Try“-7: tlanta, GA — When President George W. Bush announced his support of the gay mar-, riage ban on February 24, 2004, ' * something snapped in Dale Duncan and Joe Henderson, a gay couple together for ten years living in Atlanta, Georgia. Both men decided it was time to do something. Henderson jokingly sug- gested that gays stop doing wedding- related services for a day: no hair styling, no wedding planning, no cake decorating, no bridal gowns. From that suggestion came the idea for an economic boycott. But of what? The suggestion was made‘ that gays, lesbians, questioning, transgendered and all their allies drop out of the economy for one entire day. “No purchases of any kind,” says Duncan. “No cell phone use. Take a personal or vacation day off from work. If you’re a gay or lesbian business-owner, close up shop for the day‘” . The goal of the one-day , boycott is to impact the bottom line. “Let’s face it,” says Duncan. “It is I imperative that we show this nation exactly what type of impact we, as a group, have on the economy.~We hope that will, in-tum, drive change.” Duncan invested $3500 of his own money into a website and has applied for nonprofit 50l(c)3 sta- tus. Until he receives official approval, Duncan is seeking a 50l(c)3 organization to act as a spon- sor. One of Duncan’s goals is to procure a firll-page ad about the boy- cott in USA Today, to the tune of $325,000. , ‘ “That’s why we’re taking donations,” says Duncan, “so that we can advertise in publications and pos- sibly on radio stations throughout the ‘country to make people aware of Massachusetts without negative effect on any-4 what’s going on and what the boycott is all about.” _ Also on the website is a petition where people who are plan- ning to participate in the boycott can sign up, thus giving good, clear num- bers for the potential impact. Duncan has received sup- port and endorsements from Robin Tyler of, civilmar-, comedienne Margaret Cho,, and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. Margaret Cho’s website, lists supporting the Boycott for Equality on her web- site as one of the twelve things to do (.to combat the marriage amendment. “It is going to take as many of possible, and our allies, to make this wor ,” says Duncan. “If the numbers are in the thousands, that’s when it’s going to make a noticeable difference.” How does Duncan plan to one else." VT Freedom to Marry Task Force Chairwoman Sherry Corbin ’ W track the impact of the boycott? “If a large number of peo- ple don’t use their cell phones for the day, cell phone companies will report a significant drop in usage the fol- lowing day,” Duncan says. “If a sig- nificant number of employees of a major company take the day off, it will be evident in that company’s productivity. For people who cannot par- ticipate on the day of the boycott, there are other ways to show support. “We suggest having fundraising par- ties,” says Duncan. “People can have cookouts and parties and take dona- tions. We want them to keep whatev- er it takes to cover the costs of hav- ing the fundraiser and they can donate the rest to Boycott For Equality to go towards the advertis- ing.” . I They also may contact Duncan and request business-sized cards with information about the Atlanta Man Organiaes National Boycott boycott to help get the word out. Some business-owners have voiced concern to Duncan about closing their business for a day. “But I tell them to look at the bigger pic- ture,” Duncan says. For example, if they are already partnered, I ask them to think of what they will lose should something happen to them or their partner. Domestic benefits. Social security benefits. And just a slew of other rights and benefits the straight community is automatically awarded. ~ “So I ask them, ‘How can you not afford to close up shop for ' one day? How can you NOT afford to take a stand on this issue?’ Especially when so much is at stake.”V For more information, visit the web- site at or e-mail info@boycott/’