DOFI "ontinti”eTdtrjom_ page 1 _ 1 ‘ma Chrernonf (7/Jam 7%u5e [603]§42~4433 umnucéiremoniv nowecam Nancy Ellen Judd, MA Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor COUNSELING AND PSYCHOTHERAPY §802i863.2084 2 CHURCH STREET, BURLINGTON VT 05401 TEENS I ADULTS I INDIVIDUALS I COUPLES Glenn Steinman 3 Financial Representative, NEF Vermont ywigyr Evirsnaiiiza. F?i'§ANC¥AvL: wwuawar (802) 264—6619 Life 86 Disability Insurance Long Term Care Insurance 0 Investment Strategies Retirement Planning 0 Business Planning out, ‘long before pigs fly. ’ I Someof Josie Charlotte with her partner and their companion ani- nujls. ‘ ‘ « Roberts efi§“Sh ui Advisor / ‘t I. 8 310.6770 ww\} Now scheduling group workshops for fall 2004 Events Activities Advocacy Education Networking Buyer's CO-Op Vermont“ ,A___ People With AIDS Coalition P.O. Box 11 Montpelier, VT 05601-0011 in Vermont 800-698-8792 or 802-229-5754 W/\'I‘l".R (TARF. SYSTI-ZNI B A Bromine-Free. chlorine-Free. care-I-‘roe. wwvmgofopoolsfuff. com Haidwlck Chlmnractic Montpelier Chiropractic 54 School Circle 58 East State Street East Hartlwtck. Vi 05838 Murttpelter. \i\ 05802 ‘ 502-472-3033 802-223-2957 www.hgtverm0nt,net www.bgiverm0ntnet ‘A Go/it/ye,‘ Effective ji/ea./iii Care Dr. Grace Johnstone Dr. Rick Eschholz Anywhere, Anyplace, Anytime. % CHILD TRAVEL senvrces COLCHESTER 0 SO. BURLINGTON BURLINGTON 0 ST. JOHNSBURY 1-800-203-2929 WWW.CHlLDTRAVEL.COM North I’rot'cssi0n;ils R E / M /\ 463 Mountain View Drive Suite 200 Colchester, VT 05446 Phone: 802-655-3333 x45 Fax: 802-655-0400 Email: Securities products ofiired through New England Securities, Boston MA. CD4? 200306229 exp.7/31/04 Susan McKenzie MS. Jungian Psychoanalyst Licensed Psychologist — Master Specializing in issues of Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual and Transgendered individuals and couples Quechee — White River Junction (802) 295-5533 Insurance Accepted