To Wedding Ups & Downs hoorahs and wedding bell blahs lately. On the hoorah side, I think we’re inching closer to win- ning the culture war. How do I know this? Two staples of life: insurance and comics. First, in the Sunday comics, I recently saw a Beetle Bailey strip — one of the longest running and most, one would think, socially conservative out there — in which the old gener- al’s wife is reading the paper and announces, “I think I’m in favor of same sex marriages.” To which the general replies, leaning over her chair, “How about ‘some sex’ mar- riages?” Simple, to the point, humorous, and, if you’ll pardon the word, straightforward. When you’ve made it into Beetle Bailey, you can make it anywhere. And speaking of places where if you make it, you can make it anywhere, let’s turn to New York and to another staple — and some- time bane — of life, insurance. It seems that insurance giant GEICO (the one known for the often funny ads with their mascot, the gecko) has agreed to extend spousal auto- mobile coverage to same sex hus- bands/wives. Now here’s the tricky part: it seems that a gay couple who live in New York (which doesn’t have legalized same sex marriage) got married in Canada (which does). But since New York’s Attorney General (yet another gen- eral) has opined that New York law recognizes same sex marriages that are performed in jurisdictions where they’re legal, New York recognizes the same sex marriage performed in Canada. And thus, so did GEICO. On the blah side, of course, the U.S. Senators from the increasingly fundamentalist-domi- nated Republican Party (hardly the big tent party of President Reagan anymore, is it?) decided to bring the anti-gay marriage constitutional amendment to a vote in the Senate before the November elections. I’ve been having wedding bell isom They didn’t win, but they may have stained a few Democrats in the process by forcing them to stake out positions that will be perceived as pro-gay. My thinking is that the attempt may well backfire. These culture warrior Republicans would do well to read the comics — and check their insurance before pro- ceeding. On a personal note, I’m experiencing my own wedding ups and downs. A few weeks ago, my best fi'iend, Pelka, announced that her boyfriend of four years had pro- posed. She’s getting married. I was thrilled for her. He’s a great guy with a dry sense of humor, even if he is British. Then I realized that she’s getting married. Before me. I always figured that I was more likely to sleep with a priest before her, and she was more likely to get married in front of one first. Looks like I was right on both counts. (No, he wasn’t from one of those celibacy-requiring denomina- tions, but after a few dates 1 real- _ ized I’d make a terrible minister’s wife. I’m far too opinionated. And not very good at keeping my opin- ions to myself.) But my best friend getting married marks the first time that there will be a line of demarcation between us. Partly because I CAN ’T yet get married legally, and A partly because I’m not ready to. Up until now we’ve both been single, or we.’ve both had serious long-terrn boyfriends and significant others, though not always at the same time. This will be different. At least I don’t have to worry about her having children and drawing the line of demarcation fur- ther. (Most of my friends who have had children tend to disappear into their own inwardly focused worlds for, oh, about 18 years.) But I don’t think that will be the case with Pelka. At her age (officially, 29), she’s probably older than she’d want to be to have a child. So I might actually get there first. At my age (officially, 33), I’ve begun to think about adopting an older child. My significant other was adopted, and he’s made me realize how many wonderful children there are out there who need a loving home. I’ll keep that option open. But for the moment, I’1l bask in the joy of my best friend’s upcoming nuptials. There’s a lot we’ll have to figure out. A Since she ’s getting mar- ried in England, we’ll be doing a bit of a number on British traditions. We’ve settled on the title of Gentleman of Honor for me (I wouldn’t look right in a Maid of Honor dress, I’m afraid), though it remains unsettled whether or not I will hold her bouquet during the ceremony. Also, under English tra- dition, only the groom’s Best Man gives a toast at the reception, but I can tell you (given the aforemen- tioned opinionated-ness), that I will not sit idly by without my own toast to my best friend. I may have to borrow from Beetle Bailey, And wish her — and him — the happiest of “some sex” marriages. V Kevin Isom is the author of It Only Hurts When I Polka and Tongue in Cheek and Other Places, available at bookstores and online. He may be reached at Transition cont’d from previous page is usually an internal acceptance that this is something that must change. When we reach this accept- ance we seek out ways to bring those we love into the true side of our life that we have kept from them. This is a process of trying to complete our lives, trying to start to finally live. As we live, more fully, we are freer to express our love, more free to contribute to the loving relationships to which we belong. Why do we do what we do? Love and life. Transition is a life process for the transsexual, not a choice. It is filled with love, strife, and hope. We are living. V Sierra Burke lives and writes in Central Vermont. 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