Queer Community Center Grand Opening From 1:00-5:00pm. Our Grand Opening features per- formances by the House of Lemay,‘soulful croon- ‘ er Gregory Douglass and iatin-Jazz local Conjunto Consolodor. Join us for tours of the Center, a new archives exhibition, tales from the Rainbow Library and motel See the ad in this issue for more details. Don't miss it! For more infomation, call us . 860-RU12. HARTFORD, CT - 17th CT Gay and Lesbian Film Festivalsee Friday 4th for more information. give your name. You are assigned a random num- ber and you return in two weeks-to get your ~ results. in collaboration with Vermont CARESBURLINGTON - R.U.1.2? — Corning Out/Being Out Group6:30 PM. Co-facilitated by supportive peers and mental-health professionals and open to all lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning adults age 23 and up. HARTFORD, CT - 17th CT Gay and Lesbian Film FestivalFriday June 4 to Saturday June 12. 2004 KEY FACTS Venue: Clnestudio, Trinity College, Hartford Tickets $8 General Admission and $6 . Students Seniors ($12 and $10 for Opening and " Festival. See Friday 4thifori more information. MONTPELIER - Survivors of incest Anonymous — Meeting at 6:00 PM. At the UCC Bethany Church in Montpelier on Main Street (on the right, just i past Ben & Jerry's if you are coming from the interstate). Every Monday in the Blue Door Room. come in front door go to the Basement, stairs on left, then to the end of the hall to the room with the blue door. FMi:'229-2153 or 454-7822 he arby Volunteers needed to help ’ ’ ' W ’ uld like to extend . 1 Tuesday 8 S ll participants in ou ’ come ready w/'P,ole,Sand/ori 00SAM.*Ali BBQ participants and specta- at rat anytime before 11 :00. Lunch is ,rIng:your, best dish and something’ to 2 S well as theSir,fainily warded for the Biggest , ' /all started last i=m=ono, Ti-17th _ forming a handstand. To dedicate a handstand, to volunteer, or for more info, call Glenn Johnson, program coordinator at 802- 25ft-8263 x 107, email men@sover.net, Or Just show up to the event. T.H.E. Men’s Program works in the greater southern Vermont region to reduce the risk of HIV between men who have sex with men. We build communities of men — men who increasingly care about e_ach other, work together for commu- rllty health and practice HIV preven- tion behaviors. We offer social events, a free monthly newsletter, Vllorkshops, and volunteer opportuni- ties for men who have sex with men. ‘say and Lesbian Him“ pisod . HIV Testing S, R.U.t.2?From S /- othertimes’ by appointment. The 0/rasure’HlV test . is a painless method of testingthat uses no nee- dles, just aswab that youhoid in your mouth. Anonymous testing means you do not have to S. , Ready, Set, GO! To the R.U.1.2? Community Center Grand Opening, that is! it’s happening on Saturday, June 12th from 1:00pm to 5:00pm at the brand spanking new R.U.1.2? Queer Community Center at 34 Elmwood Avenue in Burlington, Vermont across the street from the Post Office, less than a block from the Church Street Marketplace. R.U.1.2? has been working towards our vision of a real Community Center for the last five years. Well, this year the vision has become a reality, and we're throwing a party to celebrate. Please join us. BENNINGTON -. The Turning Point Club — Overeaters. See Tuesday 1st BRATTLEBORO - AIDS Project of Southem I Vermont» Syringe ExchangeAlDS Project of Southern Vermont - Syn'nge'Exchange 6:00-9:00 PM. At the Brattleboro Drop-in Center, 60 South Main Street. Anonymous. FMI: 802-254-8263. 1 BURLINGTON - R.U.1.2? - Proud and Sober - GLBTAASeeTuesday 1st for more information. ’ V 2 HARTFORD,)CT - 17th ‘CT Gay and Lesbian Film ,l=estivalSSee Frid’ay’4th for more information. 