outright Vermont's 5th Annual Youth Pride cele- bration. Saturday starting at Noon on the City Hall » steps Burlington. Youth Pride starts off at 12 pm with a Speak Out at City Hall. This is a chance for youth to speak out about any issues that are important to them. At 1pm there is a march around Burlington and down Church St. The rest ~ of the day is filled with fun activities such as movies, games and workshops. Workshop topics will range from transgender activism, to anti . racism, to break dancing. The day winds upwith a Drag Prom starting at 7pm at Contois Auditorium, ‘ A in City Hall. This is an opportunity for queer youth - and their alliesto be visible and vocal about their A ideas," dreams and needs as members of all of V_errnont‘s communities. This is’ an open invitation to everyone from around Vermont to come and S recognize and celebrate Vermont's queer youth. , Forrnore information check out our website: www.outrightvt.org or call: 800-GLB-CHAT. GRANTHAM, NH - Arnelia‘s - Geocachirig. AmelAia's Geocaching orientation. Do you have a hand held GPS (global position system) andwon-' - der how to use it? We will meet in _GraAnthAam.and . 8 ‘go over setting up your GPS. After that we will go for a mile long hike to find a Geocache hidden in the woods followed by lunch. All locations are . ] near Route 89. Please bring your GPS (at least one per couple), lunch and hiking shoes. in case of bad weather or black flies: call 603-863-1784 after 7AM on May 8th for a ancellation notice. For 9 directions, questions and to reserve a spot (limited A ' ’ 7to 10): email bev@ barney.org. STOWE — Gill Foundation - Board Training.VSee Friday 7th for more information. . , . . ' WALLlNGFORD - VT Freedom to Marry Task Force will holdan informational gathering in , A Wallingford, _\/Tat 3 PM, for more,info;,388-.2633... . r Come hear our vision and let us hear from you. Sunday 9 , ,BURL'lNGTON —jchrisr‘cnur’cfii‘Pres'6yterla;rfi r§“ét.rQ~.r°I!l e A ; ’ Sunday Service.’ Every Sunday from 9:3o'A Sunday 2nd for more infomiationfi . ,BRAll§iTR'EEAiA .\/T Freedomp iierry'es;l;’.i=eree ' will hold an inforrnational»'gatheringAin_Al3raintree,. VAT- at 3 PM, for more info ’cal_l,.802"-338-2633;. ‘A aeuulucfrfou--'eer§nin§i;on.Aree name"-‘Heeun Hospice‘-A ’Be,reaverrient Mon y.:_3l_'d Overeaters. For rrlore information, go to: - www.oa.org ...Or come and check out the meeting for yourself Tuesday nights from 6:30-7:30 pm at the Turning Point Club. 465 Main Street, Bennington, VT. Or call 442-9700. ' BRATTLEBORO - AIDS Project of Southem» Vermont - Syringe Exchange. See Tuesday 4th. BURLINGTON - R.U.12? - Proud and Sober . GLBTAA. See Tuesday 4th for more information. iwednesday 1 2 ' BURLINGTON — Community, Health Center of Burlington - Smokingcessation. The Community _ Health Center of Burlington will begin a free 54 ‘week Smokingcessation Program on May 12, 2004. This group helps people who are ready to quit smoklrlg with strategies and tools to break a their smoking habit, including how todeal with A A: nicotine cravings. This free program meetsoArl;A.j . Wednesday ‘evenings from 5:30 to 6:30 ‘ ' income-eligible particlpantscan receive free _ saticn aids. _Refreshments_wi|l be provided. 7' t ‘ Transportation ’arrangeme_r'its can be made for: " you. For further information, please call the Work Departmentat . _ A BURLINGTON’ :"R.u.r.2.?}f. none &-Munchies Night. 7 PM.vCome for q'ueer._fi_lm‘ and fun! HANOVER, "NH -t Gay soooer&Nlgnis.VAsee I A Wednesday 5th for more information. K , . ST JOHNSBURY - Vemiont CARES - Needle , Exchange & Oral HIV Testing. See Weds, 5th. Thursday 13 BURLINGTON - R.U.12.? - Mixed Gender Coming Out Support Group.’ 