Leer Lizzie: I15 Queeries and Quandries ear Lavender Lizzie, What is it about lesbians and Subarus? I don’t think a pride sticker is part of the exterior options package yet but that can’t be far off‘. Signed, Do I have to get one? Dear Do I have to, It depends on whether or not you wish to be perceived as a real les- bian. If so, then the answer is yes, you do have to get one. There is such a thing as proper etiquette, even in the lesbian culture. And just as one wouldn’t show up for a for- mal dinner party in one’s pajamas, one wouldn’t show up at a lesbian event in, say, a Chrysler. Now. there is a hardy group of lesbians who have man- aged to wrest some changes in les- bian culture by showing up in trucks. For the formal dance, one still has to use the Subaru By the way, it will have to be an Outback or a Forester. Unless you plan to arrive, as Lizzie always does, in a horse-drawn carriage, it simply wouldn’t do for a lesbian to drive a sedan. ‘ Lovingly, .%¢re»/zz/e/r» Dear Lavender Lizzie, Being androgynous has always been fine with me — ’til now. I want to go to butch-femme socials, but I don’t know whether to wear my boots or my Birkenstocks. I have always seen myself as somewhat of a tomboi, and I think I have that reputation; but compared to the “bois” I know, I am femme. I always wear jeans and T-shirts, adorned with neither a heavy-chained wallet nor pretty graphics. I am soft and reflective, and I hate violence and intense competition. But I also love carpen- try and enjoy the feeling of my own power. In the streets, as in the sheets, I tend to be a bit more butch I think but I also love being treated gently and somewhat pro- tected by a stronger butch. So do I have to stay home from the ball? Signed, Betwixted Dear Betwixted, Let’s see, did the rules change somewhere in Lesbian Culture? Was there something in the announcement that said that you can only go to Butch-Femme socials if your gender presentation was fixed into eternity? If so, then Photo Garden All things photographic. 206 College St. Burl 863-1256 Tafts Corners Wi//iston 878-0417 www.thephotogarden.com flus....>.-1.£;L§¢k.£,2:.L.~£-Ea-?v~i—-... I’1n afraid, my dear, that you will have to stay home. It simply sounds as if you are in too much flux to be allowed to participate! >If, however, the social is intended (as Miss Lizzie suspects it is) as a‘; fun event in which ladies can play‘ with gender roles, then, by all means‘, go and enjoy yourself. As to whether to wear boots or Birken- stocks, I can assure you that under no circumstances may Birkenstocks . . .7 . _ ,.,A.___M,"‘_~ be worn. Why would any self- respecting femme select a comfort- able, reasonable shoe when a stilet- to heel is available? The very fact that you can’t decide between Birks and Boots indicates that you are definitely on the Butch end of things. Wear your carpenter pants, dear. Have a tool or two hanging from the belt. You have NO IDEA how sexy it is for a femme to see a lady with a hammer hanging by her side. Especially on the dance floor... Enjoy! Lovingly, gae/za’e//4 Born and bred in the Wctorian Era, Lavender Lizzie has brought her sage and genteel perspective to the lovelorn for decades. Write her with y0ur_'queeries ’at lavenderlz'zzie@ laverzderlipscom. ”Manitestations F the Shekinah" Elisabet Stacy-Hurley "Landscapes and Mindscapes" Recent oil paintings featuring works inspired by the Icelandic landscape July lO through 3l Artist Reception Saturday, July 10, l - 4 p.m. Gallery Talk by the Artist at 2 p.m. LAST GREEN PLACE fine art gallery 72 Court Street (Route 7) Middlebury, Vermont 802-388-3 l 3 l Gallery Hours Saturday ll a.m. - 6 p.m. Sunday l2 - 5 p.m. or by appointment , oil, 36" x 48"