classifieds Businesses, for profit ads, and commercial interest ads will be charged $15 per ad (100 words or fewer) per month. We reserve the right to refuse ads. Place or respond to an ad at your own risk. Ads must be received, with payment if applicable, by the 15th of the month prior to its intended publication. Please indicate the number of months you wish the ad to run. Classifieds are free of charge for non-prof- its and Personal Ads are always free, although donations are happily accepted. E-mail your classified ad to c|assifieds@mountainprlde- media,org, mail it to POB 1078, Richmond VT 05477, or fax it to 802-434-7046. Sorry! We cannot take classified ads over the phone! Employment Paid Positions V Looking to make some extra money? Mountain Pride Media is looking for part and full-time Advertising Sales Reps to sell advertising for our monthly news- paper, Out ln The Mountains, and our web site, www.mountainpride- Monthly expense stipend and commissions paid. Contact us today for more infor- mation. 802-434-5237 or ads@mountainpridemediaorg. Employment Voluntary Positions V Computer Whiz Wanted! Volunteerll The Rainbow Library, a collection of children's literature by and about the LGBTQIA com- munity, is looking for someone to create a web page! If you or some- one you know has web making experience and wants to be a part of this exciting project, helping to make queer positive literature more accessible, please contact us at (802) 652-0878 or |cati- (12/04) V OITM needs you! Mountain Pride Media, publisher of Out In The Mountains, depends on com- munity members to help keep our paper out in the community by asking you to volunteer about an hour a month as a distribution vol- unteer. It's easy and helps to keep - the cost of producing and distribut- ing our paper down. FMI contact Events Activities Advocacy Education Networking Buyer's CO—Op Vermont People With AIDS Coalition P.O. Box 11 Montpelier, VT 05601-0011 in Vermont 800-698-8792 or 802-229-5754 circu|ation@mountainprideme- or 802-434-6486. V Mountain Pride Media has numerous opportunities for individ- uals who are looking to get involved with a local GLBTQ organization. You do make a differ- ence! FMI: mpm@mountainpride- or check our Volunteer Page at www.mountainprideme- V Fame (not fortune) Awaits! Out in the Mountains is in search of writers to voice the concerns and issues of our community. We especially need people to inter- view others on a topic, to cover news stories, and a special person to compile news clips relevant to our community from around the nation and the world. All interested glbtq persons are invited to con- tact Euan Bear at editor@moun- We are a 501(C)(3) organization. There are no funds to pay content contribu- tors (maybe someday). Livin Situations Wan ed V Looking for a cabin, small house, or house-share within 25 minutes of Brattleboro. Lesbian and 19 yr. old cat would like a quiet, private place to live. Phone is a must, electric and water would be nice, but are optional. Have carpentry skills, eat vegan, medi- tate, and am a non-smoker. Great local references. Please call 387- 5440 .... ..thank you! (06/O4) Merchandise For Sale V Mahogany conference/dining room table with 8 chairs. Contemporary 66" table, plus two leaves, with pads to cover it all. Some scratches on table, but oth- en/vise in very good condition. $800.00. Call Jim at 802.462.2327. Personals V 27/G/F seeks25-375/g/f - i am very down to earth.l enjoy music and animals.Loking for someone to share life with. Who enjoys humor and romance!!Hey lets meet and take it from therell Joanne-(802)324-1931!! (6/O4) Roomates Wanted V Lake Living at its best. Guest Room Overlooking Lake Champlain. W. Swanton, VT. With it’s own entrance. Bathroom, Beautiful sunsets. $400/mo. Please call 802.868.9242 for more information. (6/04) SHOPPING . CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! and shop to your heart’s content knowing that a portion of each sale is donated back to MPMl §On our affiliates page you'll find these great 1 Vermont businesses: Arcobaleno Gardener's Supply Company New Victoria Publishers The Vermont Country Store Vermont Teddy Bear Company As well as Alyson Adventures , Blue Door Collectiongy _ 1 V B‘ V , ’ A Different Light Bookstore