6:30 PM. The mixed gender coming outsupport group meets at R.U.1.2? on the second and fourth Thursday of every month. Co-facilitated by. supportive peers. and r519Ftialéltea|thr>r°fé%9S*¢>U€*‘Sr8"t$°Peh=te~ all ’le‘sbAian.;’gay; bisexual transgender and questions ‘- r 1 ing adults age 23. and up. FM!» 802.860.7812 or . . tl't9CerItel’@it.lA12.Dl'A9._A. ’T6.ul1'ng ' BURLINGTON - R.U.i.2.? — Trans Partners and Allies Group, 6:30 PM. Are you dating. in a civil ‘ union, married or attracted to a person who is transgendered? Looking for others like you to meet and talk in a safe and casual atmosphere? We have the peer support you've been looking _ for! FMl, 802.860.7812 or fheoenter@ruf 2.org. BURLINGTON - Outright VT ~ Friday Night Group . See Friday 7th for more information. BURLINGTON — Borders - Author Series. Meet Graphic Novelist Jan-lves Campbell with The League of Super Groovy Crime Fighters - wouldnt it be funky if all those wacky advertise- ments in old comicbooks. or the prizes at the bot- tom of cereal boxes, granted real powers? Who wouldn't want X-ray specs that really worked? Or to be a "he-man” ovemlght’? How about getting your black belt by mail? That’s exactly what hap- ‘ . pens when a handful of men and women who I order novelty items from comic books, instead get _ .;A items of real power. Jan-lves will have some fun, super groovy give-aways for everyone who A A. to meet him and correctly answers a comic i ‘ question! www.ancienlstudios.com. KEENE, NH - AIDS Services for the Monadnock _ ' Region — JUST DESSERTS X will be held on Friday, May 14 and Saturday, May 15, 2004 at the . * Marlborough Community House. As is customary, _ A. the evening will begin with a dessert buffet frorrl 6- 7:30, where attendees will decide the winner of the dessert contest. Professional entriesA,(restau- » rants, caterers) will be judged on Friday night. and Amateur entries (individuals) on Saturday. The 90- minute show begins atA7:30pm. Dessert donations’ and contest entries are now being accepted; desserts in all categories are welcome, and must provide at least 50 mini servirigs for voting pur- poses. Call AIDS Services for an entry form. Admission is $20/person. or a reduced fee of $140 for a table of 8. Seating is limited, so reserve NOW by calling AIDS Services to purchase tick- ets. Reach ASMR by calling (603) 357-6855. gMol§l,T,l3l:Lil?,R,-nlyennalk Records.» concert , Seri‘es.»6’-’8 p.rn.' Heather Mcz Jazz:Ensernl:lle.' 4 .- lnstrurnentals & Vocals. 4 Langdon Street '1*liE[‘ri=oao,~ Arnelia‘s Book ciubjlvieetlng, 7; AmeliAa'sABook Club Meeting. The selection is Well of ALoneiinessA_by,Ftadclyife Hall FA-‘Ml: Nancy and A Sarah 802-785-2612. ' Paquin:Don'tmissthisA~,AAA A ‘ A ., ‘BETHLEHEM, - l-lighland, Inn -' Concert ‘ Series. See Friday 14th for more Alnfonrrlation. . " ' Catalyst Theatre. Co, .n,,~“l-low! to eat Like a Chltd;.Cataiyst.irheafre'Col1‘lp_ahyAof Burlingiion . ' o'w_To;EA.T,: D _ ' ..Yeah. Masaachusettsl.C9m6 m.e9t..s9me.new . V Meeting. See Monday 3rd for more information. ' WHITE RIVER JUNCTlON - Poetry Night at the A Matte and Michael of the Cooler Gallery are prov- ' ting again how cool they are by inviting Cat and ’ - i3/n‘=7'*!!7.‘nln"‘,é’n’.n‘3'*‘.?T“°'T“”i'i?9 '’°i"!°'Ul= *. Memorial Hall. Dates & Times: (6 shows) May 15. 16, 22 @ 3:00 pm; May 15, 21. 22 @ 7:30 pm. TIX: Flynn Theatre Box Office 863-5966. KEENE, NH - AIDS Services for the Monadnock Region - Just Desserts X. See Friday 14th MONTEPLIER - Riverwalk Records - Concert Series. Saturday, May 15 - 7-9 p.m. Blue Fox Blues GultarNocals. 