, 563-2289 Champlain Valley Union HS 3 Box 160 Hinesburg VT 05461 Meg Howard, 482-7182 Manchester High School Byron Brown TofuRights@ao|.com HIV/AIDS funding -Full gay marriage rights Hate crimes legislation Gay adoption rights Housing and employment anti-discrimination laws PRINCIPLED STRONG EFFECTIVE VAID FOR B1‘ Pu’\CKU'3 FOR I.(‘. [CJfl«'.’llTl'l’F, PCIB ‘fr 'V-l|ilUl‘l'.l‘l '.'i ll‘:-ti)-vl hill 1 EH WI‘)-l ‘«“)'l\.n_»»l»- WILV . ' Licelrisedt Psychologist‘ KI A 4,-.E)rica. Schoenberg, Ph-.D.. . 7 s i ' ,lndividual and couple therapy forthe A “G.LBT‘co,mm,unity by one of.its' own. A , Taylkingwithr an experienced ” ’ " professional really can help. Lyme, N.H. ,7Certifiedftsychoanalyst 1 603-795-4550 ' W J Offeringthe collections of Contemporary Jewe ry artists featuringdeslgner goldsmith Timothy Grannis. °;C-ERANNIS GALLERY ‘Fine Qolc Church St. 8:. Bank 0 660-2032 0 M—Th & Sat 10-6 0 Fri 10-8 ° OPEN SUNDAY 12-5