9 Men's Program in - . fest : The [Boys in the ' S of’A_ll, inthe Family ' rnelials Bcogciub Meeangmo 1 , S etfo S The selectionis Curious -Wine by Katherine Forrest. FMI: Nancy and Sarah 1 02-785-2612. S Admission is free, donations to sup- port the Center are encouraged! Ready, Set, GO! will have very special guests: The House of LeMay, in their first ever R.U.1.2? performance; Gregory Douglass; and, in honor of the Discover Jazz Festival, local Latin jazz favorites Conjunto Consolidor. Our Celebration will feature the Grand Opening of the David Bohnett Cyber Center and the inau- gural exhibitions at the new Center of the Vermont Queer Archives. The Archives will be presenting a selec- tion of items from the collections with an emphasis on the role of women in queer history. items on view include Closing Night programs) Tickets will be available in advance from several outlets to be announced. Festival program onllne (in May) at www.ctg|if.org. CT Gay Lesbian Film Festival. RICHMOND - The Dog School» Animal S Communication Workshop. A workshop in animal communication, organized by Vermont residents Vivian Jordan and Season Hubley, will be held June 10-13 at,The Dogschool, Huntington Road. Richmond. Workshop facilitator will be Jeri Ryan, Ph.D., internationally knownanimal communicator and founder of Assisi intematlonal Animal institute in California. Lectures will focus on the emotional and spiritual nature of animals, what prevents - S humans from understanding their messages, and how to improve relationships among all species. Companion animals are invited to attend. . Enrollment is Slimitad. A 4-hour session, starting at 6 PM on June 10, is open to thepubllc. Admission S ' is $25. The full workshop includes the Thursday 2 «nightsesslon and continues all day Friday, , , as T Saturday and Sunday. Cost is, $375 ($415 after ' . May; 20). SFor further information, call 4S8S2-5900, mail MeowmyT@aolS.com, Larnb47@aSol.oom, or . it the Assisi lntemational Animal institute web; u've be/eniooking fort ' S g S S . Sm ivr 1-S Friday Night eioup '22 and eel riiday/,4thSfor,moreinfonnatlon. Saturday 12 BURLINGTON - Ready, Set, GOl to the R.U.1.2? Sua atrrlosphere?'We. have S ‘ 7th’ CT Gay, S S more intormation.. 1 magazines, posters, and buttons from the 19805 through the present. Queer women in Vermont have played many different roles in the organization and culture of our community, from the arts to politics. From separatist com- munities to Vermont pride organiza- tions, the Vermont Queer Archives collections can tell part of the story of the queer women's presence in the state. If you have items to donate to the Archives, bring them alongl Plus there's much more! We'll have a summertime celebration barbecue — bring a potluck dish to share, burgers and dogs (both meat and veggie) plus drinks will be provid- ed. For the kid in all of us, faerie tales more inf n'na1io ,”'6uFiLi~[Gf'r ‘N , i , ' .GLBTAA'See Tuesday S1“stSfor_rnore lnforrnatlon. S BURLINGTON -1 American Cancer Society -1 Look 1 Good “... Feel l’-'rSogram'AtS the University 1 S, Health Center, ArSnoId,2,SBurS1ll1”gton. sponsored by A T the American Cancer Society, Cosmetic. Toiletry and Fragranc'e.Ass'n, and National Cosmetology ASs's’n.,Thlrd Wednesday of each month. Please - reglsterin advance: (802)655-2000. BURUNGTON - Community Health Center of Burlington - Smoking Cessation. The Community Health Center of Burlington will begin a free 5- week Smoking Cessation Program on May 12, 2004. This group helps people who are ready to quit smoking with strategies and tools to break Sunday 13 BURLINGTON - Christchurch Presbyterian - Sunday Service. See Sunday 6th. Monday 1 4 ARLINGTON - Alcoholics Anonymous - Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Meetlngsee Monday 7th for more information. MONTPELIER - Survivors of incest Anonymous - Meetlngsee Monday 7th for more Information. WINOOSKI - American Cancer Society - Look Good Feel Better Program. At Appearances in Wlnooskl. Sponsored by the American Cancer Society, Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association. and National Cosmetology Association. Second Monday of each month. Please register in advance: 802 655-2000 Tuesday 1 1 5 . , BESNNINGTON - The Turning Point Club -1 S S Overealerssee Tuesday .1_stfor'more information. BRATTLEBORO 4‘ AIDS Project of Southern Vennontxsyrlnge Exchangesse ‘i”ueeday- ‘fat for l , j .u.1/Le? -5i=Smuu:érid, Sober from the Rainbow Library. Face-paint- ing by Winnie Looby. 5-minute chair massages by Sergio Coralles, R.U.1.2?’s in-house massage thera- pist. There‘ll be tours of the Center and, as always, volunteer opportuni- ties! And don't forget — Khristian and Christopher can register you to vote! The elections are coming, we need to be educated, dedicated and activated. Let's make sure that we defeat the Right and end all attempts to write discrimination into the U.S. Constitution. Ready? Set... Go! V