4 Langdon Street. ’ Sunday 1 6 BENNINGTON - VT Freedom to Marry Task Force will hold an informational gathering in Bennington, VT at 2:00 PM. 802-442-8816. BURLINGTON - Christ Church Presbyterian - Sunday Service. See Sunday 2nd for more info. BURLINGTON - Women's Spirituality Group. See > Sunday 2nd for more inforrnatlon. BURLINGTON - Borders - Lyle King - Borders is pleased to welcome back Burlington's own award- ‘ winning acoustic singer/songwriter, Lyle King. Lyle "fr won first place in Burllngton's Acoustic Guitar ' Search in 2001. His debut CD, Left Standing. released in 2002, has received high praise from fans and critics alike for it's melodic folk-rock/pop sound that successfully blends solo and full band styles while maintaining the overall acoustic vibe for which he is known. ESSEX - Catalyst Theatre Co. - How to Eat Like a a Child. See Saturday 15th for more lnforrnation. Monday 17 BENNINGTON - Benningion Area Home Health & ‘Hospice - Bereavement Support. See Monday 3rd BURLINGTON - VT Freedom to Marry Task 1 Force, After Dinner Parry, 7:30 at 135 Pearl to cel- ebrate the first same-sex marriages in the U.S.A. people and have somefun. MONTPELIER - Survivors oi Incest Anonymous - f ~\. 5:.-_‘)§:. ¢e‘~1*-.» 'l'rp Top will continuel.... time is moved up to 7 PM,5n as it gets dark so eariy now. And, good news, ' 3;‘ . ri her band of rhyming rovers to hold "Poetry Night at the Tip Top" up there! Third Monday of each month! Plead new or old work, or if1eAjworkof_af _ favorite poet, or... whatever! Rants about the cur- rent adr'n,inistration,particularly welcome! ‘ their allies to be visible and vocal about their ideas, dreams, and needs as members of all of Ve_rmoAnt’s communities. Youth Pride IS open to everyone from aroundA Vermont to come and recognize and support Vermont's queer youth. Youth Pride is spon- sored b Haymarket People's fund. R 12?, and 99.9 the BUzzA. For more info, check out Outright Vermont's website, at WvlAIw.outrlghtvt.orAg, or call the offlcezt 1-800-GL CHAT. "Take $50 for That Lamp?" Safespace is holding a Yard Sale.! Save the Date: Saturday, May 15. if you'd like to_ donate items for us to sell, or lfAyou’d like more information, give us a call at the office: 863.0003. Alt s the eriect Spring opportunity to c ean outt ose basements, garages, and closets! A If you are interested in holding a fundraiser for Safespace please contact Hannah Hauser at Hannah@safespace\Art.org. ideas for nifty fundraisers are warmly welcomed! _ Our search continues for folks interested in joining our fantastic board! For more infor- mation or an application, con- tact Kara at Kara@safe- _ spacevt.or or call the office at 802.863.0 03. A _ Safespace IS a_ social. change and social service organization working to end physical, sexual, and emotional violence in the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, rtieer, and questioning _ ( GBTQQ) people. We rovlde information, support, re errals, and advocacy to LGBTQQ sur- vivors of violence and offer edu- cation and outreach programs in the wider community. A Closer to Pride ' Pride draws closer! We're lust a little over two months away from this year's Pride cele ra- tion! Pride will be boundlessly successful with YOUR support! If you're interested in helping out, send an email to pridever- mont@pridevermont.org. We're lookin for folks who can help sprea the word about Pride and folks for the day of Pride (Save the date: July 10!)A. Parade re istration forms are due SO N! Now is your chance to register to be in the parade. Folks who have a booth and march with the parade get a special discount! or more information and a Parade Registration Form, see the homepage of our website: www.pridevermont.org or con- tact us at parade @ pridever- mont.org! . If you'd like to be a sponsor of Pride or have a booth the day of Vermont's Pride celebration, you can now access those downloadable registration forms on our web- site as well! V