_ \\ .3; Rh: §. §€ ".~:.w». \ H &i5 VERMOEIT Pciic You Know you want one: can us ao2—955e5555 345 Pine Haven Shores Road Shelburne, Vermont 05462 Susan. McKenzie MS. Jungian Psychoanalyst Licensed Psychologist — Master Specializing in issues of Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexua/ and Transgendered individuals and couples Quechee — White River Junction (302) 295-5533 ' Insurance Accepted - ADMISSION (Pzk fisiwuc session) $20 CENERAZ ADMISSION Tamoxifen” is a breast cancer treatment / prevention drug that women take on an average of 4-5 years. We know it's helpful for the breast. But how does it affect the brain? ' Please join us at the University ' - of Vermont College of Medicine for a short—term research study ' ‘ funded by the Nai , E . ‘We are se "king, postmenopa Lisa] womam 0+, whc.» 1'1a\—‘c not had bra « _,ncer, are l‘I('3tCL§l‘1‘C‘l‘li\' «gm d£UZiLi(‘pl'C:~‘:c'1i‘itS, and wiiiing tu he-Ep us find the ansx-vc;*r. For more information, call Sally. Ross Nolan at 802-847-9488 ____ . _' J i‘§-‘Va 5 in to 11 free at 866-2 76-9488. 1!!’ ‘EBA V ‘ vCompensativon up to $500 .27 ‘ f"" * ./(i.‘;. .-»-. L 5 x, " " 1 _ ' “‘ .r-''.« '2. x.....@a.m...1 You don't have to begay to read out in the mountains (but it helps!) VERi'\/RON? VOICE FOR THE LESBEAN, GAY, BiSEXLJr‘-\L, AND TRANSGENDER COlv\N\UNiTY ' ’ ’