And We’re Gonna Get Ma-a-aried! More Faerie Tales from the Rainbow Library BY NETH URKIEL-TAYLOR ing of marriage for same sex couples in Massachusetts, there will be more need for chil- dren’s books about same sex weddings and divorces. Two well-known Massachusetts queer authors, Michael Willhoite and Leslea Newman, have written children’s books on these topics. While I looked for books show- ing lesbians in commitment/civil union/marriage ceremonies, the books available showed only gay male couplesin these situations. Written almost a decade ago, Daddy’s Wedding by Michael Willhoite is a fairy tale come true. Michael is not only a writer, but an illustrator whose work is very animated and clear. This helps to hold the attention of people of whatever age who like to look at the pictures. I imagine with the commenc- The story shows men exchanging rings and vows, men kissing and the best-case scenario of how families share in a special announcement and day of love between two gay men. The book’s central fig- ure is a boy name Nick. It is Nick’s Dad, Daniel, who is get- ting married to another man. The book’s age is revealed when Daniel’s partner Frank refers to the wedding as a “commitment” ceremony. But the story shows men exchanging rings and vows, men kissing and the best-case /L Coniunlo Consolador CENTER TIIUIIS INCLUDING: The debut of the David Bohnett Cyber Center and the Inaugural exhibition of the Ru] .2’? Art Gallery: Queer Womyn ln Vermont: A Hlstorlcal Retrospectlve by the Vermont Queer Archlves 34 ELMWEIDD FIVE. BUHLINETUN 0 860-7812 ° FIU12.UHG R.U.I.2? QUEER COMMUNITY CENTER rsnnnn DPENINE 3Mii0d/- llllTlllllJll l2lJNl.'.EllT FEHTIIFIINE: Drag cabaret by The House of LeMay, the soulful tunes of Gregory Douglas, and in celebration of the Discover Jazz Fesllval, Afro-cuban Jazz favorltes 1-5 PM, FREE! SATURDAY, JUNE I2 FIIIIIJ, FUN & FEETIVITlEE: o Meat & veggie barbecue! Potluck salads, desserts and snacks are neededl Ask ke| o Faerie Tales and Face-Painting o 5-Minute Chair Massages o Reglster to vote! 34 EIMWOOD AVE BURLINGTON VT scenario of how families share in a special announcement and day of love between two gay men. The “ex-wife” and her guy, along with Nick’s grandparents, are shown throughout the story as supportive and happy about this union. Family acknowledg- ment and support of same-sex couples are not always so per- fect. In March, I wrote about My Two Uncles by Judith Vigna. The main character, Elly, must come to terms with the struggle facing her Uncle Ned, and Ned’s “friend” Urfble Phil: the gay cou- ple is unwelcome to attend the 50th wedding anniversary of the grandfather patriarch of the - family. Another book I have mentioned before and will note again here is King and King by Linda de Haan and Stern Nijland. This book takes a very comical and entertaining approach to finding and marry- ing prince charming! I would suggest this book for laughs, to open a discussion about gay mar- riage, and/or prior to reading Daddy’s Wedding. Currently, many mar- riages lead to divorce. New Victoria Publishers, Inc., in Norwich, Vermont, published ADMISSION (Par TAsrIlvc SESSION) 520 GENERAL ADMISSION $5 0 ICNA rm DRIVERS Saturday is Pattyday in 1993, authored by western Massachusetts writer Leslea , Newman. Similarly to Daddy's? Wedding and My Two Uncles book looks at the subject matter? through the eyes of a child. Frankie allows us to experienc some moments of her difficult’ I‘ transition when one of her two 2, moms moves out of the house. The book is honest and recog- " nizes from page one that both Patty and Allie are Frankie’s moms. The relationships shown are between Frankie and Allie, and Frankie and Patty. Each mother shares with Frankie her thoughts about the divorce. Th book concludes on a very posi tive note, leaving room for smiles and good-byes. V .4. K’. Neth is currently involved in The Rainbow Library, a reference —-.I. library and Vermont resource for. queer-themed picture books, I videos, and family information. Library staff are willing to facili- I tate reading circles with your friends and family, group, school ‘ or organization. Call 652-0878 to learn how you can become involved, to get a bibliography or to learn more about the library. ,1,