Mountain Pride Media T >" encourages you to vote on Novernber 2nd! .. Septl4 ii . . . \ . . r . . . . E . , ,,sgp¢22 ‘~ Sfifififl cmrarrnmycuiegauubume _ . .Sqt24 smvghasuingozartat ........... .,_ ........ ..octi RdusllddlaaErsenfle ............ . 4. ..... . .0ct6 Pal sauum daslcai gmr .............. ..‘.oct 15 cagmsmmqm-qg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..o¢2e Latmwaa. .. ...,Nor3 _vTm I||IIIIlI I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I | IINWS Ludansumbmlllmlazz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “NW1? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WEB ........... ..:m1&e= e___.____ _ _..._ .... A. .....,a.»— -,..A.., _._.x..-..... “I vote because I know it makes a difference. My school board representatives, my city councilors and my state representatives all know that there's one more queer guy who works to hold them accountable at the ballotbox.” Christopher Kaufman, Vermont mneaiéa .............. .., ............. .. Feb I8 Strli'1gTiioc€NY,jmz .............. ., renzs RaclPdst ..................... ........ ..Ma-4 Laggsmngquqg . . . _ . . . . . , . . . t . . ( . . . . .._Ma-11 Ma'llI1llq5&Da11sCdilI(StPdrtdn'sDqa», ..Mar"l7 Belberdsaillle ........... . ._ ............ ..Ma'29 . Mlflcfiunclim ................. , .....A|r8 A¢llaTl1mnu-Twlflhfliqfllndslueman . . .Au'l0,12 Am-ammampe . . . . . . . . . , 4 . . . . . . . . . . . .. Ag-‘IS SuI!eBmutuewlhEllaiHa*gs.‘. .......... .. An-l7 llaiArbuaIlDdsyMa9tnn .............. . . an-23 sa-amiimidaa Cmtemrtatuw ...... .. Nr29 ham-kcugpmg ....................... . Mayo sinoe1954—-‘fiowaas are/eopaivoniri-emmmjw-imfimpafmmnes aB mznsomss HIV/AIDS PROGRAM info To ieam more about; *""=‘:%!":'w.4.v\av:-ao«<9W'!'-‘.':~.4:‘!"."*'- ~. . . _ ".::"f‘_j ~v«~‘-rs Ir = ~"'=‘* ‘ - ' "' "'='«‘-"<:Ur _za2ro:a;x.>«z:;:|r;9‘_€:'.-...',.m 2:.-.anaan4<:-rv V . v s - HIV testing M - Benefits of‘ knowing your. HEV status - Treatment, support and counseiing options Call Vermont AEDS Hotline: 1-800- i 882-