' ".';h’ 4.~u‘~"- ‘":~<.,' 3 IvIEI:>I/~\" SPONSORS Activities Advocacy ' “ V Education More information,DiscountTickets and Merchandise S Networking available online at www.OutInThePark.com Buyer's CO-Op @ Out lnThe Park is a program of Proiect 100, inc, / Hartford Community Center,a 501 c3 nonprofit organization — www.project100.org Vermont Bringing patients to a higher level of health Peop|e with AIDS using chiropractic adjustive techniques, 1 S common . N Ell J dd, MA coupled wlth therapeuti.c_ma5sage’ ‘ ~ Lifizrefiged Celiiiicgl Mental Health Counselor - P.O. BOX 11 €Xe1'°i5°_and m1t1'1t1°n- 3 COUNSELING AND PSYCHOTHERAPY Montpelier, VT ‘ 05601-0011 i802i863.2084 2 CHURCH STREET, BURLINGTON VTO5401 , T 2;" ' TEENS I ADULTS I INDIVIDUALS I coupuss Sagjgegrani or 802-229-5754