-.4 .‘___ , Katz writes with a reverence for life and for food that gives life, and for the pleasure that food can bring, feeding our joy as well as our bodies. cious of that government too. I hate what’s being done in our name; I- sometimes go to demon- strations to bear witness. I main- ly express my politics through participating as little as possible in the consumer culture. I try to live off the land. Katz lives at the faery sanctuary in Short Mountain, Tennessee, where he did a lot of the research for the book. His dedi- cation to a beloved ACT UP comrade, and his acknowledge- ment page filled with names of loved ones, friends and family, humans and animals, even — acknowledging having AIDS, all brought home to me how much Katz is writing about communi- ty, the seen and the unseen world, the microscopic. All life is in community, whether it’s you and your neighbors, or the beneficial flora and fauna in out in f-‘the mountans your gut, or the pathogens that make people ill, or the fermented food and drink that help to sus- tain you. Katz has written a book ,that covers a lot of ground while still being, essentially, an incred- ibly_practical and useful cook- book. V Walter Zeichner is a psychother- apist, bodyworken farmer, witch, and political activist of con- science who lives in Bolton. There’sA Reason Why We’re Celebrating Our 7 5 th TEAR. . .i Because when it mines to comfortable Fumiture, gorgeous, Fabrics, creative interior design, huge selection, caring service and attention to dctail— nobody else comes close. Rutland House Ltd. Rt. 11/30 Manchester, VT 162 S. Main Street, Rutland, VT (300) 649-2911 (802) 775-2911 Hardwick Chiropractic Montpelier Chiropractic 54 School Circle 58 East State Street East Ilardwick. V! llhfliifi Muntpeliei. VI’ Ilhfilli 802»-;1}"‘i2}3[l33 ‘_ 802-223-298! www]bgivermnm.nuI' '4 3 www.hgivmrnnnIma! Ge/eh, Effective Heh Care Dr. Grace John.-stone Dr. Rick Eschholz Financial Consultant 90 Merchants Row P.O. Box 40 Rutland, VT 05701 SMITHBARNEY C't'9'°ui5'r Tel 802 7754371 Tel 800 628 2132 F,axp802 775 2042 miltchell.j.rosengarten@smithbamey.com Citigroup Global Markets Inc. Mitchell J. Rosengarten gs chi B. Feminist Therap _ ' Leah Wittenberg Licensed Mental Health Counselor ‘ Psychotherapy for individuals and couples 82 Church St., Burlington (302)658-9590 axt.4 sliding fee scale 7 // .94-.1 .'x—« -y e ‘