. . . . 4 _’. . . -«.o- _ulv To announce an event in our monthly calendar, e-mail it to calendar@mountainpridemedia.org, or write us at: POB 1078, Richmond, VT 05477. For more detailed, up-to-the-minute listings, check out our web calendar at : www.mountainpridemedia.orglcaIendar_index.htm Queer Jokes at the Flynn Have you heard the one about the diesel-dyke, the gay man, and the non-gender-identified comic who per- formed for hundreds of queers and breeders at the Flynnspace? Probably not. Because it’s a first. ‘ “It’s Queer Jokes at the Flynn, Folks!” is the name of the first show that the Flynnspace has hosted with an evening of all queer standup comedy. The description reads as fol- lows: ‘ ‘Twas the night before Pride day, /And down at the Flynn, /The queer comics come out. / Don’t you want to get in? ‘ “Straight people are wel- come,” said Jason Lorber, the produc- - erof the event and one of the comedi- ans performing. “No, really." The event on Friday, July 9, kicks off Pride weekend events. A - gaggle of nonprofit organizations — including the R.U.1.2. Queer Community Center, Safespace, Outright- Vermont, Mountain Pride Media, VARF, Radical Faeries, and the Vermont Freedom to Marry Coalition — will offer brochures, litera- ture, and an inside peek at what’s queer in Vermont. Lorber will be joined by comics Daddy and Deb Renshaw for community. compass r two performances, one at 7:30 p.m. and the other beginning at 9:30 p.m. '|"ickets are $12 at the door, with a $2 discount for tickets purchased in advance through Flynn's website (www.flynncenter.org/regional/jokes.ht ml) or by phone at 802-863-5966. There will be a cash bar, serving alco- hol and soft drinks. While this is their first time performing together as a threesome; Daddy, Lorber, and Renshaw, have each performed separately throughout Vermont and the U.S.A. More information about Vermont Pride can be found at www.vermontpride.org. Face Time at PRIDE Calling all readers, writers, photogra- phers, artists, friends, donors, family, board members past and present, and pets! Come OUT for Pride and march with Out in the Mountains in the Pride Parade on July 10, 2004! The parade is at 11:30 at Union Station (the bot- tom of Main St.) In Burlington. It will be forming in the half—hour or so before then. We’ll have a banner — maybe two! Come and visit the Mountain Pride Media / Out in the Mountains table under the tent down at the waterfront Pride Festival! Get some face time with the people who help make OITM happen every ‘month! Subscribe! Donate! Buy MPM stuff! Get free books, cds and tapes! We know that without you we would not be here, celebrating our 19th year. You make the difference with your time, energy, and financial support. C’mon down, so we can say thanks and you can find out what we're doing now. V