22 car: To announce an event in our monthly calendar, e-mail it to ca|endar@mountainpridemedia.org, or write us at: POB 1078, Richmond, VT 05477. For more detailed, up-to-the-minute listings, check out our web calendar at : www.mountainpridemedia.orglcalendar_index.htm ‘ r Program The first Tuesday of ‘ m 1130-2:30PM. At the cal Center“ in Bennlngton. \ ‘ mencancanoerxsoolety,‘ , logyfissociatim, Frst'‘l'uesd‘ay‘ . lease register. in advance bycai - ” K it , 9 for yourse L esctay nightsfrom 6330- :30 pm at g V the Tumln oint ,_ub,/46_5 Main St,gBe‘nnlngt_on,— * Ooifo rnorezintormation and/or . ud. ‘ g LBT riendlyi Ai.col1olicsg _ “, meets every Tuesday of the ?¢CommunityCerI1ter. FMI, ' ‘nter@ru12.org. _ , All I / at eo2-74si-9olsr.~ , . s’r;.loHNseURY - verinom cAnEs - Needle , S P Exchange;Nee‘dle exchange walk in hours every '- wednesday 3-6pm at Vermont CARES 1235 » Hospital :Drive Suite,two.~~For fitorelnfo call Pennl STUOHNSBURY - verm crises - Oral l-W A . Testing. Free-lNa,llj<,ln Anonymous Oral ‘l-llV't availabie every Wednesday 3-6pm. at Vermont 7 CARES 1235 Hospital Drive Suite two..Other “ times are available by appointment For mot teoz-748-906;’ ; ‘, community building men; one night only, from’ . ,Hooker-Dunharn Auey, 139 Mai =: C-taliery‘ Walk-.§Come5perto .1 . handstand for your fayorrte gay 0 ' j the perfect wayfto c‘el'e‘brate_\Gay ‘FM!-592-254-3263 to me @. vet-Wt . .‘ l\/len's Programlvicleo Night FilmFestl rne7Menrs«Prograirlotme Aios 1 ’ Project of Southern Vemtont’ spon‘sors,aIvideo \ “night each month in the Brattleboro are . To [cele- the 70's to the new/mi The FllrnFest chronicles the evolution,ofGLB ,~ Sentation on the big and little screen Th will be shownin the community room Project of Southemv Vermontat 67 Mai * Brattleboro,_There‘ is ndcharge and refr ’are.provide,d.’ The-program/starts at 7:3 - more information, call the Men's, Program 254-8263; The Filmr-fast kicks, off witntw ‘mentaries. The Celluloid’ Closet (1996 a Cockettes 2002).! ' A A of may Guthrie’? and ;G,n.anol€”) Music from Ballads» to Bar Room The multi~m'e’dia show tea Schneyer, CocojKalli *Lafe;'and Mark Gree ~ , r American folktrad‘ ion; $12/aqyajn ' . $‘lO.senio'rs,$8ildds. Ca|lCl tr R’ Council at 2'29-94\O8*f vticke community compass Garden at North Hill Benefit Joe Eck and Wayne Winterrowd, part- ners in North Hill, will open their extensive garden in Readsboro, Vermont this summer to benefit the AIDS Project of Southern Vermont. The garden at North Hill will be open on Wednesday June 30, Saturday July 31 & Tuesday August 31, from 9 am — 3 pm. Nationally acclaimed garden designers and horticulturists Joe Eck and Wayne Winterrowd started the garden at North Hill in 1977. It now comprises about seven acres under intense cultivation, surrounded by a larger tract of mature hardwoods of beech and maple. Though it has evolved in size and dimension throughout its life, most parts have now reached a youthful maturity. The mission of the garden has become to grow as many species as might be hardy in a climate that experiences winter lows of -20 degrees (F). Significant individual col- lections within the garden include plantings of heathers and dwarf conifers, antique and species roses, bamboos, unusual perennials and annuals, an extensive rock and bog garden, a large collection of hybrid deciduous magnolias, and many ten- der conservatory plants used as com- ponents of the garden in summer. Joe Eck and Wayne Winterrowd are the authors of Living Seasonally: The Kitchen Garden and Table at North Hill, and three other books. The garden at North Hill has been featured in numerous newspa- pers and magazines, including Horticulture and The New York Times. If you are interested in tour- ing North Hill, please request your tickets online and get an e-mail confir- mation of your desired date and time. Go to: wvvw.A|DSProjectSouthem Verrnont.org If you do not have access to the Internet, you may request up to 4 tickets for your desired date and time by mail. Please enclose a self- addressed stamped envelope and mail request to North Hill/APSV, PO Box 1486, Brattleboro, VT 05302. Your donation AIDS Project of Southern Vermont will be requested at the garden. Please make your check payable to the AIDS Project. Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law. The mission of the AIDS Project is to provide services to peo- ple affected by HIV and AIDS and to prevent the transmission of HIV. Our services are free to all those whose lives are affected by HIV/AIDS. Handstands for Gay and BI MU, T.H.E. Men's Program (Total HIV § Education), a Brattleboro-based will munity-building program for gayands bisexual men will perform Men E Seeking Handstands, a performalfif of handstands, each dedicated 103 l gay or bisexual man. The event, 3 l performance art piece/publicity SW‘ will happen on Friday June 4 from , 5:30-8:30 PM on the Hooker-DUHW‘. alley (139 Main St.). The performal“ will be offered as part of Ganerylflil in Brattleboro Vermont in celebram“ of Gay Pride Month. Come celebfilt your favorite gay or bisexual T >> man by dedicating and/or per- 42