Reply to a Crone This is a reply to the crone who thinks Transsexuals never bleed. Who thinks we aren’t “rea ” women. Who thinks we don’t know the struggles, emotions and pain they do. A person asked me one time why a man would get rid of his penis. I told him I have no clue And I have never met a Transsexual who wouldn’t prefer to change the inside, and this arti- cle explains why. I hope sharing this intimate moment in my life enlightens those ignorant people who demand acceptance as we do for who we truly are. [from an Email, sent by the letter writer] “Well, I think I sank the lowest I have felt since I started all this. Last night I was wondering what my sisters would think of me moving there. I called and my nephew who is a sweetie and retarded answered. He’s 24 with the maturity of a 9 yr. old. [He] told me they did a 180- degree turn and I am now the sub- ject of disgust and shame. I got off the phone after listening to him cry and say he still loved me Then I hung up and spent the whole night crying. They say before you start this transition, be ready to lose everything. This morning the only thing I have left in my life is my kids and realisti- cally I wonder in time will I even have them? “I am not as down I have been in the past, but I think I feel worse and [more] isolated than anytime I can remember. I hope things turn around soon. I hope this starts feeling worth it again. I still have hope, that is something only I can take away. I need a job, one that can support me and pay child support if I can’t get custody, I need a lawyer for my divorce with no money and have to let go of pride to ask for pro bono. I have spent my whole life doing for others, raising 4 stepkids, how the hell did I end up so alone? I knew this might happen. Today I will mourn, tomorrow is a new day. April Elizabeth Colchester ¥i'.$3l‘'§§it'9“' It is ironic and sad that the same issue of OITM that features a groundbreaking case involving equal rights for transpeople here in Vermont also includes an article about the Lesbian/Crone commu- nity which points out one more obnoxious and offensive slap in the face to inclusiveness for all GLBT people. The very fact that those quoted in the article who refused to consider transwomen as females demanded their anonymity is cow- ardly Shame on them, and shame on the greater GLBT com- munity for looking the other way once again rather than hold this group as responsible for their actions as they would any hetero- sexual or GLBT social group that would refuse admission to a seg- ment of our community based on a gay or lesbian identity. It is especially pathetic that one source quoted said that “(The) Crones is the only place I can go and just be with and talk to old women, women with my expe- riences. [Transwomen] say they've always felt like women, but how the hell do they know? They’ve never bled or had menstrual cramps.” Well, how the Hell does she know what the feelings of another human being are? If she thinks womanhood is defined sole- ly by menstruation and cramps then she has a very dim view of what a woman is. Transwomen endure incredible prejudice in the greater world, experience enormous phys- ical pain to achieve their woman- hood, and face harsh financial bur- dens to align their bodies to their spiritual and mental reality. It is disgraceful that any thoughtful human being could not recognize that the choice to take the step towards gender reassignment is a courageous one, and it is under- taken with a realization that rejec- tion, poverty, and loneliness may be what await one on “the other side” of the journey. But to experi- ence this behavior from within our own community is appalling. If the G, L, and Bs in your masthead believe that this type of antiquated thinking is acceptable then you might as well take the “T” off of your paper because we are clearly not really a part of this supposedly supportive community. Women in general have complained for centuries about their second class status in our society, and Lesbians have been treated even worse within that context. How tragic that we can now count on a segment of our own discriminated—against com- munity to revel in their own opportunity to practice discrimina- tion and inflict heartbreak on oth- ers. Grace Noble Colchester, VT 05446 The Bush Holy War We are badly in need of a new president, so let’s do it. The man is on a holy war and he is our head of state and there is hate in the world for American arrogance. Some Americans in international intemet chat feel the need to explain that our president does not represent us; he represents the cor- porate lobby. We didn’t elect him President. The Supreme Court did. Soon after the World Trade Center disaster, he pro- claimed we were on a “crusade” for America. In the Medieval name of God the “crusaders” mur- dered, raped, and pillaged Jews, Christians, and Muslims in their trek across Europe to the Middle East on a quest to slay the Muslim “infidels” in the “Holy Land.” Sigmund Freud would not have quickly excused this remark as just another harmless blunder. Parapraxis, or Freudian slippage, does not happen by accident. It represents an unconscious wish that’s come to the surface. A holy war to save America sounds more like intended effort, a conscious plan of his own design, rather than repressed fantasy. When a reporter ‘ asked him once which philosopher he respected most, he said Jesus. Okay, so does he turn the other cheek? Does he do unto others as he’d have done to himself? Faith, religion, and tradi- tion are not the problem. Extremist ideology is. Why is the slogan “God bless America”? Why is it not “God bless the world”? Who are they to say God is on our side? Mr. Bush has called for a federal constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. Well if his marriage feels threatened, he could try a marriage counselor. He’d rather the public blame any- one else than blame him for the mess we’re in. He is a born again Christian, of the same ilk as Jerry Falwell. They have no doubt Armageddon is upon us. We need a new president, for equality for gays, and so the world doesn’t hate Americans. Leviticus says a man cannot lie with a man as he does with a woman. Well that doesn’t prohibit lesbian sex. And, umm, what if all the guys did it standing up? And what if we all got mar- ried, and from then on, our first time was only our wedding nights? There’s nothing in the Bible against that! We’d be in love just like Jonathan and King David. Please add www.johnker- as a link to your websites and Internet profiles. Please visit his website and learn how to vol- unteer for him as an Internet advo- cate. Please register to vote before the election. Please contribute to the Kerry campaign. Please vote. We are not powerless against George W. Bush. David Altier, M.A. Williston David Altier identifies as a Log Cabin Republican. letters correctlonz Last issue in our article on the R.U.l .2? Community Center Dinner, we misspelled the name of Glenn Johnson, who nominated and introduced the award winner. We regret the error.V at witt’s end Ieah wittenberg \.3\'\-rE»:3E%>@ 3 300%